Pokemon: I farm in Zhenxin Town

Chapter 353 Support Xiaochi, new formula

Taiyi looked at this leather god with envy and jealousy.

Aren't Xiaochi and Xiaozhi so lucky?

Other Pichu, even if they have blue qualifications, are definitely not as powerful as this Pichu.

Even though the screen was separated, Taiyi could still feel the surging energy beneath this cute expression.

Well, the above is purely his imagination.

But thinking about what Pichu could achieve, Taichi was so envious that he almost got angry.

Looking at it again, he felt like he was almost going to pounce on it.

Although, across the screen.

Xiao Chi asked strangely: "Brother Taiyi, what is your look like?"

Taiyi quickly looked away and said seriously: "This Pichu of yours will definitely have a very powerful future."

Xiao Chi smiled so hard that he narrowed his eyes: "I think so too."

Ou Huang hates this kind of luck the most. Look at himself, well, Taiyi thinks his luck is not bad.

Xiao Chi doesn't have any mythical beasts. Except for Tu Diyun, the farming mythical beast, he recently acquired a mysterious mythical beast.

No matter what kind of mythical beast it is, it must be very powerful.

No matter what kind of mythical beast it is, it is definitely not weak. At least the crushing of levels and energy is no small matter.

Thinking of this, Taiyi's heart changed.

Shu Lao: "Fortunately, I just acquired a divine beast, otherwise you would have transformed."

Taiyi rolled his eyes and asked again: "By the way, you? Do you need any help?"

Xiao Chi nodded: "I have used up all the elf potions. I asked at the home center and they were all too expensive."

Well, Xiao Chi didn’t bring a lot of alliance coins with him when he started traveling.

I don’t know if Xiaochi’s parents forgot or something else.

Taidao: "I can support you in this regard. Not only these, but even some nutrient solutions, I can also support you."

Xiao Chi said a little embarrassedly: "Isn't this bad? These things are very expensive."

Taiyi suddenly thought of an idea: "Perhaps, you can help me collect some precious medicinal materials, and you don't need to go out to find them. If you find them during your travels, you can collect some for me. In addition, if you If you find three bees or mount lambs, you can help me tame some of them."

Xiao Chi nodded: "This is fine."

Taichi: "Okay, are you in Tokiwa City now?"

"Yes, I'm at the Spirit Center in Joban City. I need to recuperate for two days. Then I'll go check out the gym in Joban City."

Don't think about that, Sakaki is most likely not here.

Even if you are here, I guess you can't beat Sakaki at this stage.

This is almost certain. Even if Sakaki uses basic elves, there is a high probability that Xiaochi will not be able to defeat him.

There is no way, Sakaki also has the ability to cherish, and in addition, the command ability is not something Xiaochi can match now.

Taidao: "Then you wait over there, and I'll ask Bi Diao to send you some material."

After hanging up the phone, Taiyi started making incense again.

At least try all the incense recipes currently available on the market.

Then try to improve it, and finally start making lucky incense.

While making it, Taiyi said to Shu Lao: "I guess he met Team Rocket."

There are also elf hunters, but most elf hunters are targeting elves in the wild and want to capture those precious elves.

For example, Chenglong is relatively rare, and Pippi is another example.

Although Pichu is cute, there are not many such elves to be honest, and other people's Pichu are not very powerful.

As soon as the other party saw Pichu, they started to arrest him, which showed that the other party had good eyesight.

Then, chasing Xiao Chi all the time shows that the opponent's strength is not very good.

Later, people began to come over to help track them.

This shows that the opponent's strength is not bad, at least there are many people.

In the territory of Kanto, Taichi could not think of anyone other than Team Rocket who dared to do this in Viridian Forest.

Shu Lao waved his hand and said: "Okay, don't worry about him. Xiao Chi is the son of the world in this world, don't worry about him."

Taiyi: "I'm not worried about him at all. Instead of worrying about him, I'd rather worry about myself."

Taiyi still doesn’t know the identity of the woman who kidnapped his father in the first place.

As for whether his father is still alive or where he is, Taiyi doesn't know. Shu Lao was silent for a moment. Taiyi's feeling of insecurity has not eased yet.

After making seven or eight types of incense, Taiyi put them all away. After making this kind of incense, it still needs a settling process.

After that, Taiyi made some healing potions, detoxification potions, and some vitality potions.

After making it, Taiyi felt a little moved. After giving one of the bottles to the Goldfish King for use, Taiyi found that the effect of this bottle of potion was better than before.

Taiyi analyzed: "The reason is that I am more proficient in refining and have better control of the heat. But more importantly, the effects of fruits and vegetables have been improved."

Shu Lao nodded: "Try adding some Guishui Essence and try again."

Because of the vitality of the Heavenly Book, the number of heavenly materials and earthly treasures nurtured has also increased, so there is a surplus of these things.

Tai nodded and started making it again, adding some Guishui Essence.

After a while, Taiyi looked at the crystal clear test tube and smiled: "It looks like it's working."

He tried several other vitality potion formulas again. Taiyi had a total of fifteen formulas before, but later found that only four were effective.

Now, Taiyi has tried these four kinds again, adding Guishui Essence.

Taiyi finally discovered: "It seems that after the No. 1 potion was added with Guishui Essence, the effect was actually improved the most."

Shu Lao nodded: "It seems that every time a variable is added, the previous effect will be drastically changed."

Taiyi recorded all these data one by one, and the Heavenly Book also recorded them simultaneously.

With the Book of Heaven, he is like an experiment record book with endless memory.

Then, Taiyi made all the materials into finished potions.

"The most important fruits and vegetables are not the limiting factors, but the auxiliary medicinal materials are the limiting factors. It seems that the platform should be set up earlier, or at least they should help collect these materials."

The construction of a platform obviously cannot be completed in a day or two.

But once the platform is set up, as long as people come, the platform will continue to produce output.

This is the platform.

Calling Bi Diao, Taiyi used a space backpack to pack all the potions.

Then, Taiyi installed some nutrient solutions. Although it was not the best on the market, it was prepared by Taiyi itself and was not as good as the best ones on the market.

But the effect is much better than those with the same price.

Taiyi put some more elf food into it, and he thought: "I don't know when the elf energy cube was invented, and what the formula is. There are too many things on hand, and I don't have time to do this."

It's better to wait for others to invent it first, and then reverse it when the time comes, so that you can at least use it yourself.

There is nothing we can do about this. A person's energy is limited, and it is impossible to grasp all the topics in his hands.

"Bidiao, go to the Elf Center in Joban City and give it to Xiaochi."

Nowadays, Aunt Yingzi's vegetables and fruits are still transported by a Bibi bird.

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