Pokemon: I farm in Zhenxin Town

Chapter 374 Arriving in time

In a hurry, Pichu only had time to create a wall of light for himself, hoping to block the attack of the other six elves.

But this is almost impossible, almost impossible.

How could an entry-level elf withstand the attack of six elite-level elves?

There is even a gym leader-level elf inside, which is definitely not something Pichu can stop at this time.

Even Xiaochi's Skin God doesn't have that ability.

Inoue Hideaki has closed his eyes. He can't have such a qualified elf.

Obviously I just thought of it, you can ask the Rockets if there is anything they can do.

Such good qualifications must be at least cyan or above.

Inoue Hideaki has never had the opportunity to buy an elf with such qualifications. This is the first time he has encountered one in the wild.

Although this was an elf that had obviously been subdued, Inoue Hideaki still felt it was a pity.

It would be great if this elf belonged to him.

He can move into a more powerful realm, and this Pichu doesn't have to die.

If Pichu knew that Hideaki Inoue shed crocodile tears, he would probably scold him to death.

Hideaki Inoue's six elves all showed cruel eyes.

In fact, this is not the first time they have done such a thing.

Looking at the highly qualified elf in front of them, they couldn't bear it at all.

Following a trainer will subtly change the elf's mind.

Most of the elves in the elf world are actually relatively simple.

Even if they are evil or ghost-type elves, most of them just like to play pranks and will not do anything harmful to elves or humans.

Well, mostly so.

But if an elf has a trainer and has followed the trainer for a long time, its personality will also change according to the trainer's personality.

The ones in front of me are for this reason.

Pichu closed his eyes and felt the toxins spreading in his body. Pichu felt that he might not be able to survive this time.

Still remember, when I was born...

I still remember the first time I saw Taiyi...

Still remember, when Taiyi was fed for the first time...

Still remember, when I was fighting for food with the metal monster and the gem starfish...

Still remember, when the tree monster and the gem starfish could leave her no food at all, but the two elves left a lot of food...

A short, yet slightly wonderful life flashed before my eyes.

Pichu felt a strange feeling and a bright light rose.

Inoue Hideaki, who had his eyes closed, opened them and saw that the Pichu had actually evolved.

Pikachu: Rat Pokémon

Level: 31

Attributes: Electricity/Superpower

Features: Lightning rod

Qualification: Blue

Gender: Female

Skills: Electric shock, tail wagging, coquettishness, enchantment, flash of lightning, wall of light, teleportation, harmony, angel's kiss

The unexpected evolution allowed Pikachu to quickly leave the novice stage and enter the professional level.

But even so, an elf-level elf is no match for him.

But the attack of the six elves did not break Pikachu's wall of light.

"How is this going?"

Hideaki Inoue was a little surprised at first. Pikachu evolved at such a critical time and survived the attack. This makes Inoue Hideaki's previous ideas more feasible.

But then, Inoue Hideaki knew that this was simply impossible.

Because, with Pikachu's strength, how could it be possible that just because of one evolution, after its strength increased greatly, it could be compared to six elves that were far superior to her?

The answer came quickly.

Almost instantly, two elves moved over.

The mental force and the cannon instantly attacked Hideaki Inoue and the six elves.

"How, how is it possible!"

Inoue Hideaki couldn't believe his eyes. How long had it been before someone caught up with him?

The teleportation of the two elves made Inoue Hideaki know that his whereabouts had been exposed.

As for how he was exposed, he didn't know that the other party was following Pichu.

The problem is, these two elves are too powerful.

Although looking at the facts alone, it is an elite level. Logically speaking, it is impossible to defeat the Abo monster.

Not to mention, there are five other elves of his here.

But the two elves on the opposite side have too much energy. Even if they move over instantly, well, they even blessed Pikachu with a wall of light before.

Nowadays, there are even more attacks.

After the cannon, there was the destructive light. After that, the metal monster directly attacked with a mental hammer, directly dividing several of its elves.

This, this isn't Dr. Omu's elf, is it?

Although Inoue Hideaki knows that Dr. Oki in Zhenxin Town is a good trainer, he will not come. Dr. Oki is a king-level trainer!

Even recently, there was an elf that broke through to the championship level.

He thought that these outstanding elves must belong to Dr. Oak.

As a doctor, cultivating such a powerful elf is not something that cannot be believed at all.

The gem starfish kept firing water cannons, but here, there was no river to replenish her water.

But this gem starfish is as if it has been injected with chicken blood, it is so powerful.

After a while, the road here became muddy.

At this time, even if Inoue Hideaki wanted to escape with Paraster, there was nothing he could do.

Because the car was stuck in the mud, with his strength, he couldn't push it at all.

In addition, even if you want to use the elf to push it, there is no way.

The six elves were actually suppressed by two of the opponent's elves.

Abo Monster tried to spit out venom several times, but was blocked by the opponent's wall of light.

There's nothing we can do about it, the opponent's actual combat experience seems to be very powerful.

He even predicted the attacks of several of his elves.

"Double bomb gas, smoke."

With no other choice, Inoue Hideaki had no choice but to let the double-bomb gas spit out smoke, so that he could escape alone with a few elves.

He took back the elves, leaving only the Arbo monster to protect him and Heiluga as his mount.

Hideaki Inoue ran away in despair, and the metal monster wanted to catch up.

But Gem Starfish is calmer. He found Parasite and wanted to stay and protect Pikachu.

Gem Starfish: "Take them back, they seem to be poisoned."

The metal monster didn't dare to separate, for fear that the other party would counterattack again.

Taking Parasite and Pikachu with them, the two elves used telekinesis to lift up the other two companions and headed back towards Zhenxin Town.

Over there, Inoue Hideaki ran far away before slowing down a little.

It's not that he doesn't have any ideas or regrets.

In fact, although his elf was suppressed by the opponent just now, there is still a chance to defeat the opponent.

The opponent is an elf from Zhenxin Town, so it is unlikely that he will take the initiative to attack the trainer.

Well, those affected don’t count.

With the trainer's command, Inoue Hideaki is still confident of defeating the opponent.

But in the short term, I'm afraid it won't work.

Now that they have been discovered, the owners of the two elves will arrive soon.

Even if it's not Dr. Ohki, it's definitely not easy for a trainer to train such an outstanding elf.

Two of them are already so difficult to deal with. If a team comes, or even more than one team, he can't beat them.

When the time comes for him to be captured, Inoue Hideaki feels that he will definitely suffer a loss.

After so many years of experience, Hideaki Inoue knows that only if he is not caught will he have a chance.

"I'm afraid there is nothing we can do about the alliance. In the future, I may really want to join the Rockets." Inoue Hideaki murmured to himself.

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