Pokemon: I farm in Zhenxin Town

Chapter 331 Double bomb gas self-explosion

The Frozen Bird's attack has continued. It's not that Hades and Poseidon don't want to separate, but once they separate, the remaining person will be killed by the angry Frozen Bird.

They have no way to resist the extreme cold for the time being.

Even Poseidon's ice elves can't do anything about it.

Once they are separated, but they don't know who Frozen Bird will chase, then there is a 50% chance that he will be the one being chased.

In this way, they dare not separate.

At the same time, they were cursing secretly in their hearts: "How did Frozen Bird know to look for us? Where are those two people!!"

Poseidon shouted: "Kona, come here quickly and help. Otherwise, when we are killed by the Freeze Bird, you will also follow in the same footsteps!"

Kona, however, looked at Poseidon leisurely, like a clown, avoiding the attack of the frozen bird.

But how can the attack of the divine beast be so simple?

Every move of Frozen Bird has a huge range.

This is simply unmatched by ordinary elves, and neither can other frozen birds!

Hades knew better, and he secretly said "Idiot." But it didn't stop Poseidon.

What if Kona is insane and comes to help him?

Then, he can take the opportunity to leave.

Hades saw a piece of information within the Rockets. Many mythical beasts had an agreement with the alliance. As long as the alliance king did not take the initiative to provoke, these mythical beasts could not take the initiative to attack the alliance king.

The King of Heaven is the mainstay of the alliance and an important pillar of the alliance.

So generally speaking, once a king falls, the alliance will be in turmoil.

Therefore, there is an agreement between the divine beast and the alliance that they cannot take the initiative to attack the king of the alliance.

There must be some kind of identification in these alliance kings, which the mythical beasts can feel.

But Hades didn't know what it was, so he couldn't imitate it.

In fact, the Rockets have always wanted to imitate this thing, but unfortunately they have never been able to succeed.

Poseidon saw that his shouts were ineffective, and Kona and Mikri remained calm, neither moving away nor approaching.

Poseidon had no choice but to take out a few tubes of potion and stuff it into his elf's mouth.

"What is that?" Kona was shocked, but it had already happened, and then she discovered that Poseidon's elf's momentum suddenly increased a lot!

"Something similar to the elf virus? Or is it just a potion that simply stimulates the elf's potential?" Kona couldn't be sure, but she was leaning towards the latter.

If even one's own elves can be sacrificed at will, such a person has no way of getting the elves to sacrifice their lives for protection.

Obviously, Poseidon is pretty good to his elves!

But at this moment, the potion entered his body, and Poseidon's Diya sea lion actually surged. He used surfing, rolled himself and Poseidon, and flew away in the distance!

Frozen Bird made an angry sound. He originally wanted to tease these two people before going to deal with the affairs of the secret realm and his dependents.

But now this little mouse actually used some kind of medicine and sped away.

His eyes looked at the remaining Hades!

Hades was helpless. He had been undecided and didn't want to leave!

The ordinary subordinates of Team Rocket don't matter.

But just now, scholars including the R\u0026D department also lost money.

This made Hades unable to explain to Sakaki. He was still thinking about delaying for a while to see if he could get the tissue from the Frozen Bird.

The organization is very good at this.

As long as there is an organization of the mythical beast, you can try to copy it.

Just like the dream copy project that the Rockets are currently working on!

Unexpectedly, Poseidon, who had been shouldering the pressure together, couldn't bear it first. He used a forbidden potion to increase the elf's strength and sped away.

Then there is nothing he can do.

Take out a few Poke Balls, press the button on them, and inject the Poke Virus into them!

"Gengar, please give me some time!"

Poseidon has left, and his elves have no way to withstand the wrath of the frozen bird alone!

In this way, summon a few more Gengars to come out and resist together.

Among them, there is also a Night Demon and a Mimikyu Q!

These are very rare elves, all of them are king-level elves!

Because of the laws of the world, it is not just the alliance that needs to abide by the number of elves carried by everyone.

Even those evil organizations are the same!

There is no way to exceed the limit of six registered elves.

Any excess will be teleported away.

Of course, evil organizations such as the Rockets have also developed some technologies that can slightly circumvent this law, but the increase is not as large as that of the Alliance.

This is an agreement between the alliance and the mythical beasts, and also an agreement between the alliance and the world.

Taiyi didn't know, but Hades knew.

Of course, what he has in his hands does not count, they all belong to the previous members of Team Rocket.

This aspect is also a kind of loophole.

But if you are not the master of the elves, you cannot command the elves to fight freely.

But Hades does not need to command, because these elves have been injected with the elf virus and are destined to perish.

Before that, they were violent and would attack everyone in front of them crazily.

Including the person who released them from the Poké Ball, the same thing!

Hades has no hope anymore. What he needs is to let the elves hold down the Freeze Bird so that he can escape!

After waiting for some time, both Gengar and Night Demon were severely damaged, as was Mimikyu Q.

Hades was a little nervous. He threw the elf ball in his hand, and several double-bomb gassers and several beebirds, bat butterflies and long-winged gulls flew out of the elf ball.

Hades deliberately threw it far away, then called to his elves to run away.

Gengar's black shadow enveloped Hades and fled far away.

At this time, a double bomb exploded directly!

This move was originally used to kill each other.

Who would have known that before the fight even started, a double-bomb gas bomb would madly choose to self-destruct!

Then, Hades and Gengar who were not far away were all affected!

If Gengar's power hadn't protected Hades, Hades would have been killed by the double-bomb gas self-explosion.

When Kona heard the scream, he suddenly couldn't laugh or cry: "What is this? Suicide?"

But whether he is dead or not, Kona doesn’t know.

But one thing is certain, Kona is sure that all the elves in Hades have been impacted to some extent, not only by the freezing bird's attack, but also by the self-destruction attack of the double bomb gas.

They are all very traumatized!

But Mikri said worriedly: "Is that the elf virus that appeared some time ago?"

Kona naturally knew that Mikri was not talking about the elves, but the reasons that affected those elves!

Ke Na nodded: "If it weren't for Dr. Oak, I don't know how many elves would be affected!"

Mikri nodded and asked: "I heard that Researcher Taiyi also played a big role in it?"

For Uranus, some secret news is actually not secret at all!

Ke Na nodded, and she also knew that if some people in the alliance had not considered Taiyi to be too young, Taiyi would have received more credit for that one time. Rather than being caught by Dr. Omu!

Of course, some were also shared among other doctors.

Many people in the alliance obviously don't want to see such a young doctor rise in Zhenxin Town! If you can delay it for a little longer, just delay it a little longer.

Mikri nodded, he knew this too and didn't say anything more.

However, Mi Keli still asked: "Didn't I hear that Team Rocket's information was not taken away in time? Why is there a more mature elf virus here?"

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