Pokemon: I farm in Zhenxin Town

Chapter 342 Kona’s Appreciation

Arriving at the other end of the island, Taiyi was surprised to find that there were a lot of battle aftermaths all around.

Moreover, there are still many ice cubes appearing.

The sun has been shining for so long, but there is no sign of melting.

"Frozen bird!" Taiyi exclaimed, the divine beast is indeed a divine beast. The products of this ordinary move are so hard and last so long.

He sensed Kuailong's elf ball in reality. Kuailong was still breaking through, not so fast.

Taiyi didn't have much else to do, and then he looked towards the ground.

"I know you can hear it. The trip to the secret realm is over. My contract with you has ended now. Do you want to leave now, or do you want to wait for me to leave the island and return to Kanto before leaving?"

Mimikyu is a ghost-type elf. This kind of elf can virtualize its body, so even the ocean cannot stop Mimikyu's figure.

So leaving at this time is a good opportunity.

The shadow moved, but Mimikyu didn't come out.

Taichi didn't know what Mimikyu was planning, so he didn't care anymore.

"Okay, you can leave at any time. I won't stop you, but in the end, I will warn you again. There are many ghost elves in history who improve their strength by devouring the vitality of other elves. They do They made rapid progress in the early stage, but this would give them the ambition to devour more vitality to improve their own strength. In the end, none of these elves were spared. Either they were attacked by the elf overlords and finally killed. Or they were killed by the alliance. Capture, or kill. No elf is spared. I hope you can restrain yourself from this thought. Having said this, you are free to leave at any time."

After that, Taiyi took out some books and started studying.

Kuailong is still promoted, and he has no other elf to take his place.

In this vast sea, if he couldn't tell the direction, it might not be that easy to fly out using BiDiao.

Over there, trainers keep coming out of the secret realm.

This secret realm has been taken over by the Alliance.

In the future, the alliance will send dedicated people to manage it here, or move the secret realm to another place.

There is a high probability that it will be the Orange Alliance, because this secret realm is closest to the Orange Alliance.

Mikri came out, followed by Takeshita Takuya and Okiai Hōki, the two rising stars of Team Rocket and Team Ocean, who did not escape in the end.

There was nothing they could do, they couldn't get enough of a king-level trainer.

Soon, someone took away the elf balls of the two people. Without the elf balls, the two people had no superpowers, so they could only follow the alliance investigators and leave.

What awaits them will be trial by the alliance and imprisonment.

As for their elves, they are usually used as breeding seeds at the alliance's breeding base.

Generally speaking, this is the fate of these elves.

It is impossible to release them because they are contaminated with the bad habits of their owners, which is not a good thing for wild elves.

And they also lack the ability to live independently in the wild, well, the good ability to live independently.

Taro Sasaki came out of the secret realm with his head hanging down. His strength also increased during this trip to the secret realm.

In the secret realm, he also gained a lot of benefits.

However, the operation against Taiyi failed and made him passive.

Kona appeared in front of her. She had been outside all this time just to suppress the trainers nearby.

Many trainers, especially civilian trainers, may be ready to take action when faced with resources.

But when facing a king-level trainer, these people did not dare to act rashly.

Even if they grab the resources, they have no way to escape.

An elf with a king-level trainer was not something they could fight against.

At that time, the benefits will not be obtained, but they will enjoy jail time. This is not what civilian trainers want.

In addition, there were some people with ulterior motives who were shocked.

However, Taro Sasaki's eyes lit up. He took a few steps and said to Kona: "King Kona, I want to report it. In this secret realm, Alliance researcher Taichi Amuro not only did not assist the search department..."

Before he finished speaking, his words were interrupted.

Mi Keli said with a smile: "Hey, you are suing me in front of me? I know everything about it before!"

Mikri's smile was very heartwarming.

This little sun-like figure is really charming when he smiles.

It is worthy of the appearance of the gorgeous competition. This smile alone can attract countless trainers to enter the gorgeous competition one after another.

"By the way, who is that? You should know what happened inside, right?" Mikli said, pointing to another alternate investigator.

Kazuma Kitahara nodded excitedly: "Yes. King, I am Kazuma Kitahara. King Kona, I have witnessed the whole thing. And I also heard with my own ears that Taro Sasaki wanted to usurp the credit of Mr. Taichi Amuro. . The thing is like this, we were forced to enter the secret realm. The Rockets are powerful and we are no match. Under the leadership of Taichi Amuro, we defeated the Rockets. Then, Mr. Taichi Amuro proposed..."

Kitahara Kazuma was not exaggerating, but telling the truth.

This kind of statement is convincing.

But it was also because of this that Taro Sasaki looked ugly, and he secretly swore that after returning, he would mobilize his family's power to take revenge on Kitahara Kazuma.

In addition, the most important thing is to take revenge on Taichi Amuro.

He had never suffered such a loss before. First, he was robbed of a lazy otter elf egg.

Then, in the secret realm, everything was kept silent again, and in the end, he was framed.

After returning this time, his future in the search department was completely gone.

Not to mention, the family may all be implicated to some extent.

"But it doesn't matter, our Sasaki family also has many people within the investigators. As long as we don't provoke the Joey family, we are not afraid of others."

Kona's already cold face looked at Taro Sasaki, which was really scary.

"Take it down, return to the Alliance, and let the Search Department handle it themselves."

But then, Kona also asked: "By the way. Where is the smallest mid-level researcher in the history of the alliance? I haven't met him yet."

For this kind of researcher, who is also a cultivator, the King of Heaven will also be friends with him.

In the future, maybe I will ask others for help.

Trainers are powerful, but in other aspects, professionals are still needed.

Besides, Taiyi obviously has a lot of insights into elf food.

Other elf props and the like can be saved.

But this elf food is something that every trainer cannot avoid.

Therefore, food, clothing, housing and transportation will never go out of style.

Mikri said in surprise: "Didn't he come out of the secret realm first? Didn't you see it?"

Kona shook his head and called someone to ask again, only to find out that Taiyi had left.

Mi Keli shrugged: "It seems that there is nothing we can do for the time being. But I will go to Zhenxin Town to find him later. Does King Kona want to go there with us?"

Ke Na shook his head: "Forget it, let's talk about it next time when we have time."

If it is by the way, you can make friends in advance, and Kona will not be stingy with his smile.

But if you go there specifically, a mid-level researcher plus a junior cultivator is not up to par.

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