Pokemon: I farm in Zhenxin Town

Chapter 349 Powerful Happy Egg, different effects of singing moves

Taiyi went to bed after meditating.

He finished his meditation and opened his eyes. A glimmer of light flashed in Taiyi's eyes.

"My superpowers have increased a bit. Although my talent is not very good, this meditation method is definitely the best. The elves' superpowers have grown very fast."

Casey: Telekinesis Pokémon

Level: 55

Attribute: superpower

Features: Magic Defense

Qualification: Qing

Gender: Male

Skills: Teleportation, electromagnetic waves, wall of light, sleep, telekinesis, telekinesis, self-regeneration, meditation, reflective wall, mysterious guardianship, snoring, thief, guard, enchantment, praying for rain, flame fist

He learned several new moves, and the thief move made Taiyi a little embarrassed.

This is a move that steals elf props from enemy elf. However, for the public and civilian trainers, elf props are too expensive and they simply cannot afford them.

As for those children from aristocratic families, even if they can afford to buy props, stealing their props is not that suitable.

This is true, once done, it will cause a steady stream of trouble.

That Taro Sasaki, Taichi has a headache just thinking about it now.

This person will definitely cause him some trouble in the future.

Shinichi Sasaki had already shown such signs before, and now he provoked Taro Sasaki again, which was really troublesome.

But these things were not pursued actively by Taiyi, but were all passively awaited.

It is true that when people sit at home, misfortune comes from heaven.

Where does this make sense?

After a good night's sleep, he still got up full of energy the next day.

Well, Taiyi almost couldn't breathe as the metal monster pressed against him.

"Metal Monster, I'm not Xiaozhi, and I don't have the physique of a super rookie. If you do this, you will crush me to death sooner or later."

The weight of the metal monster is not light. If he hadn't used his electromagnetic power to reduce the weight a lot, Taichi would have gone directly to the King of Hell.

"By the way, there is a high probability that there is no King of Hell in this world. So, are you going to find Giratina?"

Taiyi went to bed after meditating.

He finished his meditation and opened his eyes. A glimmer of light flashed in Taiyi's eyes.

"My superpowers have increased a bit. Although my talent is not very good, this meditation method is definitely the best. The elves' superpowers have grown very fast."

Casey: Telekinesis Pokémon

Level: 55

Attribute: superpower

Features: Magic Defense

Qualification: Qing

Gender: Male

Skills: Teleportation, electromagnetic waves, wall of light, sleep, telekinesis, telekinesis, self-regeneration, meditation, reflective wall, mysterious guardianship, snoring, thief, guard, enchantment, praying for rain, flame fist

He learned several new moves, and the thief move made Taiyi a little embarrassed.

This is a move that steals elf props from enemy elf. However, for the public and civilian trainers, elf props are too expensive and they simply cannot afford them.

As for those children from aristocratic families, even if they can afford to buy props, stealing their props is not that suitable.

This is true, once done, it will cause a steady stream of trouble.

That Taro Sasaki, Taichi has a headache just thinking about it now.

This person will definitely cause him some trouble in the future.

Shinichi Sasaki had already shown such signs before, and now he provoked Taro Sasaki again, which was really troublesome.

But these things were not pursued actively by Taiyi, but were all passively awaited.

It is true that when people sit at home, misfortune comes from heaven.

Where does this make sense?

After a good night's sleep, he still got up full of energy the next day.

Well, Taiyi almost couldn't breathe as the metal monster pressed against him.

"Metal Monster, I'm not Xiaozhi, and I don't have the physique of a super rookie. If you do this, you will crush me to death sooner or later."

The weight of the metal monster is not light. If he hadn't used his electromagnetic power to reduce the weight a lot, Taichi would have gone directly to the King of Hell.

"By the way, there is a high probability that there is no King of Hell in this world. So, are you going to find Giratina?"

Giratina is the Pluto Dragon of the elf world, an elf and mythical beast belonging to the ghost and dragon systems.

Giratina lives in the reverse world, and usually does not come out of the reverse world.

It is said that this is a very evil beast.

But in fact, no one knows the truth of this matter, because they have no chance to meet Giratina.

When Tai got up, she saw Happy Egg as soon as she got up. She handed over a toothbrush and water glass for washing.

"Thank you, Happy Egg."

After Taiyi thanked him, he started to wash up.

Happy Egg was obviously very happy, saying loudly: "Happy!"

This is a kind of elf that can easily infect the emotions of other elves. This is a kind of happy elf.

After washing up, Taiyi started making breakfast.

For Happy Egg's first meal, Taiyi used Guishui Essence to make a very good breakfast for Happy Egg.

"Happy egg. How do you like it? Do you like it?"

Happy Egg nodded, his eyes became heart-shaped, and he nodded vigorously.

Eating up the basin represents the joy of the happy eggs.

Taiyi could also feel that Happy Egg's condition had improved slightly.

That's good.

Happy Egg: Happy Pokémon

Level: 80

Properties: General

Features: Natural reply

Qualification: Blue

Gender: Female

Skills: Slapping, shrinking, angel kiss, rounding, mental strength, coquettishness, tail wagging, healing wave, egg laying, healing wish, sunny day, carousel, sleeping, sleep talking, self-motivation, aromatherapy, Gravity, Drop of Life, Imitation, Charming Voice, Wagging Tail, Echo, Sing, Throw, Bump, Help, Wall of Light, Sacrifice, Treasure, Mega Punch, Mega Kick, Fire Punch, Freeze Punch , Thunder Fist, Destruction Ray, Final Impact, Snoring, Hold, Hail, Absorbing Punch, Tarzan Overwhelm

This is a very powerful happy egg, whether it is healing or fighting, it is very good.

He has learned many moves, including weather moves.

On a sunny day, this is a move that Taiyi also wants his elf to learn.

This is an elf with blue qualifications, but unfortunately, it is only about 40%.

Even if you eat the Guishui Essence added by Taiyi, the increase in qualifications is not much.

Taiyi knew that the Joy family must have given Happy Egg similar good food.

Therefore, the increase in this good thing is not that big.

But after all, there are still benefits, and Happy Egg himself can feel it.

She sang a ballad, which was a singing technique, but Taiyi didn't feel sleepy, but felt a shock all over her body.

This lets Taiyi know that Happy Egg has a good grasp of singing.

The ordinary singing move is a move used to confuse the opponent and make the opponent fall into coma.

However, this move of Happy Egg made his teammates more awake and excited.

This is the background of this happy egg. Tai's eyes lit up. Isn't this the best instructor?

Happy Egg must have his own understanding of these moves.

Then, all the elves of Taiyi can learn from her.

Especially the lucky eggs.

Tai did as soon as he thought of it: "So Happy Egg, my elves, can you learn the use of moves and the control of energy?"

Happy Egg nodded happily: "Happy!" (Of course!)

Taiyi smiled and said: "Okay, then I will ask the elves to come over and learn from you. As for me, I am going to visit the tree orchard."

Updated directly in the morning.

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