Pokemon: I farm in Zhenxin Town

Chapter 348 Happy Egg Joins

"What are you talking about? Are you so happy?" Miss Joy's voice came. Taiyi quickly stood up and saw Grandma Joy behind her.

"Grandma Joey, Miss Joey, come and sit down quickly." Taiyi greeted quickly. Since they are all back and Dr. Omu has entertained them, the Joey family cannot be left behind.

Grandma Joy sat down and said with a smile: "A few temporary visitors came to the elf center. When they were playing in the back mountain, the elf was injured. So, we arrived a little late."

This is Miss Joy. They cannot leave at any time because someone may come to the elf center at any time.

Many times, the elf is injured and must be treated in time, otherwise, it may bring great hidden dangers to the elf.

Taiyi said hurriedly: "It's okay, but I wonder if Grandma Joey can do barbecue today? If Grandma Joey doesn't like it, I'll cook two dishes for you."

Grandma Joey waved her hand: "It's okay, my teeth are fine. It's okay to eat barbecue occasionally."

In this way, Taiyi did not continue to persist.

It works here as well.

The ingredients here are delicious. Watching the elves eating barbecue, Taiyi thought it was really funny.

But in the real world, elves can actually eat human food.

What's more, a lot of tree fruits are added to it, so it tastes very good to the elves.

It seems that Grandma Joy is also hungry, but most of what she eats is vegetables. It seems that she is more inclined to eat vegetables.

As people get older, they don’t like to eat so much meat.

Well, there are exceptions, such as Dr. Oak.

Dr. Oki: I am still young. When will I become old? (→_→)

While Dr. Omu and Grandma Joy were chatting there, Taiyi glanced sideways at Shu Lao: "Do you think the truth of Lucky Incense is the same as what Dr. Omu said?"

Shu Lao stroked his beard and thought: "This is not impossible. But I believe that in reality, there should be other lucky incense. Otherwise, how did the auspicious eggs multiply before the Joey family? Woolen cloth?"

This gave Taiyi a direction: "If you say so, we can check the number of auspicious eggs over the years."

Mr. Shu: "How do you check? That's the secret of the Joey family."

Taiyi smiled and said: "Just check the number of elf centers Joey has run over the years, and then check what elf the Joeys in these elf centers are using."

Lucky incense is obviously a consumable material, so the inquiry is not accurate.

But what Taiyi wants is an estimated number, and then use these numbers to infer the authenticity of the information Dr. Ohmu said before.

He didn't doubt Dr. Oak, but Dr. Oak gave him a completely new perspective.

However, science still has to pay attention to some truth.

There is no way to achieve real scientific research by relying solely on guessing.

"What's that look in your eyes?" Shu Lao had a bad feeling.

Taiyi smiled and said: "You heard it just now, the lucky incense uses the bodily fluids of mythical beasts. Am I not short of materials?"

Shu Lao snorted coldly: "You don't even know how to make incense. You should work hard first and learn how to make incense."

This is not a problem, there are many types of incense, and there are many public types on the market.

It's just that these incense are backward and have been eliminated.

Taiyi sighed: "I always feel that there is always more knowledge to learn. The more I know, the more I realize how ignorant I am."

Shu Lao nodded with satisfaction: "You understand this, which means you are basically mature."

He said: "→_→, it feels like no one has grown up yet. Forget about people like you who don't know how old you are."

The metal monster evolved once, but according to his true age, he is still very young, so he is destined to have a noisy temper.

One moment they robbed the starfish of food, and the next moment they broke into the walking grass community, causing waves of commotion.

Then, he was taken care of by the lucky egg.

The current metal monsters are actually not something that Geely Egg can easily deal with.

The metal monster is already an elite level elf, and the auspicious egg is not much taller.

Lucky Egg: Egg Pokémon

Level: 50

Properties: General

Features: Natural reply

Qualification: Green

Gender: Female

Skills: Slapping, shrinking, angel kiss, rounding, mental strength, coquettishness, tail wagging, healing wave, egg laying, healing wish, sunny day, carousel, sleeping, sleep talking, self-motivation, aromatherapy, Gravity, drop of life

If calculated according to the level, the Geely Egg is only a little higher.

However, the Geely Egg has already reached the ceiling of the elite level. As long as you work harder, you can break through this ceiling and reach the threshold of the gym leader.

Their qualifications have also reached 10% of the green level. As long as they make some progress, they can break through the shackles of the seven colors of the rainbow.

Taiyi still believes that they can achieve this.

It just so happens that new heavenly materials and earthly treasures are being brewed. After a while, when the new heavenly materials and earthly treasures are brewed, these elves can all usher in an evolution.

But don't worry, they can all accumulate some more.

When the dinner was about to end, Grandma Joy said to Tai with a smile: "Dr. Ohki's Kuailong has broken through?"

Taiyi was stunned, shouldn't he ask Dr. Ohki about this kind of thing?

He glanced at Dr. Omu and knew it was Dr. Omu who said it.

Tai nodded and said to Grandma Joy, "Yes. Kuailong actually ate a lot of the elf food I made."

Grandma Joey said: "So, I wonder if I can keep my happy egg with you for a while to cultivate it?"

Taiyi was stunned, is there such a good thing?

Grandma Joey’s Happy Egg is definitely a master of elf potions and elf food. If you keep it by your side, you can learn from three auspicious eggs or even a big milk can.

Seeing Taiyi stunned, Grandma Joey immediately smiled and said: "Don't worry, my happy eggs are very powerful. Although your lucky eggs have graduated, they still have a lot to learn. These, even in the Joey family, Not all of those auspicious eggs are accessible. Well, some are limited to qualifications, so you may not be able to learn them."

Elves are just like humans, some are good at learning and some are not so good at it.

Taiyi immediately smiled and said: "Of course it's okay. Grandma Joy, don't worry, I will personally be responsible for the happy eggs' diet."

Naturally, those natural treasures must be controlled by Taiyi himself.

The auspicious eggs have not come into contact with those things now, or they are all obtained from Taiyi, and the quantities are limited.

Then, it was time to leave.

Dr. Omu and the others have all left, and there are lucky eggs to help clean up, so they don’t need their help.

Of course, there is also a happy egg here.

"Then, Happy Egg, let's get along well during this period of time."

"Happy!" Happy Egg said with a smile and narrowed his eyes.

Although she is the anchor of the Elf Center, the Elf Center would not be unable to function without her.

There are also many auspicious eggs. Recently, several little lucky eggs have been hatched, and they are all learning from the auspicious eggs. There are not so many things at the elf center in Zhenxin Town, so they are busy here.

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