Pokemon: I farm in Zhenxin Town

Chapter 328 Distribution Plan

Ochiai Hanghui opened his mouth and wanted to say something else.

But he knew that his words were untenable and useless.

The second and third covenants between Kouki Ochiai and Yohei Akagi were also broken.

He himself is not a person who is willing to abide by the covenant. Whether to tear it up or not depends entirely on whether it is beneficial to him.

But Ochiai Kouki and Taichi had cooperated and broke their alliance.

So to Taichi, Ochiai Kouki is the one who broke the contract and is no longer an ally.

He wanted to escape, but Casey beside Taiyi was watching him.

A powerful elf that could move instantly. In front of such an elf, he couldn't escape at all.

This elf has also reached the gym leader level!

Taiyi's strength has improved so fast. A few Quasi-Kings, Two-headed Kings, and Gym Leader levels don't seem to matter.

In the end, he had no choice but to put his hand into his chest, and when he took out the box, Ochiai Hōki planned to use the elf to drag Taichi and escape on his own.

But a black thread stretched out from Taichi's shadow, locking Ochiai Kouki's shadow.

Kouki Ochiai felt that it was difficult for his body to move.

Of course this does not affect the movements of his hands!

His face was very ugly. Taiyi actually had a ghost-type elf here, and he was locked by this ghost-type elf.

If he insisted on escaping, he might be attacked by this ghost-type elf.

By then, my life may be in danger.

So, Ochiai Kouki thought for a while and threw the box directly over.

It's not like he never thought of cheating, but it was useless. In the face of absolute power, those tricks were just a joke.

This made Okiai Koki very uncomfortable. He felt that he still had to work harder, but his strength was still not enough.

Taiyi did not get the box directly, but Casey used his super power to take it.

Then, the box was taken to the Heavenly Book World by Taiyi, and he used the ability of the Heavenly Book World to open the box.

Taiyi felt relieved when he saw that there was indeed a piece of frozen bird feather inside.

Shu Lao said: "There is something missing on this feather!"

Taichi probably knew that Kouki Ochiai tore it off, and why, probably for the genes of the mythical beast.

All these evil organizations are trying to copy the mythical beasts!

Taichi glanced at Ochiai Kouki, who was a little disappointed.

There was some toxin smeared on the box. If Taiyi came into direct contact with it, he would be infected with the toxin.

Kouki Ochiai plans to use this to blackmail Taichi and get back the feathers of the frozen bird!

But unfortunately, Taichi's caution made Ochiai Kouki's plan come to nothing.

With no other choice, Ochiai Kouki's expression became much worse.

Taiyi took a deep look at Ochiai Kouki: "I won't force you to take out that small part. You can go now!"

After Taichi finished speaking, the black thread that stretched out from the shadow to lock Okiai Kouki was retracted.

Kouki Ochiai breathed a sigh of relief, but was still shocked when he heard Taichi's words.

Just to be cautious, he first hid a small amount of down on the feathers, which could be regarded as preserving a little bit of genes.

The reason why he was not completely disappointed was precisely because of this!

But Taiyi actually knew, what ability did he use to open the box and find it?

Logically speaking, it's just a piece of fluff, who would notice?

Taking a deep look at Taichi, Okiai Koki shouted to his men: "Let's go!"

They left quickly and Team Rocket did not stop them.

The current situation is that the Rockets can no longer control this place.

But the Rockets are pretty good, and Taiyi can't completely win over the Rockets.

Without reminiscing with Joey Xin and Akagi Yohei, Taichi stood up and said: "Takuya Takeshita, you are also one of the people who broke the covenant. I will give you a way now, retreat! Leave the secret realm, this is not what your Rockets should get involved in!" "

He actually doesn't want to get into trouble with Team Rocket, it's too dangerous.

Team Rocket are not normal people at all.

But the reality is that, step by step, he is forced to do this.

Well, I also got a mythical beast elf egg, so Taiyi was a little bit distracted.

When my mythical beast hatches out, it will definitely defeat Team Rocket!

Although I know subconsciously in my heart, this is basically impossible.

The Rockets will soon be able to clone a mythical beast, Mewtwo, and it seems that Mewtwo will serve in the Rockets for a while.

Even though it's a bit erratic, it's impossible for Taiyi to take the initiative to attack Team Rocket's base.

That's too dangerous.

If he meets Sakaki, he may not be his opponent.

Even without the mythical beast, Sakaki is still quite powerful.

Otherwise, how can we suppress those heavenly kings from rebelling?

The leaders of Team Rocket are not good people, but they still know how to be grateful.

Takeshita Takuya was a little hesitant: "Do you want to monopolize the sand scale fruit tree?"

Taiyi waved his hand: "This place is taken over by the Alliance. None of us will take the fruits from these trees."

Taiyi's words caused some commotion.

But the trainers present, the trainers directly affiliated with the alliance, could not speak, and the words of the civilian trainers were useless.

Their strength was so poor that they basically lost the ability to continue fighting in the previous battle.

And there are so many powerful elves in Taiyi, they can't resist at all!

Takeshita Takuya rolled his eyes: "Oh, you want to monopolize it. What a good plan, let us consume the strength of the civilian trainers, and you step in at the last moment, not only saving their lives, but also making them owe a favor. You can also monopolize it legitimately These benefits!”

This is a bit heartbreaking, but many civilian trainers just believe it.

Some trainers directly affiliated with the alliance also had twinkling eyes.

Joy Xin drank: "What are you thinking? It is your own decision to snatch resources. Taiyi comes later, it is his own business. It is a fact that he saved you! What do you want to do?"

Akagi Yangping also shouted: "Without Mr. Taiyi, we would not even have a chance to come in. In the secret realm, we have conquered elves with good qualifications and other resources. These are all gains. Moreover, we are also Mr. Taiyi saved me, can you deny it?"

Many people lowered their heads, but their eyes still flickered.

A few people had dissatisfaction in their eyes.

Taiyi said unhurriedly: "I will report it to the alliance, and these sand scale fruits will be converted into corresponding resources and distributed to everyone present. Everyone has, um, some of the previous paddling will be deducted. And in Outside the secret realm, for those who rush into the secret realm while we are attacking, half will be deducted! The rest will be divided equally! I only take one sand scale fruit, which is enough!"

When Taiyi said this, everyone had no objection.

Well, those paddlers do.

"Why! We are all here, why don't we share it equally? Why do you withhold our resources?"

Taiyi sneered and said, "Can you ask them if they agree?"

fair? There is no absolute fairness. If it is absolutely fair, then it is unfair!

So Taiyi never intended to be absolutely fair!

No matter what you do, some people will be dissatisfied, so make the decision that is most powerful for you.

This decision was also made with my heart in mind.

At least most people are willing.

Akagi Yangping nodded: "We all agree. Besides, although the sand scale fruit is important, for us, some ordinary resources are more suitable for us. Such high-end resources are not what we are now. When we grow up in the future , maybe we can try to get it again. But not now!"

Someone came forward to speak out, and most of the trainers agreed.

Taichi looked at Takeshita Takuya: "There is no need to waste time. The entrance to the secret realm has been temporarily blocked. If you want follow-up support, it is not available for the time being!"

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