Pokemon: I farm in Zhenxin Town

Chapter 343 Return, Champion Kuailong

At this moment, not far away, a sound of destruction came.

Kona said: "What happened?"

In the distance, someone shouted: "It's Poseidon, the King of Ocean Team, coming."

In fact, without them speaking, Kona could already feel the power of this trainer from the same origin.

That was the power of Emperor Nabo. This elf with water and steel attributes could also train ice-attribute moves so well.

Can it be said that he is worthy of being the king-level emperor Nabo?

Kona rushed over and found that Poseidon had no intention of confronting the Alliance.

In other words, when the alliance has the upper hand at this time, the Ocean team does not dare to fight against the alliance.

They chose to retreat and not face the alliance for the time being.

Mi Keli came over: "How is it?"

Kona said with a bad expression: "Ochiai Kouki was rescued. Well, how brave, Hades, you were seriously injured by the freezing bird, how dare you come back?"

Kona waved his hand, and a Diga sea lion appeared in front of him: "Diya sea lion, frozen light."

Although Hades was injured, the ghost-type elves were the weirdest. Even Kona was unable to capture them for the time being.

Mi Keli was sitting on the side and also guarding Takeshita Takuya.

One Ochiai Kouki has already been robbed. If even Takeshita Takuya is rescued, then the alliance's face will really be stepped on.

At this time, a powerful aura surged out from the distance.

what's the situation?

Mikli turned back and looked in that direction: "Is that the Champion Elf?"

This champion elf that suddenly appeared not only surprised Mikri, but also Kona and Hades during the battle.

Then, they also stopped in a tacit agreement.

"Kona, return Takeshita Takuya to me. Otherwise, I won't be able to deliver, and I will have to wreak havoc in the alliance."

Kona's face was ashen: "Impossible. If I give Takeshita Takuya to you, I can't handle it. Moreover, if you dare to wreak havoc in the league, then the demise of the Rockets will be accelerated."

Hades was silent for a while, and then the champion elf lost his momentum.

A shadow appeared next to Mikri, but the shadow did not dare to attack Mikri. Instead, it approached Takeshita Takuya, trying to take the opportunity to coerce Takeshita Takuya and leave.

Mi Keli chuckled: "Don't underestimate me. Although I am not the official Four Heavenly Kings yet!"

With that said, Qixi Blue Bird released a solar beam, blasting the shadow out of the smoke state.

Surprisingly, it was a Gengar!

Damn it, where did Hades get so many powerful ghost elves, and they were all Gengars?

Ghost elves are powerful, compared to ordinary elves.

But the ghost system itself also has its own strengths and weaknesses. Obviously Hades is a trainer who is very good at using the ghost system.

And when choosing elves, they also have a unique vision.

With two kings in charge and one hand behind Poseidon, Hades obviously had no way to save Takeshita Takuya.

He wanted to capture a few ordinary alliance trainers in exchange, but at this time both Kona and Mikri were already alert and did not give him a chance at all.

Coupled with the unknown champion elf that just appeared, Hades could only take a deep look at Takeshita Takuya and turn around to leave.

Takeshita Takuya did not call for help because he knew that Hades would not give up on him if it were possible.

Whether he shouted or not, it was the same.

At this time, Takeshita Takuya closed his eyes when he saw Hades leaving. He knew that he had no chance.

If it were before, there would still be a chance.

This is how Ochiai Hōki was rescued.

But how could the king of the league make one mistake twice? That would really insult the word "King of Heaven".

Subsequently, Kona's Diga sea lion kept staring at Takeshita Takuya, which also extinguished Takeshita Takuya's hope of escaping.

There is no elf in his body, how can he be the opponent of the King of Heavenly Elf?

A freezing beam can freeze him in place and turn him into an ice sculpture.

Kona didn't feel very relaxed either. One was Ochiai Kouki's escape, which cast a shadow over their actions this time.

I had to take credit for my good work, but I have to give it a discount.

There is also the unknown champion elf.

Others might not be able to feel it, but she and Mikri could really feel the fluctuations.

This is also the reason why Hades does not dare to stay. If it is a pro-alliance champion elf, Hades is likely to be left behind.

"Tell me, what exactly is going on?" Kona said.

Mikli shook his head: "I don't know, but it shouldn't pose a threat to the alliance."

The foundation of the alliance is not that simple.

A champion-level elf can only be said to be a slight threat and may affect some actions.

But it is not yet possible to pose a threat to the alliance.

"How about it? Come over and have a look?"

Although he is only a king-level trainer, he will not be too afraid when facing a champion-level elf.

If you can't beat him, you can at least escape.

When the two of them come together, there is no need to worry about safety issues.

If it were just a champion level elf.

When they reached the other side of the island, they found nothing.

"It looks like he left. Do you think it could be an elf in the secret realm?" Kona asked.

Mikri shook his head: "If there were champion-level elves in the secret realm, the current situation would not be the case."

Not to mention the resources in the secret realm, trainers may not be allowed to enter the secret realm.

If you go, you will die, it's not a joke.

The Alliance's attitude toward champion-level elves will be more compromising.

It was a secret realm of champion-level elves invaded by trainers. The Alliance had no way of saying anything about this.

The Alliance also has champion-level trainers, but they cannot arbitrarily deprive champion-level elves of their territory.

The overlord elves in Viridian Forest and other places are such existences.

There was no result, so they had no choice but to return and finish things here first.

There, Taiyihe left on the Kuailong.

Kuailong is very fast and is said to be able to travel between two continents very quickly.

What's more, it's a championship-level fast dragon?

Yes, Dr. Omu's dragon finally crossed the threshold between the king and the champion, and was successfully promoted to a champion-level elf.

Taiyi didn't know if any of Dr. Oak's other elves had reached the championship level.

But the strength of this fast dragon will definitely be the best among Dr. Omu's elves.

Among the champions, the strength is definitely not bad.

Kuailong: Dragon Pokémon

Level: 81

Attributes: Dragon/Flying

Features: Multiple scales

Qualification: Blue

Gender: Male

Skills: Storm, Wing Attack, Feather Perch, Divine Speed, Fire Fist, Thunder Fist, Freeze Fist, Stare, Tornado, Electromagnetic Wave, Dragon Tail, High Speed ​​Movement, Slam, Water Tail, Dragon Dive, Mysterious Guardian, Rain Request, Dragon's Tail Dance, Reverse Scale, Light of Destruction, Megaton Punch, Fly, Ultimate Impact, Flame Vortex, Wall of Light, Sleep, Rockfall, Snoring, Hold, Frozen Wind, Charming, Sandstorm, Hard Hold, High Speed ​​Star, Rock Blockade , Throw, Tarzan, Jet Flame, Freeze Ray, Earthquake, Big Character Fire Explosion, Stand, Chi Bomb, Iron Head, Sharp Stone Attack

In addition to breaking through level 80 and reaching level 81, Kuailong's mastery of moves and energy has also improved.

Don't underestimate the gap at this level, the strength has already undergone earth-shaking changes.

For this fast dragon, there is another huge change, that is, the abundant blue aptitude has begun to brew purple.

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