Pokemon: I farm in Zhenxin Town

Chapter 344 Return to Zhenxin Town, Mimikyu’s departure

Even if it breaks through to the championship level, this fast dragon does not have the qualifications to break through the blue of the seven colors of the rainbow, and it can only reach 100% blue.

There was purple coming out all around, but it wasn't purple yet.

This state is a bit like Mimikyu in the shadow, but a bit different.

Taiyi made some observations but found nothing.

Shu Lao: "With the qualifications of the seven colors of the rainbow, the higher you go, the harder it is to improve. You should know this!"

Tai nodded: "Yes, Kuailong's qualifications. I have used so many good things, but they have only improved slightly, less than 10%. The remaining 10% or more are all due to breaking through to the championship level. It was only at this special moment that he improved. In other words, whether it is evolution or breaking through the original shackles, it will help the elves improve their qualifications."

Taiyi recorded this in his notebook, and then wrote: "However, according to the difference in strength, the more powerful the breakthrough, the more qualifications will be improved. The first few levels have almost no effect. Or maybe, I The good things provided have already tapped their potential. Therefore, when breaking through the level, this improvement is minimal and almost negligible."

This point can be used as a topic, but it has no meaning.

Low-level good stuff is not that expensive.

If Taiyi is researched, it may increase the price of things in this area.

For those civilian trainers, the road ahead will be even more difficult.

Therefore, this topic is not necessary.

Because every trainer, as long as he has some ideals, will try his best to help his elves lay the foundation in the beginning.

They will not be stingy with some good things, as long as they can afford them.

But if they can't afford it, after Taiyi's research project, they may have to bear more prices that they can't afford.

Therefore, this topic is not necessary.

As long as you understand it, that's fine.

Of course, Taiyi will continue to research, which is of no use to those people, but it is still very useful to Taiyi.

On the way, Taiyi didn't just think. When he observed high-quality elves, Taiyi would also take action to conquer them.

During this period, the one he conquered the most was Carp King.

The base of this kind of elves is really too large, so big that even though most of them are fighting scum, they are elves with red qualifications.

But there are still many outstanding ones among them. Taiyi conquered more than a dozen green-qualified ones and two cyan-qualified ones.

As for blue qualifications, there are really too few.

In a sudden glance, he seemed to see one among the huge community of Magikarp.

But it is very difficult to catch that one accurately.

Because of his poor strength, King Magikarp is also relatively sensitive to danger.

Although there were a few Magikarp who didn't know how to escape, most of the Magikarp still followed the ocean current and left directly.

Taiyi captured a few more horned goldfish and two ugly fish.

In addition, he also conquered the gem starfish, all with green qualifications.

However, there are exceptions. A little sea lion that is more than 90% blue is the most qualified elf that Taiyi has harvested since he came out this time.

Sea Lion Baby: Sea Lion Pokémon

Level: 22

Properties: water

Characteristics: moist body

Qualification: Qing

Gender: Female

Skills: Headbutt, Shout, Boulder, Aurora Beam

The little sea lion has only one stage of evolution, but this kind of elf is definitely not too weak.

And this elf's qualifications are so good, Taiyi has no reason to give up.

When they reached the shore, Taiyi breathed a sigh of relief.

"I'm finally back. Next, it's Bi Diao."

Kuailong is fine at sea, but cannot be used on land.

It's not that Kuailong can't fly on land. This is an elf that's good at sea, land and air.

Worthy of being called the Quasi-Heavenly King, Kuailong is definitely a very powerful elf.

But this kind of elves are very rare. On land, it is easy to meet other people or trainers. They are too high-profile.

"Then Bi Diao, I'll leave it to you for the rest!"

Bi Diao nodded and motioned for Taiyi to come up.

He also felt that Kuailong was promoted to champion.

That was Bi Diao's dream for the future, but now, there was still a huge hurdle in front of him.

Quasi-Heavenly King, now is the threshold he wants to break through.

Taiyi got on Bi Diao's back. Before Bi Diao could fly, Tai Yi felt something leave in his shadow.

"Take off!" Taiyi said to Bidiao. At the same time, he looked at a place and said silently: "I hope you can live well outside."

It's not that there are no regrets, it's not that there are no regrets.

But Mimikyu doesn't want to, and Taiyi doesn't want to force it either.

The process of taming Mimikyu Q was not so beautiful. Although the wish was not achieved in the end, Taiyi would not force it.

I just hope that Mimikyu can still live well without him.

Do not drain the life force of other elves and humans, because that is a path of no return.

Once you take it, it's hard to stop.

In addition, once you go out of line, it is easy to attract the attention of the alliance.

Bi Diao also felt Mimikyu's departure, but Bi Diao didn't say anything.

Take off, heading towards Zhenxin Town.

The gym leader's peak competition is very fast.

Moreover, after learning wind control from Kuailong, Bi Diao is now considered a beginner.

Not only can it help Taiyi block the oncoming wind, but it can also use the power of the wind to make himself fly faster.

Bi Diao's back was very stable, and Taiyi sat cross-legged on it, still thinking about Mimikyu.

Shu Lao said: "Do you think Mimikyu Q will not leave?"

Taiyi was surprised and nodded: "I'm not going to lie, she didn't leave on the island. I thought she wouldn't leave! But it doesn't matter if she leaves, the elf who imposes will not be happy."

Shu Lao nodded, becoming more and more satisfied with Taiyi.

Bi Diao was also moved in his heart. Such a master is more worthy of his following, isn't it?

And with Taiyi, there are so many delicious foods, and you don’t have to worry about getting tree fruits or anything.

Bi Diao is still very satisfied with this kind of life.

He doesn't know why Mimikyu is dissatisfied. He has never experienced Mimikyu's life, so he cannot understand Mimikyu Q.

Most of the elves in this world will return home after being conquered.

But there are also some who are more rebellious and unwilling to be with humans.

Taiyi will not force this type of elves, and if they are willing to live freely in the wild, then go live freely.

After flying for seven or eight hours, I came down to rest twice, eat some food, and replenish my strength.

Near evening, Taiyi finally saw the location of Zhenxin Town.

Bi Diao flew over quickly and landed in front of his house in Zhenxin Town.

The breeding house hasn't opened yet, and now only a part of the elves have passed by.

When Tai Yi comes, he will be ready to move in completely. Just arrange for Geely Egg to come over and tidy up this house every few days.

"Hey, it's Taichi." Mayor Yusuke said with a smile on his face: "Why did you come back so late? We all know that you passed the breeder exam. Congratulations!"

Taiyi smiled and said: "After traveling for a while, I still feel that home is better, so I came back."

Mayor Yusuke nodded: "That's natural. No matter how long I've been out, I still think it's better at home. Just come back. By the way, Xiaochi went on a trip."

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