Pokemon: I farm in Zhenxin Town

Chapter 333 Origin Feather

Although Taiyi knew that it was Freeze Bird who moved his hand, he didn't say anything.

"Shu Lao, what do you think of the situation?"

In this case, Frozen Bird took action, which made Taiyi think a lot.

Shu Lao shook his head: "I'm not sure, it's just..."

"Just what?"

Shu Lao said: "It's just that the frozen bird feather you brought back before is a little different!"

"It's different? How is it different?" Taiyi was very surprised and didn't know what Shu Lao was talking about.

While speaking, he also focused his attention on the world of the Book of Heaven, examining the feathers of the frozen bird.

"This is?"

Suddenly, Taiyi also felt something different.

Shu Lao said: "It seems that you have also discovered that the power contained in that Frozen Bird feather is not comparable to other feathers. In other words, this one is the original feather of the Frozen Bird. Others Yes, they are all ordinary feathers!"

"How to say?"

If you don’t understand, just ask. Taiyi doesn’t understand that much, so just ask directly.

Shu Lao touched his beard, which was an action he often did when recalling.

After a while, Shu Lao said: "That's it. Generally speaking, for these feathered mythical beasts, there are two types of feathers on their bodies. One is ordinary feathers, which of course also contains a little bit of their power. And this power is compared to ordinary spiritual beasts, well, let's use elves as an example. Compared to ordinary elves, the power on these feathers may be slightly less in number, but it will not be much less. It’s a mythical beast! In addition, the power and quality of the feathers will be much higher than those of ordinary elves!”

Tai nodded, he could easily understand this!

Shu Lao added: "But on the other hand, the divine beast will also condense its excess power on certain feathers. Because more power is condensed, the power of these feathers will be much stronger than ordinary feathers. .This is true both in terms of quantity and quality!”

Taiyi was stunned and asked: "If that's the case, then why don't the mythical beasts condense all the feathers on their bodies like this? I think in this way, the power of the mythical beasts will be much stronger, right? Otherwise, they condense these feathers to make What?"

Shu Lao rolled his eyes and said: "Of course there is a reason for this. These feathers can be used as a storage of power on the back, or they can be used as weapons. When appropriate, they can be launched with extremely strong penetrating power. Or they can be detonated. Feathers, this is also the last power of the mythical beasts! But the stronger the power, the better, so the mythical beasts will definitely choose to continue to strengthen their feathers. In addition, do you think the power of the mythical beasts is endless? They You must also keep yourself at your peak, there will never be too much extra strength! What kind of strength do you have, wouldn't it be good to strengthen yourself?"

Taiyi touched his nose in embarrassment. He was not a mythical beast, how could he know this?

Then Taiyi stared at Shu Lao, his eyes were very malicious!

Shu Lao turned around awkwardly, but when he saw that Taiyi's eyes were still the same, he suddenly became angry and said, "Why are you looking at me like that?"

Taiyi sneered and said: "Well, Shu Lao, I am..."

"Be normal!" Shu Lao shouted.

Tai nodded, like a chicken pecking at rice, and asked: "I just want to ask, have you ever given birth to a part like this?"

Shu Lao yelled and scolded: "I knew you were not a good person, but you actually made a wrong idea and hit me."

Then, he said earnestly: "I told you, they are the mythical beasts with feathers. For example, the three-legged golden crow and so on!"

Tai nodded and agreed with Shu Lao's words. Just when Shu Lao thought Tai Yi had given up, Tai Yi asked again: "But other mythical beasts should have similar parts, right? For example, those stones on your body and so on."

The Earth Cloud appears to be physical, but in fact, the Earth Cloud's body is made of high-strength stone.

Well, it can also be seen as the flesh and blood of Earth Cloud. If you are injured, you will still bleed.

Shu Lao rolled his eyes and said, "Don't try to take my chances. It's not easy for my body to gather some energy."

Taiyi was about to say something more, but Joey Xin and Akagi Yangping came over, and Taiyi had to withdraw his attention.

"Taiyi, what was that just now?" Joey Xin asked.

She owns a Latias and also feels the fluctuations of the Freeze Bird.

Tai nodded and said: "It was the Frozen Bird's attack just now that broke the blockade of the entrance to the secret realm!"

Akagi Yangping looked over in surprise. He originally just wanted to ask Kantai if he knew what happened.

Unexpectedly, Taiyi not only knew, but also knew who had done it.

Freezing bird?

Tai said in a low voice: "Joy Xin, you should also know, right? Even if your Latias is still in its infancy, it should be able to feel the attack of the frozen bird with the same essence. Latias is The same goes for the mythical beast, the Frozen Bird. This Frozen Bird should be one of the three holy birds responsible for managing the climate around the Orange Islands. It is a subordinate of the sea god Lugia."

The first part is for Joey Xin, and the second part is for Akagi Yanghei, just to popularize science.

As for the issue of knowledge about mythical beasts, it should not be spread.

He is not a staff member of the alliance. Besides, there are similar descriptions in folklore.

Speaking of the Three Holy Birds, Akagi Yanghei remembered it, but he was still confused: "Isn't Poseidon Lugia a legend? And are the Three Holy Birds really mythical beasts?"

The top leaders of the alliance naturally know this knowledge.

Joy Xin, who owns Latias, naturally knows about it.

But most people think it is a legend, because the legendary elves rarely appear.

Gradually, people began to think that the legends of mythical beasts were just legends.

This is also the origin of the legendary elves.

Joy Xin was a little worried, but Taiyi smiled and said: "There is nothing that cannot be said. The mythical beast does exist. I have seen the Frozen Bird flying past, just before entering the secret realm."

He paused and then said: "Now it seems that Frozen Bird should have a family in this secret territory..."

Taiyi also had a flash of inspiration, and then immediately thought of some possibility.

The feathers of the frozen bird, the ice field where the ivory pigs live!

"I just said, how come there is an ice sheet in this secret territory? I originally thought that it was transformed from the original appearance of the frozen bird. And the piece of ice that does not melt is probably also slowly transformed from the feathers of the frozen bird. . Now that I think about it, I’m really stupid to have waited until now to figure it out!”

Taiyi said in his heart, and Shu Lao also frowned: "So, I'm afraid there will be a conflict between you and Frozen Bird. Frozen Bird is outside now? Huh? Frozen Bird seems to be far away!"

Because the power of profit had previously blocked the secret realm, and because of the special nature of the Book of Heaven, Shu Lao could use that power to sense the surroundings.

It's just sensing, there's no way to truly see what's going on outside.

The power of the frozen bird is very special, and only Shu Lao can feel it.

After hearing what Shu Lao said, Taiyi breathed a sigh of relief.

"It's good that we don't have to face the Freezing Bird's freezing beam attack directly."

At the same time, Taiyi immediately found the leader of the Ivory Pig clan and asked, "Are you the Frozen Bird's dependents?"

The ivory pig patriarch was a little embarrassed: "I forgot to remind you, I really forgot!"

At the same time, the Ivory Pig Patriarch's eyes turned: "He won't let us find the Frozen Bird, right?"

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