Pokemon: I farm in Zhenxin Town

Chapter 345 The State of Poison Rose

Counting the time, it's time for Xiao Chi to go on a trip.

Taichi had already expected this, and even handed the Geely Egg's Poké Ball to Dr. Oak early in the morning just in case.

Of course, the auspicious egg still belongs to Taiyi, and sometimes it belongs to Xiaochi.

Therefore, it will not take up the quota of one of Xiao Chi's elves. If it were someone else, he would definitely not be able to command the auspicious eggs to fight.

But if it's just healing elves, it's still possible.

Geely eggs are kind by nature and this will not change.

But Xiaochi is another matter. Xiaochi and Geely Dan have been getting along day and night and have developed feelings for each other.

The reason why Taiyi did not give the lucky egg to Xiaochi was because of the Joey family.

The auspicious eggs in this elf world are monopolized by the Joey family, because the auspicious eggs given out cannot be transferred at will.

If the original owner dies, the auspicious eggs will be taken back.

This is the fundamental reason why the Joey family can monopolize auspicious eggs. If Taiyi breaks this status quo, it will be more difficult for the Joey family to monopolize auspicious eggs in the future.

Even if it is not given to Xiao Chi, this auspicious egg can still take care of Xiao Chi. There are no restrictions except that he cannot enter the gym or participate in the league competition.

That's pretty good.

I believe Xiaochi doesn't care about it. Well, if people care about such good things, then they have no conscience.


Probably after hearing Taiyi's return, Geely Dan came out of the house with his eyes smiling like hearts.

Afterwards, the other elves came out one by one and embraced Taiyi warmly.

Taiyi also hugged them one by one and talked to them warmly.

In the distance, there are also elves in the tree orchard, especially Ivysaur, who also feel Taiyi's return.

Ivysaur came over with heavy steps and had close contact with Taiyi.

The other elves stayed where they were, but they all expressed their joy at Taiyi's return in their own way.

They also have to guard the orchards and vegetable gardens, especially the twenty acres of land shared by Zhenxin Town, which have also been guarded.

The elves of the citizens of Zhenxin Town are not too powerful. Well, Taiyi seems to have seen a few powerful elves?

"That is?"

"Those are the elves of several powerful trainers who came out of our town. In the past, they were kept by their side, or entrusted to some breeders to help cultivate them. Now aren't we doing cultivation here? Usually many wild elves come here They stole or robbed fruits and vegetables here, and they heard that the elves in our town were not adequately protected, so they sent their own elves back."

Tai nodded. It was not that there were no strong people in Zhenxin Town, but a few of them were already working outside.

Naturally, their elves will not be sent back. There are no powerful breeders here. Their main elves need to be carefully cultivated in order to maintain a continuous upward trend.

This is what gives them the confidence to serve outside.

But things are different now. There is also Miss Joy in Zhenxin Town. With the elf center, she can accompany and protect her family when she is sent back.

As for food, you can buy it at the Elf Center. With Grandma Joy here, the Elf Food at the Elf Center is pretty good.

However, the price seems a bit expensive.

But there is nothing that can be done about it. Grandma Joey is a very good breeder and is also very good at food.

The elf food made by Grandma Joy is of good quality, so the price naturally goes up.

But it's okay, plus the dividends from the orchards and vegetable gardens here can actually support the food of these elves.

Grandma Joey's food is much better than those made by breeders. Although it lacks other breeding techniques, compared with the two, it is not much different.

And when these elves are sent back, they can save the money to cultivate these elves, which can be used to cultivate other elves.

This is also a great thing.

Those elves who are sent back can also take their place to accompany the elderly at home, which is also a gain.

Mayor Yusuke smiled and said: "This is a good thing. In the future, more trainers from our town will send elves back. We old people sometimes go to the elf center to listen to the training courses taught by Miss Joy. In this way, although we are not very proficient in nurturing, we can still achieve good results by following Miss Joy's teachings. In this way, we can save a lot of money for the children. It can also help them and make us feel , we are no longer useless old guys."

Taiyi was dumbfounded, but soon smiled and said: "This is a good thing, but you are not old, you are still young, and you can still work for our town for thirty years!"

Mayor Yusuke waved his hands repeatedly: "No problem, this world still belongs to you young people. In a few years, I will consider relinquishing the position of mayor. Let's see who else is more qualified and let him take over. . If you weren’t too young, I would have to consider you.”

Regarding this point, Taiyi is very grateful.

"I'm still young. I still have too much knowledge to learn. Don't worry about this."

At this moment, Poison Rose walked in from outside. Seeing how embarrassed she was, Taiyi knew that Poison Rose's training had never diminished.

This is a diligent poisonous rose, so diligent that even Taiyi is a little stunned.

This is a reflection of Poison Rose's heart. She must work hard to achieve the goal of evolution as soon as possible, so that she can return to Sirona as soon as possible.

She wants to protect Sirona!

Poison Rose: Thorns Pokémon (evolutionary gene solidification)

Level: 50

Attribute: Grass/Poison

Features: spontaneous combustion recovery

Qualification: Green

Gender: Female

Skills: Missile Needle, Sunlight, Sleep, Snoring, Hold, Ultimate Absorption, Rain, Sunny Day, Sword Dance, Stand, Sludge Bomb, Hard Hold, High Speed ​​Star, Noisy, Hold On, Grass Knot, Photosynthesis, Cotton Spore, Sleeping Powder, Flying Leaf Knife, Grass Slide

very good, very powerful.

Over the past few days, this elf has become an elite-level elf.

Even the qualifications have been filled up by more than 90%, and they are close to being full.

"Poison Rose, your strength has reached its bottleneck. Do you want to evolve?"

When Sirona left before, she gave Taiyi a top-quality evolution stone. At this time, Poison Rose's state has basically reached the peak it can reach.

As long as Poison Rose is willing, the next step is to prepare for it.

When Poison Rose heard this, she immediately became excited: "I do!"

Thanks to telepathy, thanks to Prince Canghai, otherwise, there would be no way to communicate with the elves so directly.

Tai nodded: "Okay, in the next few days, don't overtrain. Jilidan and I will make a training plan for you. In the next few days, we must maintain the best condition. We must also adjust well." Your physical and mental state. Then I will give you the Stone of Light and you wait patiently for two days."

Although Poison Rose was still a little impatient, after hearing Taiyi's words, she still nodded sensibly and agreed.

"What a good boy!" Mayor Yusuke said: "By the way, Taiyi, you can communicate with the elves. In the next few days, can you go to the village? We have a lot of people, although they all like elves. But with the elves, There’s not enough communication, and we can’t understand what the elves are saying.”

Taiyi agreed immediately: "It's okay, I'll go tomorrow."

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