Pokemon: I farm in Zhenxin Town

Chapter 354 I also got the Skin God

In fact, Taiyi was already considering whether to ask the Joey family to transport it on his behalf.

The Joy family has recently begun delivering these fruits and vegetables to Hualan City. Because the harvest in the fields is increasing, the Joy family has been expanding its influence in surrounding cities.

In the past, the Elf Center was only used as accommodation and a hospital. Nowadays, more and more trainers come here to dine.

These are all due to the new elf food, and the elf food provided by the elf center is better than the new elf food outside.

Those civilian trainers had no way to obtain better cultivation materials in the past, but now the elf food provided by the elf center can be regarded as a channel for them.

On this day, Taiyi was making incense.

Due to the raw materials of the elf potion, he had no choice for the time being.

Xiaozhi suddenly came over and shouted: "Brother Taiyi, Dr. Omu, please come over."

Taiyi was stunned. What was Dr. Ohmu asking him to do at this time?

But Taiyi still put down what he was doing and came out of the house.

The family has almost moved in, and he has moved to the foster house.

Here, we are even closer to the orchard and vegetable garden.

In the back, there is a small ecological garden. Taiyi organized the existing elves into a team, and each team of elves is responsible for guarding it for a period of time.

Beebirds and Needle Bees serve as guardians in the sky, and underneath, there are walking grass, Bulbasaur, and Slowpoke.

In this way, the cooperation between the elves also needs to be coordinated.

During the normal guardianship period, these elves will spontaneously cooperate.

These coordinated exercises weren't ideal, but Taichi didn't care.

He would occasionally provide some guidance, and at this time, the elves' cooperation would quickly improve.

It's nothing more than the loss of some tree fruits, which are usually protected by these elves.

The other elves can go back to the ecological garden to rest.

The resting environment here is very good, and each type of elf can find a living environment suitable for them for the time being.

Come out of the breeding room and walk towards Dr. Ohki's research institute.

The distance between the two is not very far, so Taichi got here quickly.

Taichi was not surprised at all when he saw Aunt Hanako.

Isn't it normal to see her here with Dr. Omu?

Aunt Hanako: "I'm here to take care of them. Some elves are injured."

Aunt Hanako said something, smiled, and narrowed her eyes.

If Taichi hadn't known that Aunt Hanako just said it purely, he would have thought she was justifying something.

Shu Lao: →_→, if you don’t understand others, what would you think in your heart?

Taiyi: "Nonsense, I just talked nonsense, I didn't say anything."

Shu Lao: "Explanation is just a cover-up!"

Entering the research institute, Taichi saw a man who looked very similar to Dr. Ohki in the hall.

Seeing Taiyi come in, Da Mucheng also laughed: "Is this Taiyi? I hugged you before, and at that time, you were still wearing crotchless pants."

Taiyi's face was covered with darkness. Can this person speak?

Tai turned around and saw Xiaozhi covering his mouth and snickering.

Taidao: "Xiao Zhi, I seem to have photos of you without clothes at home. Next time you go on a trip, I will definitely wash out a few more photos for you. Send one to every friend you meet. "


Xiaozhi's smile immediately disappeared, life still found him!

Dr. Oki came out and saw Omu Chengya laughing.

Taiyi quickly saluted the two of them. This Damucheng is also Dr. Damuchi's brother and a doctor.

Taiyi didn't ask in a hurry, Dr. Omu would definitely tell him anyway.

Sure enough, there was no need for Taichi to ask, Dr. Omu said first: "That's it, you can call this uncle, or Dr. Chengya. He is currently building an elf school in the Alola area, and it has not been completed yet. For the time being, he is also conducting research on the elves in the Alola region."

Ash scratched his head and asked, "Where is Alola? I only know about the Kanto and Johto regions."

"Oh, there is also a Sinnoh region. Where is this Alola region?" Xiaozhi added that she had met Sirona before and liked Sirona very much.

It feels like very few people can resist Sirona's charm.

Especially men, whether they are old people or children.

Damuchiye laughed and said: "The Alola region consists of four large islands with warm climate and rich resources, namely Melemele Island, Akala Island, Ula'ula Island and Poni Island, as well as an artificial island Etherland. Here But it’s a paradise for beaches and beauties. This is a paradise for vacations. If you want to go, I can invite you there. Then you can live on campus.”

Dr. Oki coughed: "Your school hasn't been built yet."

Damucheng also shrugged: "Although the overall construction has not yet been completed, the school's accommodation has been built. Dozens of people will stay there, so it will be no problem."

He seemed to be very enthusiastic about inviting everyone to go on vacation, but Dr. Ohmu changed the subject: "Okay, have you brought the things I asked you to bring?"

When it came to business, Damucheng became more serious. He took out an elf ball from his pocket and handed it to Dr. Damu: "Oh, I brought the elf ball you mentioned."

Dr. Omu took it and said to Taiyi: "Didn't I tell you before that I would give you a surprise? Then, this is it. This is a newborn Pichu, but she is different from our Pichu in the Kanto region. Same."

Taiyi was stunned. Unexpectedly, Dr. Oak still remembered that he asked him for Pikachu.

At that time, Dr. Omu did say that he would give himself a surprise.

I didn't expect it to be this surprise.

Although, this Pichu is definitely not as good as Chi and Ash's Pikachu, those two are called Pichu.

However, Pichu in the Alola region also has its own characteristics.

That is, Pichu from the Alola region has the second attribute of superpower.

With expectation, Taiyi took the Poké Ball.

When Pichu is released, there will be a burst of lightning, accompanied by the appearance of super powers.

Taichi saw a flash of yellow lightning passing by, and the Pichu was already circling around the room.

What a speed!

It's not a speed move like a high-speed star or a flash of lightning, but it's own speed that uses superpowers to accelerate.

This is an extremely high-quality elf with a bright future.

"Hello, Pichu!" Taiyi looked at the Pichu, because he came to a strange place, he was a little wary, but couldn't hide his curiosity.

Pichu also had two electrically charged electric capsules on his cheeks, and lightning also began at this time.

Taiyi's super power surged out and came into contact with Pichu.

"Hello, I am Taichi. I will be your trainer from now on. I hope we can get along well."

Since Dr. Omu said it was for him, Taichi wouldn't be polite.

And the Pichu in front of me is really outstanding.

Taiyi knew this without even looking at the panel.

At a young age, a Pichu can actually use superpowers to accelerate himself. Such a Pichu is naturally excellent.

Pichu: Mouse Pokémon

Level: 11

Attributes: Electricity/Superpower

Features: Lightning rod

Qualification: Blue

Gender: Female

Skills: electric shock, tail wagging, coquettish, charming, flash of lightning, wall of light

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