Pokemon: I farm in Zhenxin Town

Chapter 373 Pichu is in danger

When Taiyi took off on the Bi Diao, the metal monster and the gem starfish had already found Pichu's super power fluctuation.

This wave, like the waveguide, is unique to everyone.

Even the elves are the same.

There are no two identical leaves in the world, nor can you find two identical elves.

Although Parasite, the metal monster and the gem starfish are familiar, it is not that easy to find them.

Because they don't know waveguides, they can't search through waveguides.

But they are very familiar with Pichu. The experience of often grabbing food together made them familiar with each other, and they could sense each other's superpowers with just some clues.

The two elves quickly rushed to Pichu's place through teleportation.

At this moment, Inoue Hideaki was already suffering from nervous breakdown caused by Pichu's various pranks.

Hideaki Inoue released all his elves: "Find me that troublesome elf and kill it!"

Generally speaking, trainers will not kill elves, even if they are seriously injured.

Because being seen by one's own elves will inevitably hurt others.

This is what every trainer will be told before leaving home and after receiving the initial elves.

But at this time, Inoue Hideaki felt that he couldn't bear it anymore.


Big Needle Bee, Black Luca, Bad Butterfly, Fire Eevee, Abo Monster, Double Bomb Gas, each one has an elite level.

The Arbo monster is the highest level among all the elves in Inoue Hideaki.

Fully qualified as a gym leader, up to level 53!

Arbor: Cobra Pokémon

Level: 53

Attribute: Poison

Characteristics: Intimidation

Qualification: Green

Gender: Male

Skills: Bite, Stare, Sting, Sting, Dissolve, Charge, Swallow, Venom Blast

Although this elf only has green qualifications, its green content is very high, with a full 95% appearance.

Going further is not impossible.

Although there are few moves, this is also the tragedy of civilian trainers.

They themselves have no inheritance and cannot guide the elves to practice these moves.

In addition, without seniors, one cannot learn moves from senior spirits.

As for any learning machine, Taiyi has never seen it. There should be none, or it should be extremely rare.

However, although this Arbo monster does not have many moves, every move is well trained.

Especially the trick of dissolving liquid, this Arbo monster is very good at it.

In addition, there is the venom impact move.

This Arbo monster is taking the path of venom.

Because Inoue Hideaki doesn't know much about nurturing, well, at least not at the beginning.

But Inoue Hideaki also has his own idea, that is, the most terrifying thing about spirits like Abo is poison.

Although it is also said that the patterns on the Abo monster are very scary and can be used to cultivate powerful elves.

But Hideaki Inoue has no inheritance, and he doesn’t know how to develop those patterns.

Therefore, developing venom became Inoue Hideaki's only way out.

He tried his best to find all the venom and gave it to the Arbo monster. During this period, he almost poisoned the Arbo monster several times.

Well, as a poison-type elf, Abo Monster was almost sent away by poison.

This is a funny joke in itself, but it is an unavoidable norm in reality.

There is no other way. If a civilian trainer wants to get ahead, he has to be so unique.

Unexpectedly, after several thrilling encounters, this Arbor monster did survive.

After that, the combat effectiveness of this Arbo monster increased sharply.

Even if the level is not as good as others, Abo Monster still relies on poison to be able to do anything!

This time, Inoue Hideaki was offended, and he decided to kill this disgusting elf.

The Arbo monster will be released, and when the time comes, it will attack the enemy with poison as soon as possible.

Pichu is very fast and has developed super powers.

These days, although there is no training, I still meditate with Taiyi and other elves.

Many elves who are not superpowers have also been taught meditation methods by Taiyi.

Meditation, in addition to increasing superpowers, can actually strengthen the soul.

At this point, there will be great resistance to tricks such as hypnosis.

Pichu: Mouse Pokémon

Level: 25

Attributes: Electricity/Superpower

Features: Lightning rod

Qualification: Blue

Gender: Female

Skills: Electric shock, tail wagging, coquettishness, enchantment, lightning flash, wall of light, teleportation

Although he only learned one more move, teleportation, Pichu has mastered the only move more skillfully and dexterously.

Especially the lightning flash and coquettishness, these are the two tricks Pichu is best at.

But in the end, it is still an entry-level elf. Although it is fast, its strength cannot be improved.

In front of several elite-level elves, there was also a gym leader-level elf. Pichu dodged many times, but he was eventually found.

Abo Monster immediately used venom impact, but Pichu was fast and dodged it in time.

But it was still somewhat contaminated, and Pichu immediately felt a little dizzy.

She wagged her tail and made a cute gesture.

This is a tail wagging, lowering the opponent's vigilance, and a charming move. This cute elf can easily gain the other's pity, thus making the other party unable to make moves.

Obviously, several of Inoue Hideaki's elves showed hesitation.

This shows that Pichu's moves are still very useful.

Even Hideaki Inoue was hesitant, but Hideaki Inoue was more interested in the qualifications of this Pichu.

"Such a powerful qualification. This elf should already be so powerful not long after it was born? Moreover, the fur on this body looks so smooth. This elf has been well nurtured."

He was a little pity. This elf had very high qualifications. If it were an elf in the wild, he could conquer it and make it his main force.

After reaching the elite level, several of his Pokémon lacked stamina, except for the Arbo monster that broke through to the gym leader level.

The other elves, no matter how hard they try, can't seem to get any further.

He had no other way to learn. He only knew that his elf's qualifications were not very good. He went to the elf center to check, and it was indeed not very good.

If you don't have good qualifications, you won't be able to learn more moves, and you can't even master the use of energy and moves better.

This cut off Hideaki Inoue's further ambitions.

Inoue Hideaki's eyes were filled with jealousy and hatred.

The hesitation in Inoue Hideaki's heart disappeared immediately, and he ordered: "Kill her."

Pichu was stunned, used all his strength, used lightning flash, and left the place.

She didn't even have time to use teleportation.

This poison is really powerful.

Pichu regretted a little, why did he just run out as an elf.

She should call the other elves, they are much stronger than her.

At least, call the metal monster and the gem starfish.

The three elves, playing together, actually became emotional.

Several of Inoue Hideaki's elves took action, but he suddenly thought: "By the way, Team Rocket doesn't know if there is a way to recover the elves that have been recovered? If it can, I can..."

At this time, he wanted to shout stop, but it was too late.

The six elves started to attack Pichu together.

It was already difficult for Pichu to even dodge, and she thought to herself: "Am I going to die here? Taiyi, Metal Monster, Gem Starfish, where are you?"

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