Pokemon: I farm in Zhenxin Town

Chapter 332 Breaking the Secret Realm Blockade

Kona was a little embarrassed. Although the league didn't have an exact explanation on how the Rockets got the news, everyone knew that there must be someone inside!

Now, several people who have access to that top-secret document are under investigation in isolation.

Just kidding, if such a big thing happens, the Rockets would never think that the league would be indifferent, right?

Kona didn't speak, and Mikri didn't ask any further questions.

There are sieves everywhere in the alliance, and the same is true in the Fangyuan region!

He also realized what the problem was and knew that he had asked a question that he shouldn't have asked.

Fortunately, Frozen Bird came back at this time and relieved his embarrassment!

Frozen Bird vented his anger, and although he didn't succeed, the two little mice escaped.

But a lot of anger was vented, and the Frozen Bird flew back and looked at Kona and Mikri.

What's embarrassing is that the two of them don't have special abilities and can't understand Frozen Bird's words.

Mikri soon released a new elf, a Chirulian.

Kirulian: The Emotional Pokémon

Level: 45

Attribute: Superpower/Fairy

Traits: Telepathy

Qualification: Qing

Gender: Male

Skills: Charming voice, cry, shadow clone, telekinesis, hypnosis, sucking kiss, teleportation, fantasy light, coquettishness, meditation, mental telepathy, healing wave, dream eating

This is an evolved form of Larulas, a rare elf, and it is also a very powerful elf.

It has two second-stage evolutionary forms, namely Gardevoir, who is known as the cross-dressing boss, and Aluredor, the swordsman master!

This kind of elf needs to use a prop called the Awakening Stone in order to proceed to the final second stage of evolution.

Well, only males can use the Awakening Stone to awaken and become the swordsman master Elle Duo.

The females and the remaining males are all crossdressers, and there is no need to use the Awakening Stone.

I don’t know if Mikoli’s one will eventually become a big boss in women’s clothing.

Chilulian's level is not high. It can be seen that he is not in the first echelon of Mikoli. His first echelons are already king-level elves.

This one should be the reserve team, or the latest one.

His characteristic is telepathy, and he can use this ability to communicate with humans and elves.

This is similar to the telepathy move of Taiyi's metal monster, which can also communicate with humans and elves.

This time, communication can be considered smooth.

Frozen Bird said: "I have been away from the Ice Island for too long. I must go back and take charge, otherwise the area around the Orange Islands will become chaotic."

The three holy birds, including the Freezing Bird, were originally located around the Orange Islands and were responsible for regulating the surrounding climate.

From now on, although the direct impact here is only around the Orange Islands, its influence will affect the entire elf world through details.

The flapping of a butterfly's wings in Siberia can cause a tornado.

What's more, is it a region's climate anomaly?

Kona said seriously: "If you have any requests, please tell me!"

There must be a reason why Frozen Bird ran out so angry!

The Alliance will definitely investigate this matter, and the Alliance will definitely give Frozen Bird an explanation afterwards.

This is also the agreement between the mythical beasts and the alliance.

Frozen Bird said: "My family is in this secret realm. I left an original feather and transformed the environment inside so that the climate can support the life of my family, the ivory pig family! But I …”

When He said this, he became angry: "But just now, I couldn't feel my original feather. It was stolen by someone, and special means were used to isolate my induction!"

What Taiyi doesn't know is that the frozen bird has many feathers, but not every feather can transform the ice field where the ivory pig lives.

The reason why that place was formed was entirely due to the transformation of Frozen Bird!

And its props are the fundamental feathers of the Frozen Bird!

There are not many frozen birds with such feathers.

Other feathers may fall off naturally, which is the source of other feathers in the ice cave!

But the original feathers will not fall off on their own initiative!

If Frozen Bird wants to condense such feathers, it will not be possible overnight.

Even if this frozen bird has a priesthood, it's the same!

This feather was originally shed by the Frozen Bird on its own initiative, intending to change the environment so that its family members could survive.

In addition, there are also plans to improve the qualifications of the ivory pig family.

Only then did Kona realize that this was what happened.

Kona immediately expressed his position: "We will do our best to investigate the truth of the matter, and then we will give you an explanation!"

Frozen Bird nodded and prepared to return.

He really couldn't stay any longer. During this period, the climate around the Orange Islands had begun to change.

On the other two islands, the Flame Bird and Lightning Bird also rose up, calling the Freeze Bird back.

Although the three holy birds themselves are not in harmony, there are often fights between them.

But there is also a tacit understanding among the three holy birds about maintaining the climate.

The Frozen Bird flew up and before turning around, it emitted an extremely powerful beam of freezing light.

The freezing light directly hit the original entrance to the secret realm, and Kona even seemed to hear the sound of glass breaking.

After that, Frozen Bird had no nostalgia and flew directly back to the Ice Island.

Because he has to sit on the Ice Island and has no time to clone himself, this is one of the reasons why Frozen Bird signed an alliance with the Alliance.

When something happens, it is also in the interest of Frozen Bird for the Alliance to run errands.

Kona turned around and said, "Okay, the entrance to the secret realm has been opened. Let's go there. No one from Team Rocket can be let go."

Mikri nodded and released his other elves, surrounding the entrance and exit of the secret realm.

As long as you are not a king-level trainer, you can never escape from the roundup of the two of them!

At this time, in the secret realm, Taiyi just quietly brought all the ivory pig clan to the World of Heavenly Book, and went to join the little mountain pigs and others from before.

Such a superior living environment is simply the dream place of the ivory pig family.

Moreover, there are no natural enemies here, and there are farmers like Ivysaur helping to grow trees and fruits. Is there any place better than here in the world?

Therefore, in their joy, the Ivory Pig clan actually forgot to tell Taiyi the truth about the matter, and also forgot that they were connected to a mythical beast.

The Tutaigui clan was also taken away by Taiyi. During this trip to the secret realm, Taiyi made a lot of money.

He was very satisfied, waiting for when the secret realm exit would be unsealed, and then looked for an opportunity to go out.

"I don't know what's going on with Team Rocket. If I go out in a short time, I'm afraid I'll run into Team Rocket, which is quite dangerous!"

Taiyi was still thinking, he would not let Shu Lao lift the blockade.

He was originally worried that the Rockets were guarding the outside, so he asked Shu Lao to seal the secret realm.

If you open it yourself, wouldn't you send a sheep into a tiger's mouth?

But at this moment, Shu Lao came out with a solemn expression.

Then there was a shock, and Shu Lao said: "A divine beast has taken action. I feel like the power of the ice system is very similar to the power of the feather you got back from Ochiai Kouki! It should be from the same source!"

"Frozen Bird?" Taiyi was surprised. What he got back was naturally the feathers of the Frozen Bird.

Since it is a power that is very similar to this feather and has the same origin, there is no one other than Freeze Bird.

He had seen the Frozen Bird outside before, so he could guess it.

"What's going on?" Everyone in the secret area was in commotion.

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