Pokemon: I farm in Zhenxin Town

Chapter 362 Equity Distribution

In the elf world, I saw that several of the big guys were king-level trainers, and two of them were doctors.

Taiyi looked at these people, playing with their smartphones, and suddenly felt a little strange.

If this scene were to appear in a fairy anime, it would be a drama.

But here’s the reality, here they are playing with their smartphones.

He is an insightful person who knows what kind of changes the smartphone revolution will bring to the world.

Dr. Oki sighed: "How come no one thought of developing this thing before?"

Mikri nodded: "Technically, it's completely mature. It's just that no one thought of it."

Damucheng also said the same: "Yes. I just played for a while and feel that this thing will definitely occupy a large part of my time in the future. It will even lead some trends in the world."

The people present were all far-sighted. After seeing a smartphone and playing with it, they knew the great future of this thing.

Mikli even asked: "I wonder if the production of this thing can be authorized to Devon Company?"

Mi Keli himself also has some small shares in Dewen Company, which were donated by Dawu.

A powerful king-level trainer is really important to a company.

A king-level trainer can save the company a lot of trouble.

Moreover, king-level trainers also have a series of alliance discounts.

These are the values ​​of Mikri.

What's more, they are still brothers and have feelings for each other.

Mi Keli didn't expect that he came here just in case. If Taiyi could solve the problem of the evolution conditions of the ugly fish, then the gorgeous contest could have a greater impact.

This is not only helping the gorgeous competition, but also helping Mi Keli himself.

Everyone knows that the synonym for the gorgeous competition is Mi Keli.

Tai nodded: "It's okay. Anyway, I will definitely not produce it myself. This thing must be authorized by a certain company. By the way, let Dewen Company send someone to negotiate as soon as possible. Regarding the licensing contract, we Need to discuss in detail. Of course, in terms of alliance currency, my requirements are not too high. But correspondingly, I need other resources, such as tree fruits, herbs and elf eggs, and I need Devon Company to be able to favor me. "

Regarding these discussions, Mi Keli immediately nodded and agreed.

Over there, Dr. Oki coughed and said, "Taiyi, have you thought about how to deal with this patent?"

Dr. Oki didn't say it clearly, but Taiyi understood that there was a big cake inside.

Taiyi smiled and said: "I wonder if the doctor's family is willing to help negotiate the various conditions for this patent? If so, it will be left to the doctor's family to negotiate with Dewen Company now."

Taiyi's meaning is very clear. If the Damu family comes to negotiate this condition, he will sit back and enjoy it.

Of course, the most important patent, Taiyi, has been taken out. The subsequent negotiations and the preservation of these interests depend on Dr. Ohki.

Dr. Omu and Omu Cheng also looked at each other, and both saw shock and agreement in each other's eyes.

The shocking thing is that Taiyi is just an eleven-year-old child, but he is very experienced in this regard.

And agree, naturally this is the cake.

Since the rise of Dr. Omu and Chengya Omu, the Omu family has indeed become an emerging family within the alliance.

Because the people who come here are all king-level trainers, the Omu family still has a good say in the alliance.

But in terms of wealth accumulation, it is a little lacking.

Now that Taichi is releasing this thing, it is equivalent to making up for the only loophole of the Omu family.

Dr. Omu is a big figure in the research world, so he has no shortage of small money. For example, he can buy two sports cars, etc. This is all small money.

But the matter of cultivating elves within the family is not so easy for the Damu family.

Most of the elves cultivated by Dr. Omu will be taken out and treated as initial elves, which will be collected by young people of the right age to embark on the road of travel.

This is the starting point for many young people to embark on the path of becoming a trainer.

In the anime, Xiao Mao also needs to come to Zhenxin Town to receive the initial elf from Dr. Omu. I have to say that there is also a reason for this.

Dr. Oak can give his grandson a place to receive the initial elves here, but he cannot directly distribute the initial elves to his family.

If this money is put into the account, the Damu family can also build its own breeding house for cultivating elves.

In the future, the Damu family will not need to spend so much money to buy high-quality elves from outside.

Even if you have money, you can't buy a high-quality elf that suits your needs.

Dr. Oak will not discriminate against elves, but as a trainer, how could he not choose high-quality elves for training?

Dr. Omu nodded: "Okay, this matter will be left to the Omu family."

Privately speaking, Dr. Omu is Taiyi's elder and the senior trainer of Zhenxin Town.

But Yu Gong, he is now a member of the Damu family, so he must handle official matters.

The two discussed the issue of equity. Taiyi asked to keep 30%, and the rest was shared by Dr. Oak and the Joey family, as well as families that may join the alliance.

Mi Keli smiled bitterly: "I originally thought that things would go smoothly this time. Who knows, forget it, but this matter is also a win-win situation, so I can't say much."

If the Damu family comes forward, Dewen Company will definitely have to pay more than previously thought.

But as Mikri said, it’s a win-win situation for everyone.

Moreover, the joining of the Damu family also means that Dewen Company can get closer to the Damu family. For many of the products monopolized by Silver Company, Dewen Company also hopes to obtain authorization from Dr. Damu.

This is a matter of mutual benefit.

Taiyi went out again, invited the Joey family over, and explained the matter again.

A smile appeared in Grandma Joy's eyes, and she could naturally tell that this was not a small amount.

It is true that the Joey family will definitely have to bear some pressure when they join.

But the rewards are far greater than the efforts. If Taiyi himself was unable to protect all these benefits, the Joey family might not have the opportunity to join.

Moreover, the Joey family itself is on good terms with Taiyi. Doesn’t this mean that the benefits are coming now?

Isn't this also a sign that the Joey family has taken the correct route before?

As for the equity distribution between them, Taiyi will not participate.

"I still have some things to do here, so I'll go back first." Taiyi excused himself, and Grandma Joy laughed and said, "This little naughty guy."

Dr. Omu touched his beard and said: "He doesn't want to get involved between our two families. The equity distribution between us still has to be distributed according to the amount of effort. This is what I think..."

Here, Taiyi didn't know about the discussion between Dr. Omu and Grandma Joy.

More specifically, the Damu family and the Joey family must have sent specialized professionals to talk about it. In fact, they also set a basic framework from the beginning.

Mi Keli also chose to leave early. Although he also wanted to join on behalf of Dewen Company, Dewen Company's influence in Kanto was too poor, and he could not contribute much to this matter.

Mi Keli thought again: "In the future, when smartphones are widely spread in the Kanto and Johto areas, the influence of Dewen Company will also be greatly increased. After all, Fangyuan still cannot compare with these two oldest regions. "

Thanks to book friend 151208114613972, book friend 151224081531999, Mu Xinglong, book friend 20170511165154656, Watch in the Rye, book friend 20210602135720953, Lin Yong0311, Su Luojun, Nine Realms Pursuit, book friend 202106021401165 25. The sunset in the forest and the blue sky Master Zhu

, Ming Shenyu, book friend 20200115140718024, book friend 20210602133517606, thank you for your rewards

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