Pokemon: I farm in Zhenxin Town

Chapter 352 Launching a Satellite: Beware of the Empty Seat

In Zhenxin Town, Taiyi started learning incense after finishing all this.

In Taiyi's imagination, auspicious eggs are a very important helper.

"If you can have hundreds of auspicious eggs, then the breeding house will be number one in the elf world. Not many people can compare to it, right?"

As an assistant elf, there are few other elves that can match the abilities of Geely Egg.

Although there are many other elves used in other areas, such as almost dolls, such as Pippi, etc.

But Taiyi still feels that as an assistant elf, auspicious eggs are the most suitable and most useful.

It's not that the other elves are not strong, but the lucky egg is just too strong.

Among Geely Eggs, there are very few people with poor qualifications. Anyway, Taiyi doesn’t see many people with poor qualifications.

"Shu Lao, you said that the qualifications of Geely Eggs are not too bad. Is it possible that they are closely related to the fact that they were born and related to mythical beasts?"

I didn't know that the birth of the auspicious egg was related to the mythical beast, so Taiyi didn't pay much attention to it.

Now that he thought about it, none of the Joey family's auspicious eggs he had seen had green qualifications or less.

This is a treatment that only quasi-gods can get, and Taiyi has seen a lot of auspicious eggs.

There are a lot of auspicious eggs in the elf centers in major cities, as well as in the elf centers in Zhenxin Town.

Looking back now, there is really no lucky egg with poor qualifications.

Maybe there are auspicious eggs in the wild, but Taiyi doesn’t know the qualifications of those auspicious eggs.

But the auspicious eggs produced by the Joey family are not as qualified as green.

As for the auspicious eggs in the wild, Taiyi is not sure how they were born, but presumably, it is also because of some natural and earthly treasures that the elf eggs of the little lucky eggs can be hatched.

But the auspicious eggs of the Joey family are most likely due to mythical beasts.

Legend has it that the Joey family has a water brother and a sister, and he has seen a Latias before.

As for Latios, although I have never seen them before, these two divine beasts always appear in pairs, and there is a high probability that they are also in the Joey family.

There may even be more than one pair of Shuidu brothers and sisters in the Joey family.

Perhaps mythical beasts like the Phoenix King may be unique.

But that shouldn't be the case for other mythical beasts.

The Shu Lao in front of him has a Tuyun body, and the number of the three holy birds should be quite large.

As for the ultimate beasts, the number will certainly not be small.

There were a lot of ultimate beasts in their original world.

Back then, when the two worlds collided, who knew how much had passed? How many are left?

Shu Lao looked at Taiyi warily and said, "Do you want saliva?"

Anyway, Dr. Ohmu was talking about bodily fluids, but he didn’t say what they were.

Taiyi rolled his eyes and said, "Pull two tubes of blood, you won't lose anything."

Blood contains power, although drawing blood may cause some loss of the Earth Cloud's energy.

But this should not affect Di Tuyun's strength. That little energy will come back after accumulating for some time.

Shu Lao is actually just talking. When the time comes, he won't be stingy.

When Taiyi spoke, a tube of incense had already been made.

"Next, we have to wait for a while for the incense to take shape completely."

Taiyi said, putting away these tubes of incense and preparing to make some other incense.

He didn't add any natural or earthly treasures to these incense.

The original incense has not yet been mastered, so Taiyi will not immediately start improving the incense formula.

This is the same as starting to think about building a building without laying a solid foundation.

The phone rang, Taichi walked over to pick it up, it was Akagi Hinata's.

"Well, it's me!" Taiyi said.

Akagi Yangping nodded and said: "Mr. Taiyi, we are all back. I have arrived in the Kanto region. I plan to come to Zhenxin Town in a few days."

Taiyixin said that his mobile phone and satellites were not launched yet.

Well, just kidding, he did read some books on mobile phones and the like, mainly from Casey.

Casey's brain capacity is comparable to that of a supercomputer because it operates quickly and learns knowledge quickly.

In the future, Taiyi also wants to buy a few more Cathys and form a Cathy class to do research. In this regard, all superpower elves have good scientific research capabilities.

"Well, it seems that Citron in the Kalos region is also a genius in mechanical research. It would be great if we could get his help."

Taiyi suddenly thought of it and said to Akagi Yanghei: "Okay, just come over. We still need to discuss the construction of the platform."

Until then, you have to use the alliance's network.

In other words, although the technology in the Elf World is very advanced, no satellites have been launched, and the network is transmitted through cables.

Therefore, video phones are generally only available in cities.

As for mobile phones, even those for the elderly, they all rely on a large number of various signal towers.

This aspect is also where development is not balanced enough.

Even aircraft can be invented, but not even smartphones.

Because there is no signal, even if you have a smartphone, it is actually of little use.

After hanging up the phone, Taiyi was still thinking: "When can we launch a satellite of our own? By then, it will probably lead the mobile trend in the elf world."

Shu Lao sneered: "Don't forget, the atmosphere of the elf world is protected by Rayquaza."

Taichi held his forehead: "Oh, I really forgot. This green caterpillar super evolved mythical beast, but it has always been in the atmosphere. Even Deoxys was beaten by Rayquaza and only the core was left. Until now. I don’t know where I’m sleeping. If I launch a satellite, I’m afraid the satellite will be photographed directly, and Rayquaza will come to me immediately, right?”

Taiyi glanced at Shu Lao and complained in his heart: "When the time comes, this pseudo-mythical beast in front of me will probably be unstoppable."

Shu Lao glanced sideways: "You're not thinking of anything rude, are you?"

Taiyi laughed and yelled, trying to fool him.

Shu Lao wanted to ask something else, but the video phone rang again. Taiyi quickly picked it up, interrupting Shu Lao's question.

"Hey, it's Xiaochi. What's wrong with you looking so embarrassed?"

Looking at Xiaochi's appearance on the video phone, he was really embarrassed.

Shu Lao rolled his eyes: "There is no heavenly book. If you are in the secret realm, you may not be better than this."

Xiao Chi said: "Stop talking, I met a group of people not long after I came out. They seemed to be elf hunters. They actually took a fancy to my Pichu and wanted to snatch it from me. Well, the auspicious eggs are also there. On the list they snatched.”

Taiyi thought to himself: "Is it Team Rocket? They are really knowledgeable. Chi's Pichu and future Ash's Pikachu are both very powerful elves. With good qualifications, the upper limit is high."

At this time, Taiyi's eyes saw on the screen that the Pichu's qualifications on Xiaochi's shoulders were full of blue, with purple overtones.

If he evolves one or two times and cultivates another one or two, he will definitely be able to break through the blue aptitude and become an elf with purple aptitude!

This is the most qualified elf that Taiyi has ever seen, except for the mythical beasts.

Such a small body contains huge energy.

He is indeed a skin god!

Pichu: Mouse Pokémon

Level: 37

Properties: electricity

Features: Lightning rod

Qualification: Blue

Gender: Male

Skills: electric shock, tail wagging, angel's kiss, coquettishness, one hundred thousand volts, guard, charming, lightning flash

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