Pokemon: I farm in Zhenxin Town

Chapter 376 Detoxification

On the panels of the two elves, the poisonous state was clearly visible, Taichi could see it at a glance.

"Fortunately, when I made potions for Xiao Chi, I also made some antidote potions."

Taiyi felt a little lucky in his heart and took out the antidote potion to detoxify the two elves.

In this world, we still have to be good people.

If Taiyi hadn't made the detoxification potion for Xiao Chi before, Taiyi wouldn't have made this kind of potion at all, and there would be no way to detoxify the two elves at this time.

Pikachu has evolved once, which makes Taichi a little unhappy.

It has just been hatched for more than a month and has not been cultivated much, so it has evolved.

He wanted Pichu to enjoy his childhood, because his body was still growing and he couldn't do high-intensity exercise so soon.

Some good things are done step by step and not used in advance.

Taichi didn't expect that Pikachu would chase after him as soon as he was a spirit.

This somewhat misses the previous cultivation. Although Pichu's qualification is already blue qualification, even if it is cultivated, the improvement will be limited.

But this evolution really missed a lot.

It was a pity, but there was nothing Taichi could do.

Shu Lao said: "The moon waxes and wanes, and this has never been the case in ancient times. Perhaps this is to let you understand a truth. Nothing can be perfect."

Taiyi silently accepted this comfort, but it seemed that Pikachu's poison was not completely eliminated, and Parasite's was lighter.

This is why Inoue Hideaki feels that Paraster is more important, so he has some discretion in his actions.

Later, Pichu's prank made Inoue Hideaki very angry and wanted to kill him quickly.

So when the Abo monster attacked, it was much more serious.

This is because the venom of the Abo monster was extracted before, and the venom on its body was accumulated recently.

Otherwise, the situation would have to be serious.

"How's it going?" Dr. Omu also rushed over with people at this time.

Taiyi shook his head: "I took them back first, and the two elves were poisoned."

Taichi said, having already taken out the elf ball and put the two elf away.

Before Dr. Damu could speak, he had already asked Bi Diao to come back and take him back.

At this time, the Elf Center is naturally more reliable.

Taiyi's education knowledge is pretty good, but in the end it's still not as good as Grandma Joy's.

What's more, people have been practicing medicine for generations.

"Joy, help me take a look at them." Taiyi ran into the elf center and immediately asked for help.

Miss Joy also knew what happened in Zhenxin Town, so she went in directly with the Poké Ball without asking.

Taiyi wanted to go in and take a look, but he also knew that it would be better not to go in and cause trouble.

The waiting time is excruciating.

Xiaozhi didn't know when he came over and comforted him: "Brother Taiyi, are they okay? I just saw that man arresting Paraster, but when I went to find you, you weren't there. I will inform Dr. Omu ”

Despite some hindsight, Xiaozhi still has a good heart.

And it can be seen that Xiaozhi is really worried.

Therefore, the stupid Xiaozhi did not succeed casually.

At least Xiaozhi is sincere about his feelings towards the elves.

After a while, Dr. Omu also came, taking the elves with him.

Taiyi didn't like these elves very much, but he didn't do anything extreme.

Dr. Oak nodded: "Although they are Team Rocket's elves, they will be sent to the Elf Cultivation Center. It's good that you can restrain your anger."

In any case, the mistakes made by humans cannot be borne by the elves.

These elves were obviously abandoned by their trainers.

After that, their life may not be too easy.

Elven prisons, or breeding centers, serve as seeds.

This kind of well-cultivated elf can still be used as a seed.

Dr. Oak asked Joey to bring these elves in, and they still need to be treated before they are delivered to the alliance.

Then Dr. Oak asked: "How is Paraster? Why do I seem to see Pichu evolving?"

Taiyi sighed: "Yes. I still have many training plans, but they have not been implemented yet. This is evolution and a lot of wasted opportunities."

Dr. Ohmu patted Taiyi on the shoulder: "Evolution has evolved, and it is only the tacit understanding between you and her that can prompt Pichu to evolve."

As Dr. Oak, who has a king-level peak Raichu, he naturally knows the conditions for Pichu to evolve.

But Taiyi felt that the conditions for Pichu's evolution might not only be achieved through intimacy with him.

In fact, although he and Pichu have been together for a long time, they should not have reached such a high level of intimacy.

It should be that he has reached the level of intimacy with the metal monster and the gem starfish.

So, this is why there are Pikachu and Raichu in the wild.

When the elves are close to each other, it can also promote the evolution of the elves.

This means that in fact, the ugly fish has evolved, and there may be other spirits. Do you believe that the ugly fish is beautiful?

Well, I'm afraid only the inside of the ChouChou fish can believe that the ChouChou fish is beautiful?

No, there is also the Salted Fish King and the Goldfish King.

Many thoughts came to mind, but Taiyi didn't think about them that much.

Although this information was all remembered by him.

Looking back, we must summarize and then experiment.

But at this moment, all he was thinking about was Parasite and Pikachu.

Finally, Joey Ying came out and smiled, and Taiyi felt relieved.

Joy Ying said: "This poisoned elf is very poisonous. It took us a lot of effort to detoxify it."

Fortunately, although the poison is powerful, it is still within Miss Joy's ability.

"This is also related to the detoxification method you used before. But I think the effect of the detoxification potion inside is different from the ordinary detoxification potions on the market."

Taidao: "Well, I improved the formula of the detoxification potion myself. I added some Coptis chinensis and changed the dosage of some ingredients."

Joy Ying's eyes lit up: "I can tell which ones they are... Well, you should go see Paraster and Pikachu first."

Although Joey Ying was anxious to know how to improve it, she knew that Taiyi at this moment was more concerned about Parasite and Pikachu and had no intention of giving her an answer.

Taidao: "It will be published in the next issue of the alliance journal. You will know then."

There are only a few days left, and there is no need for Taiyi to discuss it with Joey Ying at this time.

Joy Ying nodded: "Yeah, okay. It's only two days... you can go."

Dr. Omu smiled and said, "You are all good children who love to learn."

Joy Ying shook her head: "I can't compare to Taiyi. How old is he? Nowadays, papers are being published one by one. And they are all improved pharmaceutical formulas and so on. When I checked Pikachu's body just now, he was shocked. . The elf that injects venom is quite strong, and the venom is specially cultivated. If it weren’t for this unusually effective potion, Pikachu would have suffered a lot."

Dr. Oki asked: "Is this antidote potion more effective than the ordinary antidote potions on the market?"

"Much better, at least more than 30 percent."

This is already a very large number. This expression and the effect of this potion are indeed very good.

What Dr. Oki is thinking about is that this may cause quite a disturbance.

The antidote on the market, if I remember correctly, should be the patent of that doctor.

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