Pokemon: I farm in Zhenxin Town

Chapter 327 One person breaks the situation

When Taiyi arrived, it was the most dangerous moment for Joy Xin and the others.

Joy Xin even let Latias participate in the battle, but it was a drop in the bucket.

This made Taiyi see what it means to kill an elephant due to ants.

This kind of mythical beast can indeed be beaten by a group before it has fully grown up.

Latias: Infinite Pokémon

Level: 59

Attribute: Dragon/Superpower

Features: Floating

Qualification: unknown

Gender: Female

Skills: Auxiliary power, coquettishness, help, self-regeneration, telekinesis, tailwind, dragon's breath, prayer, hammer of thought, dragon's wave, healing wave, mirror attribute, mental strong will, defensive equalization, healing wish, mental transfer, Fly, destroy light, ultimate impact, solar beam, electromagnetic wave, light wall, reflective wall, mysterious guardian, sleep, snore, guard, freezing wind

This one should be Joey Xin's divine beast, the aura that Shu Lao felt before.

It is indeed a Latias, Shuidu brother and sister. The mysterious mythical beast elf egg that Taiyi got before may also be this kind of elf!

There are only those mythical beasts and elves with superpower attributes. Whichever one they are is possible.

Only when it hatches will Taiyi know which one it is.

Taiyi was also a little excited, this was a mythical beast.

He had also dreamed that if one day he could have a team of mythical beasts, he would take this team of mythical beasts to participate in the league competition.

He didn't believe it. With his level of training and a team of mythical beasts, how could he not win the championship?

Then challenge the Four Heavenly Kings!

Well, he was just dreaming!

But now it’s the second one!

Even though the first mythical beast, Tuiyun, was actually created by the Book of Heaven, it could not come out of the world of listening to books for a long time.

If it is used for combat, there is a time limit.

People were coming and going on the court, but suddenly they disappeared.

Did the mythical beast use some kind of invisibility move?

No, he was recycled by the Heavenly Book World.

Thinking of that scene, Taiyi was poured cold water on him.

Now that it is possible to get the first mythical beast that can be commanded at will, Taiyi is also a little confused.

"Casey, strong mind!"

"Tutai turtle, crazy plant!"

"Big Needle Bee, double needle attack!"

"Ba Dahu, paralyzing powder!"

Just when Joy Xin could no longer hold on, a voice came from outside.

Then, the members of Team Rocket were attacked.

In addition to these elves, Taiyi also summoned a quasi-celestial king's earth turtle and a quasi-celestial king's ivory pig!

As soon as these two elves came out, they rushed directly towards Team Rocket.

However, the ivory pig hesitated for a moment, looked at Okiai Koki, and seemed to want to attack Ochiai Koki.

Taiyi was stunned, and soon remembered that the ivory pig clan had lost a feather of the frozen bird.

"It should be Okiai Kouki who did it. If possible, we can force him to hand it over!"

The feathers of the frozen bird, if made into props, would definitely be the best props for ice elves.

Not only can it amplify the ice-type moves of elves, but it can also promote the growth of ice-type elves.

This is definitely the best choice for ice elves!

In addition, an auspicious egg appeared next to Taiyi, giving Latias a healing wave, and Latias' condition improved a lot.

The addition of Taiyi turned the situation in another direction.

Akagi Yangping was shocked when he heard the sound. When he saw the changes on the field, the joy on his face showed.

"Great, we're safe!"

It seems that Taiyi's strength is really that strong.

However, if Taiyi summons all the elves in the Book of Heaven world, the trainers here may not have as many elves as Taiyi alone.

Over there, next to the sand scale fruit tree, there are many elves of various types.

Among them, the turtles and ivory pigs are all over there.

"Wait for an opportunity and collect all these elves."

Taiyi quietly released two elves, a grass turtle and a small wild boar, and asked them to go over and join the group and make arrangements in advance.

If there is a chance, Taiyi can take over both groups.

As for the sand scale fruit tree, he had no intention of monopolizing it.

However, you can still get some seeds, and when the time comes, let Shu Lao multiply in the world of the Book of Heaven.

The abundant moves make Diyun very suitable for farming.

Seeing Taiyi appear and quickly defeat Team Rocket in this area, Joy Xin also breathed a sigh of relief.

She was really under a lot of pressure. If Taiyi didn't come out, she would give up her life.

Well, of course this is a joke.

But if Taiyi doesn't come out, the situation will deteriorate, and she simply won't be able to bear this burden.

In her heart, Joey Xin was also thinking that her strength needs to be strengthened!

At the same time, Joy Xin was also wondering if she also wanted to cultivate an auspicious egg?

Geely Egg's physical strength is very long, and it has an absolute advantage in terms of treatment.

Moreover, the Geely Egg can also be used as a human shield, which is really useful.

She had never thought about it before, but now, she felt it was necessary.

Soon, Taiyi cleared the area in this direction, and Taiyi asked Casey to use super powers to control the Rockets personnel together, and then tied them up with ropes.

He used a dead knot method, which was very difficult to solve.

Without the help of others, or the help of elves, these people would not be able to untie the rope.

We don’t have time to deal with them yet, so let’s do this for now!

Meeting up with Joey Xin and Akagi Yangping, both of them relaxed.

Just when Akagi Youhei was about to speak, Taichi said: "Okiai Kouki, hand over your things! Otherwise, you won't be able to leave!"

Ochiai Kouki was about to run away, but was stopped by this sentence.

He chuckled: "What? I don't remember taking anything from you, Taiyi! Also, Joy Xin and I are all allies! If you do this, aren't you tearing up the alliance?"

Taichi chuckled and looked at Okiai Kouki!

Kouki Ochiai cursed in his heart, looked at Akagi Hinata and said: "We are an alliance, what are you going to say? Are you going to let the Rockets succeed? My strength is still good!"

As soon as he finished speaking, a quasi-king of heaven elf appeared in front of him.

Another quasi-king turtle! There is also a king-level turtle in the distance!

This Taiyi shouldn't have subdued all the Tutaigui clan, right?

King-level elf!

Kouki Ochiai deliberately took out the King Elf in his arms. Taichi smiled and took out Kuailyu's Elf Ball and released Kuailyu!

The king of heaven is top!

Kouki Ochiai was completely silent!

The King Elf in his hand is no match for this dragon!

Moreover, Kuailong, this is a quasi-god!

Akagi Yangping also looked at it with envy, although he didn't know that this was a king-level elf, and his eyesight was not enough.

But this is a quasi-god elf! And the aura is so powerful, maybe it's not a king-level elf?

There is another earth turtle over there. Although it is not as powerful as this fast dragon, it is still extremely powerful.

As for the Quasi-Celestial King Tutai Turtle, he is also very powerful, at least not comparable to a few of his elves.

What level is that? Gym leader?

Taichi looked at Okiai Kouki coldly: "Do you want me to say anything else? Hand over that feather!"

Kouki Ochiai still wanted to be cunning, but when he heard the feather, he knew what he was doing, and Taichi knew it.

But he didn't give up yet, and said with a fake smile: "What feathers? Besides, we are all allies..."

Taiyi interrupted him and asked Tutaigui to use the Flying Leaf Knife directly as a warning.

"Don't talk about allies. You and Takeshita Takuya used us to hold Dodai Turtle away before. If you just come in here, the alliance has been torn up!"

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