Pokemon: I farm in Zhenxin Town

Chapter 364 The platform starts running

“So how much does this phone cost?”

The people who come here are all people who are interested in joining, so the questions asked are not too harsh.

However, it gets to the point.

Akagi Yangping was well prepared and said: "One is 750 alliance coins, which is not expensive, even just a little more expensive than an ordinary mobile phone. As I said, Mr. Taiyi is really building a platform for us. It’s convenient for us to earn resources.”

After a pause, Akagi Yanghei said: "Of course, these things must be what Mr. Taiyi needs for the tasks we have completed. Doesn't anyone have any objection to this?"

Create a platform that is convenient for you, and also provides some benefits, and you can also earn some.

It goes without saying that if Taiyi didn't make money, he would be a saint.

Everyone knows and can understand this matter.

On the contrary, Taiyi makes nothing, which is strange.

Seeing that no one had objections, Akagi Yangping continued: "For a mobile phone, 5 alliance coins will be deducted each time, and it will take 150 tasks to recover the cost. Before that, this mobile phone was used by everyone, but the ownership belonged to the platform Yes. However, the platform will not deliberately take back the mobile phone. However, if you do not complete the task for more than six months and the platform tasks are reasonable, then the phone will be taken back. Doesn’t everyone have any objection to this? "

Of course, everyone has no objection to this.

They come here just to earn resources.

As long as the task is reasonable, they are definitely willing to do the task.

If you don’t do tasks, where will the resources come from to cultivate elves?

This is also to prevent those who come in to mess around.

Although this phone is not expensive, it does come with a cost.

Taiyi doesn't want to be taken advantage of casually.

After that, Akagi Yangping mentioned a lot of terms, which were relatively loose.

There are no obligations for people who join the platform.

But to access resources, treaties must be respected.

In fact, it was just some legal provisions, Taiyi reiterated.

Taiyi must ensure the legitimacy of its platform and not allow members to break the law. When the time comes, the alliance will also hold them accountable.

Although this platform is a very loose organization, we must also prevent some villains from using this matter as a raft.

After some introduction, everyone registered as users one after another and couldn't wait to start trying it.

Akagi Yangping said: "For the time being, there are only mission channels and a cultivation knowledge channel. There is cultivation knowledge summarized by Mr. Taiyi. Part of it is universal, that is, almost all elves can use it. The other part is specialized. , for a certain type of elves. This type is more professional, and they all sell for 1 alliance coin, and you can also use your mission rewards to settle the matter."

Immediately, Akagi Yanghei opened the piece of training knowledge he purchased about Flying Legs.

"Here, Mr. Taiyi recorded a video and introduced in detail some precautions for massaging a flying legged man and where to massage. I personally think the effect of such a massage is very useful. If you have a flying legged man Yes, you can give it a try.”

"I have a Slowpoke, let me give it a try. I saw there are ways to breed Slowpoke."

One person said something and used his own account to purchase this thing.

Alliance accounts are all linked.

The app created by Taiyi has also been registered within the alliance.

In fact, it is equivalent to a program on the Internet.

This kind of thing also exists within the alliance.

After this person purchased it, he started to read it.

After that, he called out his Slowpoke and started testing it on the spot.

It was obvious that the Slowpoke was very happy and enjoying himself.

The effect cannot be seen yet, but Slowpoke itself likes it very much, which can be easily seen.

The man nodded with satisfaction: "It will take a few more days to see the effect. But Slowpoke's performance, I think, has explained everything."

These people usually work together and often work together to do something.

There is still trust between them.

Therefore, no one doubted that this person was a trustee of Akagi Yanghei. In fact, this person was really a trustee.

When everyone started to try, Akagi Yanghei gave this person two hundred alliance coins.

The man smiled and said, "It's really easy to make this kind of money."

Akagi Yangping smiled and said: "It's easy, but it's only this once. Mr. Taiyi's tutorial has been tested by me personally. It is absolutely true and effective, and at this price, you can't buy it elsewhere. "

How can a educator’s course be so cheap?

This person is also a little confused. Of course he can't figure it out. He doesn't know how many people will use smartphones in the future.

As long as one percent or even one ten thousandth of the people buy it, this is a huge number.

The charm of the Internet is here.

Taiyi only needs to record a video, and then he doesn’t need to worry about it. As long as someone buys it, he will continue to receive money.

The man was stunned, thought for a while, and nodded: "That's why I agreed to do this. It won't affect others anyway, and I think it is indeed useful."

He didn't lie, he saw what Slowpoke did just now.

A good thing, if no one uses it first, will arouse others' suspicion.

Mainly, the price is too cheap.

Akagi Yanghei smiled and said: "Everyone should try it. The price is not expensive. It is a kind of cultivation for you by Mr. Taiyi. Everyone should remember this friendship."

Everyone nodded, and then Akagi Yangping said: "You can also take a look at the tasks here. Many of them are quite easy. But I suggest that you don't do tasks that are too difficult. For example, go deep into the middle of the Viridian Forest to collect... Intermediate tree fruit, if you have a team, you can pick it up together. This option is also included. At that time, the reward of the task will be equally divided among everyone. Well, if you have other plans, you can also submit them to the platform .”

This is reserved for those who are stronger or have management skills.

These people, if they give more than others, they will naturally gain more.

This requires everyone on the team to agree before it can be formed.

Everyone checked it out one after another, and they quickly locked in on a lot of tasks: "Indeed, I have seen all of these tasks. And there are also these tasks within the alliance, but the rewards are too little."

Akagi Yangping was also worried that this would rob the alliance of its financial resources?

But Taiyi is not worried. One is that these tasks are provided internally by the alliance, and they need to be subsidized a lot.

People at every level have to plunder a lot.

In addition, the profit of these tasks is very low. Taiyi is managed by Akagi Yanghei. Otherwise, he would not open these tasks.

In the future, he will definitely train superpower elves to be responsible for these.

Elves with superpowers are smarter than most humans. Apart from being unable to speak, they are no worse than humans at all.

As long as they learn telepathy, this kind of thing can be done more smoothly and easily by superpower elves than by humans.

The physical strength of elves is not comparable to that of humans.

As for being cheated?

Most likely not. As long as the rules and regulations are followed, humans cannot deceive the elves.

After an explanation, everyone was very satisfied, so while it was still early, everyone accepted the task and prepared to go out and try it out.

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