Pokemon: I farm in Zhenxin Town

Chapter 347 Speculation about Lucky Incense

Taiyi was stunned, knowing that this was Dr. Ohki trying to remind him.

Deepening the connection with the Joy family is not a bad thing.

Since Kuailong can break through the Heavenly King in his own hands, Taiyi will break through even if he can't help the others.

But at least it’s an experience, right?

Grandma Joy is already very old, and she doesn’t have much life left.

Others don't know, but Dr. Oak still knows.

The idea of ​​the Joey family is that the Happy Egg breaks through to the championship level and can share its lifespan with Grandma Joey.

This way, Grandma Joy can take care of the Joy family for many more years.

However, Dr. Omu would not take the initiative to say this kind of thing, but even without saying this, Taiyi is worthy of making friends with the Joey family.

Tai nodded: "Actually, in order to break through to the championship level, in addition to the control of moves and energy. As well as the exploration of attributes, I think the most important thing is the understanding of vitality."

At this point, Dr. Omu also nodded: "I know it, but it is still too difficult to master. Kuailong can master it in such a short time, except for his own qualifications. You must have given him a lot of help. .”

When Tai opened his mouth, Dr. Omu waved his hand: "You don't have to tell me, and I won't ask Kuailong. This is your secret, and the number is definitely not many. I won't ask more questions."

Taiyi was very pleased, but he raised his head again and looked at Dr. Omu doubtfully.

Dr. Omu smiled and said: "Your elf strength has improved very quickly. How could it be possible if you didn't have some secrets? Even Yulongdu is not as dazzling as you at this time. However, the light on your body is a bit too dazzling. You Be more careful.”

In addition to organizations such as the Rockets, there are also many problems within the league.

Tai nodded: "When I come back this time, I have no plans to go out. I want to settle here for a while."

Dr. Omu looked at Taiyi with relief: "You just know it yourself. If you can, cultivate a few more king-level elves, your safety will be greatly guaranteed."

Taiyi smiled bitterly: "How can the King of Heaven be so simple? The closest one now is Bi Diao. But he suffered huge losses before, and I can't do anything even if I try hard to cultivate him. In addition, elves like Casey and other elves are very powerful. They have improved too quickly and their foundation is not stable enough. I hope they can calm down and settle for a while. The king is not the end, there are more difficult champions to break through."

Dr. Ohki was a little surprised, but didn't think much about it.

Having no dreams is the biggest problem.

When he first set out, he had the goal of being the king of all members.

The fact that this wish came true so quickly is inseparable from the fact that he has a dream.

Taiyi really smiled bitterly, the King of Heaven is not that simple.

Even for Casey, who is unstoppable and whose strength has risen rapidly, it is not that easy.

The Quasi-Heavenly King is an insurmountable chasm.

This is not only true for Contrast Eagle, but also for other elves.

This is also the reason why in the elf world, there are only the positions of the Four Heavenly Kings.

The distribution of rights is not ruled out, but if you want to reach the level of king of all members and have a backup team, the threshold for the four kings is really too high.

Every king-level trainer needs a team of many people to help behind the scenes.

First of all, trainers are indispensable. The food intake of King-level elves has also increased greatly, which undoubtedly increases the burden of King-level trainers.

In addition, there are various cultivation and daily exercises for the elves.

Strength is like sailing against the current. If you don't advance, you will retreat.

The level of energy is there, but the mastery of moves and energy will slowly degrade over time if you don't exercise regularly.

Dr. Omu also knows this: "It doesn't matter, you just have to take care of it yourself."

Regarding this point, Taiyi has some advantages over others.

First of all, the existence of Geely eggs and large milk cans can help a lot.

The big milk can produces milk, which is an extremely high-quality material. The big milk can can also help take care of the elves.

In addition to taking care of it, the auspicious egg can also help with treatment.

In addition, auspicious eggs can also learn the knowledge of cultivation and help trainers cultivate elves.

However, this is more difficult.

The auspicious egg that followed Taiyi out has already embarked on this path.

The elves in the world of the Book of Heaven have recently been cultivated by that auspicious egg.

The ivory pigs and earth turtles that were originally in the tribe, as well as their primitive forms of elves, have recently begun to train according to the auspicious egg cultivation method.

For elves in the wild, if you want to be promoted, you really have to rely on talent and luck.

For example, Taiyi's Bi Diao is like this.

In addition to their talent and numbers, these two tribes in the secret realm also benefited from the resources in the secret realm.

The Tutai Turtle relies on the mysterious beast elf egg, while the Ivory Pig clan relies on the original feathers of the Frozen Bird.

As Taiyi and Dr. Omu talked, they saw Xiaozhi eating and looking at the lucky eggs.

"Doctor, what's wrong with Xiaozhi?"

Dr. Ohmu was also embarrassed when he heard Taiyi's question: "He envies Xiaochi!"

Taiyi didn't react for a while, but then he thought: "Does he also want a lucky egg?"

Don't mention it, if Xiaozhi hadn't met Xiaogang and the others, he wouldn't have been able to do it without the auspicious eggs.

Xiaozhi, apart from his passion, has only luck.

Thinking of this, Taiyi suddenly asked: "Dr. Omu, do you know what lucky incense is?"

Dr. Oak looked at Xiaozhi with a strange look: "How do you know about Lucky Incense?"

Taiyi realized that the people in this world really didn't know about lucky incense.

But then, Dr. Omu didn't pay attention to Taiyi's answer, but said: "I actually don't know what it is. It is the secret of the Joey family. But I made a rough guess, it should be some kind of mythical beast, or simply It is the body fluid of the mythical beast. Because the mythical beast has huge vitality, the Joey family uses some secret method and supplements it with some materials to make incense. Only by letting the lucky egg lay eggs with this prop can the elf egg of the little lucky egg be born."

Taichi was surprised. Dr. Omu also had some speculations and research on this, but he didn’t know the details yet.

Taiyi understands that this is the survival skill of the Joey family, and the Joey family will never let it out.

He felt a little discouraged all of a sudden. It seemed that his own plan to hatch the little lucky egg was about to go bankrupt.

"It looks like Xiaozhi won't be able to get the lucky eggs. Three of them are too few for me."

Before giving Xiao Chi one, Taiyi thought that sooner or later he would get the lucky incense and hatch the little lucky eggs by himself.

But now it seems that this is not that simple.

But then, Taiyi thought again: "Since I already know the origin of this thing, I can just research it myself. Anyway, the trick of laying eggs can still be performed many times a day. And I still have Di Yun, and a It’s a mysterious beast elf egg. If you want to research it, it’s much easier than other methods. At least, he won’t be completely hopeless.”

Taiyi understands why only the Joey family can monopolize the lucky eggs.

Because other companies don’t have any mythical beasts at all, so how can they have a monopoly on this?

Dr. Oki was also surprised. He was quite depressed just now. Why did he cheer up now?

However, there is a high probability that Xiaozhi will not get the lucky eggs, and Taiyi himself will not be enough.

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