Pokemon: I farm in Zhenxin Town

Chapter 356 Ice Marrow, Paras’s Attack

"Poison Rose, Sirona can't be contacted right now. Are you sure you want to evolve now?"

After several days of adjustments, Poison Rose has reached the peak of her condition.

At this time, theoretically speaking, Poison Rose can evolve.

But generally speaking, elves always need to stay by the trainer's side, allowing the trainer to see their progress and witness their evolution.

Well, needless to say, there is no need to talk about people like stupid Xiaozhi who just threw away the boss and left Bi Diao in the forest for decades.

Needless to say, the relationship between Poison Rose and Sirona is definitely very close.

At this time, if Sirona can be brought over, or even through the video phone, Poison Rose can evolve, some regrets can be avoided.

Poison Rose's level has reached level 50, which is the elite level ceiling.

If you work harder, you can break through the elite level and reach the threshold of a gym leader.

As for qualifications, Poison Rose's qualifications have been accumulated over this period of time. Now they are more than 70% green, and there is still more than 20% left before they can break through the shackles of the seven colors of the rainbow.

The best light stone also has some effect on increasing the qualifications of elves.

At this time, Taiyi was holding the best light stone, but Poison Rose hadn't gotten it yet.

Poison Rose thought for a while, although there was no way to contact Sirona, which was indeed a pity.

Because Sirona is still participating in the alliance's mission with Yulongdu.

Thinking of the danger Sirona encountered before, Poison Rose made up her mind instantly.

Poison Rose: "Yes, I'm sure. I want to evolve. Only after evolving can I go to Sirona and protect her!"

Protecting his trainer is what the elf cares about most.

Tai nodded and was about to say something.

Shu Lao came out and said: "A new treasure of heaven and earth has been conceived."

Taiyi was stunned and retracted his outstretched hand.

Poison Rose looked at Taiyi strangely: "What's wrong?"

Tai Dao: "I just got some new things, which should be good for increasing your qualifications. Let's postpone it for half a day and I will make you a new elf food. After you taste it, you can evolve again, okay?"

Poison Rose nodded: "Okay."

She believed that Taiyi would not deceive her, and it would only be half a day, so she could wait.

Poison Rose went out to exercise again, which was a habit Poison Rose had developed.

Because she needs strength.

After Poison Rose left, Taiyi asked excitedly: "Shu Lao, what is it this time?"

Shu Lao said: "This time, the treasures of heaven and earth were influenced by the original feathers of the frozen bird, and they were bred from ice marrow."

"Where's the output?" Taiyi asked as he saw the crystal clear ice marrow.

"Thirty pills." Shu Lao said, "One day."

30 pills a day is not a lot, but it is definitely a lot.

Taiyi thought about it, what kind of elf food could be made from such a natural treasure?

Soon, Taiyi looked at the getting brighter sun and felt the heat: "Maybe, we can get some smoothies."

For this kind of thing, you don’t need to wait until meal time, you can just make some snacks.

He took out 10 ice marrows, thought about it, and went to the refrigerator to get some ice cubes.

On this hot day, you have to add some ice cubes to your drinking water, otherwise it will be too hot and you won’t be able to drink it.

Then Taiyi got some more fruits and smashed them together to make a smoothie.

Taichi: "It would be great if I could add your fruit jam, but it's a pity that I haven't made it yet."

But when he thought about the many strawberries grown in the World of Heavenly Books, he immediately became excited.

After freezing the smoothie, he picked a lot of strawberries and started making strawberry jam.

Making this thing is not difficult at all, it just requires a lot of various materials.

After some hard work, Taiyi quickly produced a large jar of strawberry jam.

He nodded with satisfaction: "Add strawberry jam, this strawberry smoothie is complete."

Summoning all the elves in the breeding house, they each shared a small bowl of strawberry smoothie. Taiyi smiled and said, "Eat it, this is today's snack."

Taiyi sometimes makes snacks for the elves to eat. With super powers to help, Taiyi makes so many by himself, so it is not too tiring.

Thanks to this thing, in addition, the water droplets condensed by Taiyi are quite good for cooking.

It also contains some energy, which can effectively help the elves restore their energy.

Elves like to eat food made from this water.

Poison Rose was also called back, Taichi said: "This good thing is not suitable for cooking."

What about ice cubes? Will they melt into water when added?

At that time, the effect was a little worse.

"So, I made a smoothie, you try it!"

Poison Rose nodded, holding a bowl of smoothie, and quickly took a bite.

Then, Poison Rose's eyes lit up: "It's delicious!"

It’s not just the energy-restoring stuff in it, but also the smoothies. It’s really great to have some smoothies on this hot day.

It is an excellent product for relieving heat and heat!

At the same time, Taichi was also watching Poison Rose's condition.

There is no level breakthrough, and the ceiling of level 50 is not that easy to break through.

Evolution is the easiest way to break through this level.

However, Poison Rose's energy is recovering, and Taiyi can feel this.

In addition, the most important thing is the increase in self-control.

Taiyi noticed that the green color representing Poison Rose's qualifications was slowly increasing.

Little by little, although it is not fast, it is still visible to the naked eye.

Soon, the qualifications of about 75% slowly increased to about 80%.

The qualifications of other elves who have eaten this ice marrow have increased.

The elves can all feel that they are a little different from before.

This is one of the reasons why these elves are willing to stay here and get close to Taiyi.

Taiyi can always find good things for them to eat, making them even better than before.

At this moment, one of Paras' qualifications broke through from yellow to green.

This is really gratifying.

Taiyi also noticed this and congratulated Paras in time.

"Congratulations, Paras, your qualifications have broken through, and your level has also broken through!"

There are still a few Paras that have not evolved after being captured in Yuejian Mountain, and their qualifications are always improving.

At this time, he broke through the shackles of qualifications of the seven colors of the rainbow and successfully broke through to green.

Paras smiled, and then, during this period, the entire elf turned into a ray of light.

When he reappeared, it was already a Paraster.

Parasite: Mushroom Pokémon

Level: 39

Attribute: Insect/Grass

Features: Dry skin

Qualification: Green

Gender female

Skills: Paralysis Powder, Poison Powder, Drain, Screech, Parasitic Seed, Grab, Grow, Sleeping Powder, Cross Shears, Sleep, Burrow

"Congratulations, Parasite, you have evolved."

Good things come in pairs. The evolution of this Paraster has made her qualifications slightly improved again, reaching 30% of the green level.

That's a good thing, but that's about it.

There is no way, Paras's starting qualifications are too poor, and there is no room for evolution.

After that, they can only rely on Taiyi to make some good things for them to eat from time to time to see if they can break through the qualifications again.

The other elves have made a lot of progress.

Among the elves here in Taiyi, except for the recently hatched Pichu, there is no one below the professional level.

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