Pokemon: I farm in Zhenxin Town

Chapter 329 Team Rocket retreats to prepare the investigator’s thoughts

Despite his expectations and his reluctance, Takeshita Takuya had no choice but to lead his people to evacuate.

It's not that he doesn't want hard steel, it's just that he can't afford hard steel.

There is a king-level elf and a king-level earth turtle.

There are also several elves who are quasi-kings. With such a lineup, there is really no hope.

Not to mention, there is a mythical beast over there, although it is really a juvenile mythical beast and is not particularly strong.

But she was suppressed before, and now she is eager to try. How could the arrogance of the divine beast allow her to be suppressed?

If Joey Xin hadn't been holding on tightly and comforting him, this mythical beast would have pounced on him!

"Boss, there are many ordinary civilian trainers over there!" a subordinate reminded.

Takeshita Takuya's eyes lit up, but soon dimmed again.

No matter how they threaten civilians, this place is blocked and they cannot escape. This is a fact.

It seems that Taiyi is not the kind of pedantic person who would just take advantage of an ordinary person's threat.

Perhaps their threats would anger Taiyi even more.

When the time comes, I'm afraid I won't be able to leave so easily without giving something.

"Retreat!" Takeshita Takuya shouted.


The subordinate wanted to persuade him again, but Takeshita Takuya glared at him and said, "Retreat, you don't understand me? Or do you want to be a leader?"

The Team Rocket member's eyes flickered, but he didn't dare to face Taiyi after all.

The king-level Tutai turtle was interacting with the wild Tutai turtle family at this time, but just by turning their heads and looking at it, the members of Team Rocket knew that they were definitely no match.

King level, so terrifying!

Team Rocket retreated, and their subordinates asked on the way: "Boss, is that king-level elf his own? Didn't I hear that the elf given by the elders can only protect the body and cannot participate in the battle?"

Takeshita Takuya showed a wry smile: "Don't you remember that turtle?"


"That end at the entrance to the secret realm!" Takeshita Takuya reminded, and the members of Team Rocket all remembered the turtle blocking the door.

Before, wasn't it the pinnacle of the Quasi-King that blocked the entrance to the secret realm in order to break through to the level of the King?

In other words, this king-level earth turtle is the one that just broke through, and it was conquered by Taiyi himself.

Never mind that it took a lot of siege from civilian trainers to conquer it.

This was conquered by Taiyi's own ability, not a gift from the elders.

In other words, the talented young man they are facing now should be regarded as a king-level elf, and he can barely be regarded as a half-king-level trainer!

There was no hint of unwillingness or resistance in the Tutaigui's temper, which meant that the level of Taiyi's trainer should not be much different.

The elf world also has a trainer level. Although it cannot be quantified, you can roughly estimate it by looking at the elf's reaction.

If it were similar, the elves wouldn't show too much resistance.

But if a trainer who has just started traveling wants to command a king-level elf, that is unlikely.

The pride of the King of Heaven and Elf will not allow it.

Unless it is given by an elder's spirit for protection.

It was only used to protect the trainer, and it was impossible to follow the trainer's instructions to fight.

Or maybe the elves watch the children grow up and get along with them day and night, and may help solve some small things.

But in this kind of formal battle, the elves can participate in the battle on their own, but they will never obey orders.

But before Taiyi commanded the turtle to fight, the turtle didn't resist at all.

In fact, Taiyi's trainer level should not be enough to command a king-level elf.

But it was because Taiyi had just shown the world of the Book of Heaven and wanted to accommodate the Tutaigui clan that the Tutaigui showed his compliance.

Well, it also has something to do with Taiyi helping Tutaigui successfully break through the ceiling of the quasi-Celestial King at the entrance to the secret realm and successfully advance to the Heavenly King.

As soon as Team Rocket's people left, a search officer came forward and said with a frown: "How could you let Team Rocket leave like this?"

Taiyi was very disgusted with such people and retorted directly: "Then why didn't you say anything just now? If you wanted to keep them, you should have said it just now!"

With that said, Taiyi didn't even bother to talk to this person.

Even if the top leaders of the alliance come, Taiyi still has the same attitude!

The preliminary investigator's face immediately turned red and he pointed at Taichi: "You! You are simply unreasonable!"

Taiyi turned around and went to communicate with Joy Xin.

Akagi Yanghei sneered, but prepare to be the investigator. Taiyi can offend, but he doesn't have the ability to offend him.

Joy Xin also frowned and said: "If you don't have the ability, don't accuse someone who has the ability and protected you just now!"

Joy Xin is also a reserve investigator, and even ranks much higher than this reserve investigator.

After all, he is from the Joey family, and his starting point is much higher than others.

The reserve investigator's face turned even redder, and he also had some opinions about Joy Xin.

In his opinion, Joey Xin is also a preliminary investigator, so he should stand in the same position as him and work together with the outside world!

He turned around and wanted to unite with some companions. He couldn't let Taiyi make the decision here.

Joy Xin shook his head, having some guesses about this person's thoughts, but he didn't take it seriously.

It’s not that Taiyi doesn’t have a backing and can be bullied by anyone.

"You have to be careful, he may unite with others to boycott you!" Joy Xin reminded.

Taiyi shook his head indifferently and said: "It doesn't matter, but it seems that I just want to snatch the credit. This is the case in every world. However, if you want to snatch the credit, you must have the ability!"

Waving his hand, Taiyi said: "Let's not talk about him. By the way, I want to take away one of these sand scale fruits. This is what I promised before. What about you?"

Joy Xin shook his head: "I'll forget it. The alliance will send people over later. After counting, based on my contribution, I should be able to get one. As for the others, I may have to hand them over."

This is almost certain. Taiyi has also thought about finding the core of this secret realm and integrating it, so there will be no problems with the alliance.

However, Taiyi can't be exposed yet, and he can't do everything. He has already included the biggest gains in this secret realm in his backpack.

Leave some soup left to the Alliance!

To prevent the goal from being too big and being taken into consideration by the alliance.

The biggest gain in this secret realm is undoubtedly the mythical beast elf egg.

The legendary elves are undoubtedly the most powerful in terms of potential and prospects.

The rest is the growth of the Book of Heaven world, the feathers of the frozen bird, and the ice-based treasures.

He has obtained all of these, and he can also obtain a fruit from the remaining sand scale fruit tree and obtain the seeds.

When the time comes, let Shu Lao multiply and there is no need to compete with the Alliance for these.

As for the thoughts of those who are preparing to be investigators, if they want to squeeze themselves out and gain control of this place, they still need to ask these kings and elves whether they agree!

After talking to Joey Xin for a while, he comforted Akagi Yangping and asked Akagi Yangping to talk to the civilian trainers to get the same message, and then he could apply for rewards with the alliance officials.

Taiyi sat down and was ready to take a rest.

In addition, he would also look for an opportunity to collect the Tutai Turtle and Ivory Pig clans. He would not break his promise or give up on these two clans.

"The breeding house is about to open!"

Taiyi thought in his heart, but he didn't know that real fire was being fired outside the secret realm.

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