Pokemon: I farm in Zhenxin Town

Chapter 346 Dr. Oki’s surprise

Mayor Yusuke left, and Taichi and the elves began to prepare a sumptuous dinner.

This is Taiyi's repertoire. Every time they reunite after separation, they have to have a big meal.

Treat yourself and the elves as well.

But soon, Xiaozhi arrived.

Looking at the head sticking out, Taiyi laughed: "Xiaozhi? Come in quickly."

Xiaozhi came in with a smile, Taiyi didn't pay attention.

Only after waiting for a while did Taichi realize that Xiaozhi had been staring at the lucky egg.

This made Taiyi very strange, wondering what Xiaozhi was thinking.

Taiyi asked: "By the way, Xiaochi left. Xiaozhi, you don't have a playmate now?"

Xiaozhi waved his hand: "How could it be? There is also that hateful guy Xiao Mao, but he is really hateful."

Thinking that in anime, this is a pair of "lovers" who fall in love with each other and often fight each other, Taichi smiled with relief.

A sumptuous dinner was not ready yet, Dr. Omu and Aunt Hanako also came.

Dr. Omu said: "I knew you would have something delicious to eat when you come back."

Aunt Hanako showed an embarrassed smile: "Let me help too!"

Aunt Hanako's craftsmanship is pretty good, probably above the standard.

"By the way, Aunt Hanako, are you finished with your training?"

Aunt Hanako was studying in Hualan City. She came back during the Chinese New Year, but she left again after the new year.

In such a short time, Aunt Hanako is already over?

Aunt Hanako prepared the ingredients and said with a smile: "The initial training is over, and I am now interning at the elf center in the town!"

Xiaozhi said proudly: "My mother is now Joey, the intern at the Elf Center."

Well, that being said, Joey is synonymous with doctor.

But Aunt Hanako, interning at the Elf Center?

Would that be too hasty?

Dr. Oki said: "Hanako has learned a lot about cultivation before, and she learned very well from Joey. Then she started interning at the elf center in the town."

Aunt Hanako shook her head in embarrassment: "No. In fact, the elf center in town doesn't have much to do, so I'm here to help. By the way, I will continue to study. Grandma Joy is so awesome, she is cultivating new little lucky eggs. I’m studying with her.”


The meaning of Aunt Hanako's words revealed a lot.

In other words, Grandma Joey has hatched some small happy eggs here, and wants to breed some high-level happy eggs for the Joey family?

Taiyi admires Grandma Joey's nurturing methods.

Taiyi is still a little envious, what exactly is this lucky incense?

Why only the Joy family has it?

Taiyi didn't even discover the existence of this thing in the alliance. This seems to be a Joey family secret.

It is precisely because of this secret that the Joey family has a monopoly on auspicious eggs.

Taiyi took out the elf ball and handed it to Dr. Oak: "By the way, doctor. This is your Kuailong. This time, thanks to him, I can come back safely."

Dr. Oak took it and didn't care, but the elf ball moved, and Dr. Oak felt a little strange.

Taiyi smiled and said: "Kailong has made some small progress!"

Dr. Oki was stunned, small progress?

He walked out and released Kuailong, and then Dr. Omu was stunned.

"This is?"

Taiyi just moved the things out and put them in the yard. Hearing this, he nodded: "Yes."

Dr. Omu was stunned. He didn't expect that his elf, just for a trip, would break through the shackles of someone else and come back.

This is his first champion elf!


He thought the first one to break through would be Raichu!

However, Raichu has recently given birth and his strength has declined, and he needs to train again to return to his peak.

Kuailong didn't expect that he would be promoted first.

Dr. Oki nodded happily and thanked Taichi.

Taiyi waved his hands repeatedly: "I went out this time all thanks to Kuailong. Otherwise, I wouldn't have gained such a big harvest."

Dr. Oki laughed and said, "You are helping each other."

When I left before, I was still at the high level of Heavenly King. Being able to break through the ceiling and reach the championship level is quite difficult.

Dr. Oki knows that there are good things here in Taiyi, such as the vegetables and fruits that are full of vitality.

These things are not that common. This can be seen from the fact that people in Zhenxin Town have received a lot of wealth recently.

This is still only an area of ​​20 acres. If it is expanded further, the citizens of Zhenxin Town will be able to share even more wealth.

Dr. Oki knew that many townspeople were actually thinking about expanding tree orchards and vegetable gardens.

It's just because Taiyi is not at home, so it's hard to bring it up.

But Dr. Omu didn't want to talk about this matter himself.

Let’s wait for Mayor Yusuke himself to talk about this matter.

Here in Taiyi, there are not many elves who can use that special, mutated grass field move.

Now there are only two such as Ivysaur and Paraster. We have to wait until there are more such elves before we can bring them out.

Taiyi’s own tree orchard and vegetable garden can’t be ignored, right?

No one in Zhenxin Town has the face to say this.

Gilly Egg has brought out all the ingredients, and there is also a barbecue stove.

Well, let’s have barbecue tonight.

Not just meat, but many vegetables taste very good when grilled.

BBQ and eat at the same time.

Taiyi released all his elves.

Dr. Omu looked at the metal monster that kept opening its mouth wide and eating, and sighed. In just a short time, Taiyi has many powerful elves.

This metal monster has been cultivated very well.

Metal Monster: Iron Claw Pokémon

Level: 49

Attributes: Steel/Superpower

Characteristics: Eternally Pure Body

Qualification: Green

Gender: no gender

Skills: telepathy, telekinesis, iron head, iron wall, telekinesis hammer, iron hoof light, metal claw, sleep, ghost face, destruction light, electromagnetic levitation, cannon light cannon, light wall

This is already a very good elf in the elite level, and its strength has reached its peak.

Although Dr. Oak couldn't see the specific level, he could still feel the momentum.

"Is this metal monster about to break through to the elite level?"

Tai nodded: "It's still a little short. If I cultivate some more, it's time to evolve and break through to the gym leader level."

Dr. Oki saw another turtle next to him: "That's it?"

He couldn't believe his eyes, this powerful elf?

Tai nodded: "This time, I have conquered the guardian spirit of the secret realm, my first king spirit!"

King of Heaven, if Kuailong hadn't broken through the championship this time, Dr. Omu would have a championship-level elf.

From now on, as long as Kuailong teaches and imparts experience, other elves can also make breakthroughs one after another.

Dr. Ohki feels that he will soon be a king-level trainer like Taiyi.

Well, he always has been, and it only took Taiyi more than a year to reach this level.

"Yulongdu can't reach this speed, right?"

Dr. Omu was simply astonished. The speed of improvement was too fast.

He didn't know yet that Taiyi also had many elves who were quasi-celestial kings.

Those ivory pigs didn't want to come out, so they stayed in the ice fields in the Book of Heaven world. That was their preferred environment.

Dr. Oki is very pleased that the younger generation in the town can be promoted so quickly. This is the blessing of Zhenxin Town.

"By the way, if possible, you can share Kuailong's breakthrough experience with Grandma Joy. Her happy egg has been stuck at the bottleneck for a long time."

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