Pokemon: I farm in Zhenxin Town

Chapter 363 The beginning of the establishment of the platform

As soon as Tai came back, Akagi Yanghei asked: "How was it?"

Tai nodded and added: "However, this thing must be produced by energy, but the time is uncertain. After all, a lot of things are involved."

In addition to patent issues, there are also various production links, as well as interest negotiations with Dewen Company, and some interest issues among the major forces in the alliance.

These are all big things and cannot be accomplished in a short time.

On the contrary, production is the simplest.

These things are already ready-made. Although the technologies such as video phones are not as good as those of smartphones, they are still universal.

The Alliance can even produce aircraft, but these technologies are not child’s play?

Akagi Yangping felt a little pity, but Taichi smiled and said: "But this has nothing to do with our platform. These things are just ancillary products of the platform we created this time. It can bring great profits, but it is real It has nothing to do with the platform. Anyway, I have these products, I assemble some first, it has nothing to do with mass production."

Without him, the patent is there, and it is impossible for a large company like Devon to infringe the patent and produce it.

But for private individuals, it is not an infringement if they just use it for their own use and do not generate any economic benefits.

Akagi Yangping was stunned and quickly figured it out.

Taidao: "In the past two days, I will assemble the mobile phone. When the time comes, I will continue to improve the platform. As for the rest, I will leave it to you. In the future, for those who use the platform, every time they complete a task, you can Take one thousandth of the mission merit."

Taiyi doesn't have that much time to develop the platform, so he simply uses one thousandth of the platform's profit to let Akagi Hinata do this.

Of course, the wool comes from the sheep, and these are actually obtained from the people who join the platform.

At first glance, Akagi Yanghei thought it was less than one thousandth.

But if you think about it carefully, if you are yourself, you must complete a lot of tasks every year. Taken together, it is not too small.

In addition, as long as I develop more people and complete more tasks, won't the commission come out?

This thing depends entirely on quantity.

Seeing that Akagi Yangping understood, Taichi chuckled and said: "You have to know, this ratio is not small. There are a lot of civilian trainers. As long as a thousand people complete the task, you are equivalent to completing one task. You have to understand that there is actually no conflict between the tasks of these one thousand people. They can take over the task at the same time and complete the task. Their time does not conflict. "

Taiyi is like a pyramid schemer, trying hard to instill an idea.

But this is a completely real product, which is different from a pyramid scheme.

Of course Akagi Yanghei knows that, he himself is a member of the civilian trainers, and he knows that it is not easy for civilian trainers.

If conditions permit, everyone is naturally willing to participate.

Taiyi added: "By the way, the cost of the mobile phone needs to be deducted from each of their missions. Of course, each deduction is very small, five alliance coins at a time. And the mobile phone is converted at the cost price."

Naturally, Taiyi cannot provide these mobile phones for free. It is only based on cost price, which is already very conscientious.

Akagi Hinata naturally knows that there is no free lunch in the world.

The conditions here in Taiyi are already very good.

Some of the tasks already included are really not too difficult.

Although it's not something that's too popular, you can dig it up just by digging around.

There is no need to post tasks when resting things, just buy them directly.

The tasks inside are all slightly difficult, but the difficulty is moderate, and you can achieve them with a little effort.

Akagi Yanghei can easily do it himself. Everything is judged based on his strength.

There are some that are slightly more difficult and some that are slightly easier.

The difficult ones will naturally be rewarded more, and the easy ones will naturally lower the standards.

This is beyond reproach.

Akagi Yangping nodded: "I will start in two days."

He has actually contacted a group of people long ago, and everyone is waiting for this platform to come out.

There is no way, there are too few channels for civilian trainers to rise.

Just for some tasks in the alliance, the pay is too little, and most of them are pure labor, such as the quarrying work of the quarry boy.

Part of the reason why civilian trainers are unable to take on tasks that require some technical skills.

Another part of the reason is that those jobs have been taken over by some groups.

Most of them are companies run by the children of some families.

The other part is the best of the civilian training families. Due to luck, they rose from the civilian training families and then monopolized the remaining part.

Most civilian trainers have no way out.

This is the reality of the world. Those with vested interests are always in the minority.

The way to rise is monopolized by these few people.

By doing this, Taiyi opened up another channel to allow civilian trainers to rise.

Although Ibaraki's oppression has not been so profound, the opportunity is right in front of him, and he will naturally seize it.

In the future, it may be possible to be promoted and become one of those few people.

In the past few days, Taiyi has also been seizing the time to assemble more mobile phones.

Three days later, Akagi Yangping set off from Zhenxin Town with 200 assembled mobile phones.

This platform is called the Rising Sun.

Because like the rising sun, it represents the hope of civilian trainers.

In Joban City, Akagi Yanghei met with those people at the Elf Center, booked a room, and held a meeting inside.

So many people were meeting together, but it attracted Miss Joy's attention.

However, after some research, I found out that it was a small private organization, just signing up for groups to keep warm.

This is also very common in the elf world. There will be some outstanding civilian trainers passing by. They are not willing to live in a life of no success, so they will gather some people and form a group to keep warm.

Of course, most of the time, the power of most civilian trainers is used to help that small group of people rise.

But after these people rise, it is unclear whether they will still remember the group of civilian trainers who supported them in the first place.

However, there is no way to prevent this kind of thing, and of course it will not cause too much commotion.

Miss Joy paid no more attention.

In the room, Akagi Yangping distributed mobile phones and taught everyone to turn them on.

"Yes, just press and hold this button. It is the same as an ordinary mobile phone, but our mobile phone has a computer operating interface."

"Yes, it's this app. Because this is a mobile phone built by Mr. Taiyi, the Rising Sun app is pre-installed. This app is the platform for us to take on tasks in the future."

"Everyone can go in and take a look. Visitors can browse, but they cannot accept tasks. Well, some videos cannot be viewed."

"This requires you to register with your real identity. Don't worry, these things are very affordable. And just for registration, you don't need to pay any alliance coins."

"However, if you are willing to accept this mobile phone and become a part of the platform, then after the subsequent tasks are completed. This mobile phone needs to deduct 5 alliance coins each time as the cost of the mobile phone. Until the cost of the mobile phone is deducted, after that the mobile phone It’s your own. Of course, no fees will be deducted for subsequent tasks.”

"Inside here..."

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