Pokemon: I farm in Zhenxin Town

Chapter 355 Elf Milk Candy, Damu Chengye

There are not many moves, but each one is good. It can be seen that this Pichu has mastered them very well.

Moreover, the huge power in Pichu's body does not look like a newly born elf at all.

This Pichu looked like it was definitely no more than a month old.

But it has left the larval stage and entered the novice stage.

This energy is so huge that even Taiyi thinks it is suitable for entry level.

Especially the superpowers in Pichu's body are almost catching up with him.

Taiyi's superpower is equivalent to that of a professional level elf.

It can be seen that this Pichu's superpower talent is very good.

Taiyi's superpower was acquired through meditation together with many superpower elves for more than a year.

This super power has a strong attraction for elves of the super power system.

Pichu seems to be no exception.

Tai stretched out his hand and already had some elf food in his hand.

This is Elf Candy made by Taiyi himself, using Moo Milk from a large milk can, some honey from Three Bees, and Guishui Essence.

The raw materials for a small piece of candy exceed one hundred alliance coins.

Now you can have a good meal of elf food in Aunt Yingzi's restaurant.

This does not include the price of Guishui Essence, because this thing is difficult to find in other places in the elf world.

At least Taichi didn't know who owned it.

Therefore, it is not easy to price.

Pichu's eyes immediately lit up when he saw the elf toffee and smelled the fragrance.

He came closer, held the Elf Milk Candy with his little hands, and Pichu started licking it without any knowledge.

Accepting the food means that the elves have initially accepted you.

Food is really the best bridge to bring each other closer. It’s no wonder that flower growers are willing to talk about things at the dinner table.

Not only Pichu, but Dr. Oak's Picoxi was also looking at Taiyi, and the longing in his eyes could not be concealed.

Taiyi smiled and took out a few more candies and handed them to Picoxi.

Picosi smiled at Taiyi as a thank you.

But this scene angered Pichu.

"Qiu!" (They're all mine!)

This stuff is really delicious and great for the growth of elves.

Picosi wasn't mean to Pichu, he just looked at Taiyi.

Taiyi quickly comforted him: "We have many of these things, and I made them all myself. We want to be generous elves. This is Dr. Oak's Picoxi, and this is a friend."

While comforting, Taiyi took out a handful of candies, and Pichu greedily wanted to hug them all.

But Pichu's little hands were too small and couldn't hold it all.

Take this, lose that.

This made Pichu very angry.

Pixi came to help, and Pichu was still a little wary.

Dr. Oak laughed: "It seems that you are very good at communicating with elves."

Taiyi smiled and said: "They are all gifts from Prince Canghai, otherwise I would not be able to listen to what they say."

Damucheng had obviously heard about this matter, and he was a little envious when he heard it.

Whether you are a trainer, a breeder, or a scholar, especially scholars, the ability they want most is not superpower, but the ability to communicate with elves.

This can help scholars get twice the result with half the effort in their research.

There are many times when just asking the elves directly will do.

For example, how some elves feel, or whether it tastes good, without having to observe the appearance of the elves to figure out the results.

Xiaozhi drooled and asked, "Brother Taiyi, can I have one too?"

Okay, forget there's a six-year-old here.

Anyway, there is some surplus of Guishui Essence now, so there is no need to be stingy about Taiyi.

He took one and gave it to Ash, who immediately started licking it like Pichu.

Not to mention, Pichu and Xiaozhi seemed to be of the same kind. They both licked candies in the same way. After Xiaozhi finished one, Pichu was actually willing to give one to Xiaozhi.

Even though it was one that Pichu couldn't take, he had no choice but to give it to the drooling man next to him.

Dr. Omu and Omu Chengya both laughed, and then the three of them started chatting.

Omushige also said: "In the Alola region, due to the different environment, many elves here have different shapes from other regions. For example, this Pichu is much more rounded than the ones in the Kanto region. In addition, she is also Possessing superpowers. The purpose of our elf school is to study the forms of elves in the Alola region and what causes them to become like this..."

Taiyi has known this for a long time, but Taiyi doesn't know why it is like this.

All three of them are scholars, and two of them have Ph.D.s.

The only one who is not a doctor is Taiyi. He has a very powerful memory and has learned a lot of knowledge.

In addition, the Heavenly Book also records countless knowledge. Wherever it is mentioned, he can search for keywords and search for some knowledge.

So when the three of them chatted, which one was more relaxed?

Dr. Ohki often discussed it with Taiyi, so he didn't think anything of it.

It was also the first time for Omu Cheng to discuss with Taiyi. He had some ideas to lead Taiyi before, so Dr. Omu started the discussion and he did not stop him.

But while chatting, Damucheng got involved.

By the time he found out, they had been chatting for a long time.

In his heart, Damucheng also sighed: "No wonder Xuecheng said that Taiyi is the next generation of Zhenxin Town who is most likely to become a doctor. It is indeed the case. This kind of knowledge storage and agility in thinking are really suitable for the profession of scholars. Material. Originally, I heard that this child did not travel and did not become a trainer, and I thought it was a pity. Now, Taiyi, this child, should concentrate on being a scholar."

Three people here were chatting about academics, and three elves over there, well, two elves and one human, began to share the taste of elf toffee with each other.

Taiyi was enjoying the conversation. A lot of research could be gained from a different angle.

But at this time, Pichu came over and interrupted their chat.

"What's wrong?"

"Qiu!" (Sugar!)

Pichu had just learned from Xiaozhi's mouth that this was candy.

Taiyi chuckled and took out some more candies. Pichu quickly took them to share with Xiaozhi and Picoxi.

Seeing Pichu integrating into the small circle so quickly, Taichi also laughed.

Dr. Omu stood up: "Okay, it's time for me to conduct today's research. Just go ahead and do whatever you need to do."

That's how Dr. Ohki is, he never falls behind in his daily research.

This is the fundamental attitude of an academic.

Damucheng also said: "I was wandering around Zhenxin Town and haven't been back for a long time."

Taiyi smiled and said: "Doctor, maybe you can go to my place and have a look. The toxin park I just mentioned is now next to my tree orchard."

Damucheng also said with great interest: "I will go. You can go back by yourself."

The exchange for this day is over.

Taiyi greeted, and Pichu returned to Taiyi's shoulder with a message.

On the other shoulder, there is a sleeping fox.

Well, it's Kathy.

Pichu originally wanted to occupy that shoulder, but she felt a faint pressure, which was Casey warning her.

Pichu resigned himself to his fate and occupied the other side.

When he got home, he introduced Pichu to Geely Dan and the others, who welcomed Pichu warmly.

But Metal Monster and Gem Starfish gave him a cold look: "Another one coming to compete for favor."

"Another one coming to fight for food."

The former belongs to the gem starfish, and the latter belongs to the metal monster.

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