Pokemon: I farm in Zhenxin Town

Chapter 351 Xiaochi is in trouble

It's a sweet scent move.

This move reduces the dodge of enemies who smell the scent.

In fact, it is because other people and elves are indulged in the fragrance that their spirits become slightly sluggish, which leads to a decrease in evasion rate.

There is a way to deal with this move. As long as you continue to withstand this move and breathe in this fragrance, you can develop resistance.

After that, the elves will have a certain resistance to this kind of move, and they will not fall into a state of addiction when fighting.

But this is a long-term move that takes a long time to practice.

Generally speaking, not many people deliberately exercise.

"Xiao Zhi, why are you here?" Taiyi asked strangely.

Xiaozhi smiled and said: "I come here often. There are many elves here to play with."

Because Aunt Hanako restricted Xiaozhi's time to watch TV, Xiaozhi had to change his hobbies.

Fortunately, he likes elves very much, and the place with a large number of elves in Zhenxin Town, apart from Dr. Oak's research institute, is the tree orchard here in Taiyi.

The elves in Dr. Oak's laboratory need to cooperate with doctors and researchers in research, and will not let Xiaozhi go in and play.

Therefore, Xiaozhi's only destination is here.

Taiyi smiled and touched Xiaozhi's head: "Okay, you can play here. I'll look around. By the way, you can't go to the tree orchard over there, you know?"

Taiyi was referring to the orchard of trees that had been mutated by Team Rocket's poison.

Because that piece of land is constantly absorbing the toxins around it, even though there are a few crane-top mangrove fruit trees that are constantly absorbing toxins and using them to breed fruit.

However, there are still a lot of toxins accumulated in the land. If people or elves enter by mistake, they will be easily affected by the toxins.

Xiaozhi nodded: "I know. I won't go in."

It seemed that Xiaozhi had experienced something.

What Taiyi didn't know was that Xiaozhi went in once before without believing in evil, and was later rescued by Bulbasaur who was still Bulbasaur.

Because of the hardship, this naughty kid knew how to hide a little.

After that, Taichi ignored Xiaozhi and started walking in the tree orchard.

Some branches of some fruit trees need to be pruned. This is also to ensure that the fruit can grow more healthily and produce more fruit.

There is such a tool in Taiyi's Book of Heaven world, and his superpower can also control these tools to work here.

"It just so happens that my superpowers have increased recently, so it's quite easy to do it."

In addition, there are some malnourished tree fruits. These fruits are destined to not grow big. Even with the care of Bulbasaur and the others, it is impossible for the fruits on the entire tree to grow healthily.

Fruits of this type should be picked in advance to avoid absorbing more nutrients.

The nutrients of the land are limited, so Taiyi also needs to prepare some golden garbage to fertilize the land.

In the days when Taiyi was away, all the golden grains were used up, and the fertility of these lands was no longer enough.

Bulbasaur's grass field move can indeed provide some nutrition, but it is still lacking.

If left alone, the land will become increasingly barren, and eventually, even with Bulbasaur's grass field move, there will be no way to grow any crops.

In this regard, Di Tuyun, as a divine beast and a fertility divine beast, is very good at this.

Shu Lao combined the information obtained from heaven in his previous life and combined it with his own talent to create something named Jin Kaila by Tai Yi, which can fertilize the surrounding land very well.

Because of the improvement in strength, Shu Lao's Tuiyun's manufacturing and refining speed of Jinkeli has increased a lot.

It is more than enough to provide it to Zhenxin Town.

If there weren't still Heavenly Book World that needed some, Taiyi could include the entire land of Zhenxin Town and plant it together.

After a day of busy work, Taiyi removed the extra branches and leaves from the fruit trees in his land, and also picked out the small fruits that were destined not to grow big.

But these can actually be used to make food.

When Taiyi was preparing dinner, Poison Rose came back, looked at Taiyi, and remained silent.

Taiyi didn't remember it at first, but then he patted his head: "Don't worry, Poison Rose, I'll remember it. Look, I'm making new elf food for you right now, right?"

Taiyi didn't lie, he really remembered about Poison Rose.

It's like this new thing is a newly made food list based on Poison Rose's physical condition.

Poison Rose sheepishly said a few words to Taiyi, and then waited for the food nearby.

After eating a delicious meal, Poison Rose found that the newly prepared food was indeed more delicious than the previous one, and it was more suitable for her.

Poison Rose was satisfied and in a good mood.

Afterwards, Taiyi discussed the training of Poison Rose with the group composed of Happy Egg and Geely Egg.

In this regard, Happy Egg is actually a master.

Taiyi, who was discussing with Happy Egg, discovered this, so he became more determined to have a good relationship with Happy Egg and let his lucky egg learn from Happy Egg.

"It's a pity that the other lucky egg followed Xiao Chi out, otherwise I could have studied more."

What Taiyi didn't know was that Xiaochi was also in danger at this time.

Not long after he set off, Pichu had not yet evolved.

However, Pichu and Xiaochi also got along very well because of the care of the auspicious egg, so they carried out very strict training.

Pichu's strength improved rapidly, and this scene fell into the eyes of some interested people.

Then, Xiao Chi was tracked and attacked by some people.

Fortunately, there are auspicious eggs. An elite auspicious egg is very good whether it is for combat or for treatment.

During this period, Xiaochi conquered several more elves.

Among them, there were several elves including Yu Sanjia.

Xiao Chi's strength has been improved, and he has a lot of confidence to deal with those people's tracking.

As a result, Xiao Chi began to actively fight back.

During this period, Xiaochi's strength has made great progress.

Although he had just started traveling not long ago, Xiao Chi had made a lot of preparations in the past ten years.

Now, it is this preparation that has turned into reality, and his strength has improved rapidly.

Although it is not as good as Taiyi, it is already very fast.

Taiyi didn’t have a lucky egg to take care of him at first, right?

But this time, Xiao Chi met a few more powerful ones.

In a cave, Xiao Chi asked Geely Dan: "Thank you, Geely Dan!"

Lucky Egg: "lucky!"

Although he didn't know what the lucky egg said, Xiao Chi knew that it must be to comfort himself and express the meaning of leaving it to her.

The jelly eggs really helped him a lot.

"Geely Dan, are they all okay?" Xiao Chi asked worriedly.

When he came out, he brought a lot of medicine, but by this time, he had almost used it.

Now the Geely Egg treatment can only use the eggs laid by the egg-laying moves every day, as well as other healing moves.

The eggs laid by Geely Eggs can be kept fresh for a certain period of time. After the time, although these eggs can still be eaten, the therapeutic effect will be lost.

But even so, every day when he wakes up, Geely Egg will still use the egg-laying move.

This is something that can replace elf potion to a certain extent.

It's a pity that the shelf life is very short, only two days.

Now, Xiaochi encounters attacks every day.

"We can leave from Joban Forest tomorrow. After arriving at Joban City, we should be able to repair for a while. After that..."

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