Pokemon: I farm in Zhenxin Town

Chapter 350 On a sunny day, Ivysaur evolves, Ivysaur

Taiyi was very relieved to entrust the lucky eggs and the others to the happy eggs.

Even though Happy Egg was stuck at the peak of the King of Heaven for many years, he still failed to break through the championship threshold.

But this does not mean that this happy egg has poor qualifications. On the contrary, this happy egg is very powerful.

Not every elf can set foot in the realm of the King of Heaven.

What's more, is it still the peak of the king? The happy egg that has touched the ceiling of the King of Heaven?

When Taiyi came out from home, he planned to completely move to the training house in the next two days.

The machinery has been moved in and the electricity has been installed.

In the next two days, clean it up and you can go in.

When we arrived at the tree orchard, Ivysaur greeted us.

She had just covered the grass field and taken care of Taiyi's own tree orchard and vegetable garden.

With the care of Ivysaur, the tree orchard and vegetable garden are both thriving scenes.

"Da Na~" Ivysaur showed his admiration. It had been a long time since I last saw him, and Ivysaur missed Taiyi very much.

Taiyi reached out and touched Ivysaur's head. Now Ivysaur is as tall as Taiyi.

This friendly display obviously made Ivysaur very happy.

"Da Na~ Da Na!"

A scorching light surged from Ivysaur's body, like a sun hanging high, bringing light and heat to the surroundings.

This is?

Taiyi was startled, and then suddenly remembered something: "Is this a sunny day?"

Ivysaur is an emotional elf. Every time he is touched by something, he will learn some moves.

Shu Lao came out, touched his beard and said: "This Ivysaur's qualifications are very good. In fact, she should have learned the Sunny Day move a long time ago. But she didn't find the opportunity before, and now she is touched by you. , touched my soul, and I immediately learned the sunny day move, which is very good.”

Weather moves have always been difficult to learn.

Even with the teachings of other elves, such moves are not so easy to learn.

Soon, the light fell, and the sunny day move ended.

This is because Ivysaur is not yet proficient and the move cannot be maintained for long enough. It is also because this move consumes a lot of energy. Ivysaur does not want to consume too much energy in this aspect.

She still has a lot of land to take care of, and her leader in farming is Ivysaur.

Just at this time, the lucky egg came over with a cart. This was breakfast prepared for the elves in the orchard.

The elves here are also very orderly. Some come over to have breakfast, while the other part still stays where they are.

Taiyi was stunned, this was not like this before leaving.

"How could this happen?" Taiyi asked.

Ivysaur rolled up something with a vine whip, put it into his mouth, and answered while eating.

"Da Na~ Da Na!" (Because when we were eating food before, some elves in the wild came to snatch the fruit from the tree. I discussed it with the lucky egg, and we took turns eating, and some of them also guarded the tree orchard.)

Taiyi was very pleased that this Ivysaur was very smart and could reflect on itself and formulate new strategies.

Such an elf is really great.

"Ivysaur, you did a great job!" Taiyi touched Ivysaur's head and said appreciatively.

Then, there was a burst of light.

What moves have you learned? Ivysaur is really an emotional elf.

But the reality is that Ivysaur has evolved.

Not only that, but his strength has also improved by leaps and bounds.

"Great, Bulbasaur, congratulations!" Taiyi hugged Bulbasaur. At this time, Bulbasaur was already much taller than Taiyi.

The body is getting bigger and bigger, which means that Ivysaur is getting further and further away from mobility.

But correspondingly, the tonnage of Bulbasaur has been greatly improved, and the defense power has also been greatly improved.

Bulbasaur: Seed Pokémon

Level: 53

Attribute: Grass/Poison

Features: Chlorophyll

Qualification: Qing

Gender: Female

Skills: Impact, Vine Whip, Grass Field, Flying Leaf Sharp Knife, Rooting, Aromatherapy, Sleeping Powder, Parasitic Seed, Sleep, Photosynthesis, Sunlight Flame, Sunny Day, Colorful Fallen Flowers, Petal Dance, Sound, Growth, Sweet Fragrance , seeds of trouble

As Bulbasaur evolved into Bulbasaur, her strength also increased by leaps and bounds.

From the peak of the elite level, he broke through to the gym leader level.

This also means that another one of Taiyi's elves has entered the gym leader level.

Today's Taiyi, if only based on his strength, he is qualified to apply for a gym and become a gym leader.

Compared with the current strength of Taiyi, the gym leader of Cerulean City and Xiaolan's father, in terms of the strength of the first team alone, Taiyi is not necessarily worse than the Zhongsen Gym Leader.

The outcome of the battle is not certain.

The reason why Zhongmori Gym Leader is now stronger than Taiyi is that he is older and the elves have more actual combat experience than Taiyi's elves.

In addition, it may be an issue with the number of Pokémon at the Gym Leader level.

A gym leader definitely has more than one team of gym leader-level elves, and it's not even just a matter of one or two teams.

But a dozen elves may not be able to protect Cerulean City.

Anyway, the gym is also in Cerulean City, so there is no question of which elves need to be sent back.

"Da Na~"

Bulbasaur was also very happy, with more than a dozen vines stretching out, very strong.

This Bulbasaur is much larger than the ordinary Bulbasaur.

Normal Bulbasaur flowers are two meters high, but the one in front of Taiyi is at least two and a half meters tall.

Moreover, it may rise again in the future.

Although size doesn't mean much, Pikachu's small body still contains the potential to defeat the mythical beast.

Well, there are only a few Pikachus, such as Xiaochi's and Xiaozhi's.

Well, the skin gods of these two brothers are so powerful that one wonders if they are descendants of Arceus.

Could it be that Dr. Oak's Pikachu, um, Raichu, actually hooked up with Arceus?

Taiyi had seen that Raichu before and knew that it was a female Raichu.

If he really hooked up with Arceus, then Taiyi also wants a descendant of that Raichu.

But Taiyi also knows that it is basically impossible.

It's not that there is no way to get the offspring of that Raichu, but that Raichu will give birth to two extremely powerful Pikachu.

After that, the chance of giving birth to such excellent offspring is extremely slim.

I don’t know if these two brothers were just lucky.

Taiyi felt a little jealous. People were jealous of his knowledge, but Taiyi was also jealous of their luck.

Well, Xiaochi has both luck and strength.

Some stupid thing, it's really just luck.

The evolution of Ivysaur makes everyone envious.

In particular, Bulbasaur's strength has greatly increased, and everyone is envious of her gym leader-level energy and strength.

Bulbasaur is also very happy. Her strength has increased greatly, so she is happy.

But the increase in strength means that she can take care of more land and give more protection to the orchards and vegetable gardens.

After Taiyi understood Bulbasaur's thoughts, he was even more happy, and he also liked Bulbasaur very much.

"Bulbasa... Flower, when did you evolve?"

Xiaozhi didn't know when he came over, and he was surprised when he looked at Bulbasaur.

Fortunately, now Xiaozhi has finally learned some knowledge. If he doesn't see an elf, he has to open the illustrated book to take a look.

Otherwise, you wouldn’t even know the type of elves.

Taiyi smiled and said: "That's what evolved just now."

A sweet breath came out, which made people enjoy the smell.

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