Pokemon: I farm in Zhenxin Town

Chapter 341 Leaving the secret realm, Kuailong is promoted

Just as Mikri was about to speak, the trainers from the alliance had already returned one after another.

Mi Keli had no choice but to say: "I will come to Zhenxin Town to find you later on this matter."

He walked out two meters, then turned back and asked, "By the way. You should be going back to Zhenxin Town this time, right?"

Tai nodded: "Yes. I will return to Zhenxin Town soon."

In fact, Taiyi planned to go back to Zhenxin Town directly after leaving.

Mikri nodded. This time, he really left.

Mi Keli is the trainer of the King of Heaven. This time he was borrowed from the Kanto region and he also has responsibilities.

Taiyi shrugged and said to Joy Xin: "I'm leaving and going back to Zhenxin Town. Are you going there with me, or?"

Joyxin thought for a while and said: "After this time, I will go to the search department to report. I will go there later!"

Tai nodded and didn't say much.

Saying goodbye to Joy Xin, Taichi came over to say a few words to Akagi Yanghei.

When passing by the preparatory investigator, Taichi did not stop and did not even look at Taro Sasaki.

Taro Sasaki was almost furious, but there was nothing he could do.

He secretly planned in his heart that after he got out, he would find the seniors in the family and he must seek revenge on Taiyi!

He didn't know that his family was not as powerful as he thought.

At this time, Taro Sasaki was still thinking: "Mikoli, a king-level trainer, is actually protecting Taichi! When we turn around, we must make Mikoli unable to bear the consequences!"

The elders of the Sasaki family must not know that the unscrupulous descendant Taro Sasaki would bring trouble to the family in this way. If you knew, would you regret not throwing Sasaki Taro into a septic tank and drowning him when he was born?

Taiyi came to Akagi Yanghei and said: "When I leave the secret realm, I will go directly back to Zhenxin Town. Regarding the construction of the platform, I still need some time to prepare. Next, you can move freely, Miklina By the way, I told him about the sand scale fruit. He will report it to the alliance later, and some benefits should be distributed to you. But don’t expect too much. After all, the number of people participating is here, by the way, to At that time, if Mi Keli asks you who is paddling here, you can just tell him directly when the time comes."

Taiyi doesn’t know the names of those people.

On the contrary, Akagi Hinata, who is more active in the civilian training family, will know better.

Akagi Yanghei agreed, and Taichi added: "After that, in about three months, I should be able to prepare, and you can come to Zhenxin Town by then. Let's discuss how the platform should be launched and when. "

After discussing for a while, Taiyi was ready to leave: "By the way, I'm going back. Do you have anything else to say?"

Akagi Yangping thought for a while and shook his head: "No more."

"Okay, I'll go back first!"

Looking at Taiyi's retreating back, Akagi Yanghei was very envious: "Mr. Taiyi's rise is inseparable from the support of Dr. Ohgi!"

He knew that without Dr. Ohmu, Taiyi might be able to rise, but it would definitely not be so fast.

But he wasn't jealous, just a little envious.

Living in Zhenxin Town and relying on Dr. Omu, I am really lucky.

"But now, I can also rely on Dr. Ohki indirectly. As long as I have Researcher Taiyi on my back, my future will not be a dream!"

Akagi Yangping almost sang a song, My future is not a dream.

He was very excited in his heart.

That is the joy of having hope!

After Taiyi said goodbye, he asked Shu Lao to find the right direction and head towards the exit of the secret realm.

Shu Lao is still very sensitive to space. Although he cannot find the exit directly, he knows the general direction.

After searching for a long time, Taiyi found the exit of the secret realm.

Along the way, he also met several members of Team Rocket.

Needless to say, enemies are extremely jealous when they meet.

However, the Rockets didn't dare to take action against Taiyi. A king-level earth turtle was used as a means of transportation. How awesome is this?

They can't beat this kind of character.

But they didn't want to provoke Taiyi, but Taiyi didn't want to let them go.

Just let Casey go out and let the Sting Bee and Bad Butterfly take them down.

Then it was tied with a rope and placed on the back of the turtle.

"Leave it to the Alliance when you get out. I am also a good citizen who is brave enough to do justice!"

After finding the exit, Taiyi saw the alliance staff guarding there.

Seeing this, Taiyi was completely relieved.

"I heard that King Kona, who is the Four Heavenly Kings of the Alliance, is guarding here. I don't know what King Kona looks like."

Muttering, Taiyi took out his mid-level researcher certificate and handed it to the staff for inspection.

These people are also in awe of Taiyi. He is the youngest mid-level researcher in the alliance. You may have never seen Taiyi, but everyone must have heard of Taiyi's name.

So I just checked it a little and released Taiyi.

Taiyi also lamented that if this person had no status, it might not be so simple.

Fortunately, he was born in Zhenxin Town and has the Book of Heaven by his side. He is now an intermediate researcher.

"It's also a position that others look up to!"

Taiyi didn't think there was anything wrong with this. No world could be absolutely fair.

Because of the different division of labor in society, classes with different statuses are destined to emerge.

The only thing Taiyi can do is not to look at those people who are lower than himself. He can only allow himself to treat everyone equally. This is already the limit.

As for other people's perceptions, Taiyi has no way to change them.

He doesn't have that big ambition, nor does he have that energy.

Coming out of the secret realm and taking a breath of the sea breeze, Taiyi felt like he was in another world.

"Although I was only there for more than ten days, it seems like a year has passed!"

Too much has really changed, Taiyi had to sigh.

"When you come out, hurry to the side and don't block the exit!" said a search officer guarding the door.

Taiyi quickly apologized: "I'm sorry, it feels like a lifetime ago!"

The investigator also smiled and didn't say much.

In this world, most people are actually pretty good.

Even those reserve investigators, most of them are actually pretty good.

It’s just a matter of making the wrong decision!

That's just being deceived for a moment, most of them are still very simple.

Taiyi hurried aside, left here, and found a private place.

He was in no hurry to leave. The only elf he could use as a means of transportation on the sea was Kuailong.

But before, Kuailong fell into an epiphany. I wonder if there was a successful breakthrough?

As for Bi Diao?

Although Bi Diao can fly long distances, Bi Diao cannot support several days of sailing.

"The dragon must be hatched as soon as possible. This time it has been integrated into this secret realm. With bad benefits, we should be able to start treating the dragon egg."

The elf egg that rides on the dragon is entirely due to the loss of too much vitality when it was in the mother's body.

But most of the vitality is borne by the mother of the Dragon Riding Elf Egg.

This resulted in the Dragon Cheng in the Dragon Cheng Elf Egg having extremely high qualifications, but also lacking a lot of vitality.

As long as Taiyi can replenish this vitality, he can obtain a Chenglong with blue qualifications.

It has good combat power and is also an excellent transportation elf in the water!

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