Pokemon: I farm in Zhenxin Town

Chapter 322 Alliance reinforcements, Kona

Being forced out, Mi Keli was not worried at all.

Hades is still outside, which means that the secret realm is at least safe, and Team Rocket at least does not have an overwhelming victory.

"It is said that the fighting Joey also brought a mythical beast cub, and Taiyi also brought Dr. Oak's elf. At least there is no safety."

Whether it is the cub of the mythical beast or Dr. Oak's elf, they are definitely very powerful elf.

There is no problem in protecting the safety of Taiyi and others. As for other gains in the secret realm, Mi Keli is not their father and cannot help them think of these.

Mikri shook his clothes and smoothed out some wrinkles. This was something a gentleman couldn't bear.

Then Michaeli said: "Who am I? It turns out to be Hades and Poseidon. Are you two brothers? Blood brothers?"

These words made Hades furious, but unfortunately he had nothing to say.

This is a myth and legend spread among ordinary people, and of course it is not the elven version.

Hades and Poseidon were brothers, so what could he say?

Although they were wearing masks so that no one could see their appearance, Mi Keli also knew that his face must be very bad.

According to rumors, Hades has a violent personality and has no patience at all.

But when I saw him today, it turned out that this was not the case. This person probably chose to do this in order to conceal his personality and true identity.

The silent attack just now and the tacit understanding between Poseidon and Poseidon were not something that the tyrannical Hades in the rumors could achieve.

Mikri secretly noted this down and reported it to the alliance later!

Or, at least, I can record it on my side so that I can find Hades' true identity so I can force him to come out.

Hidden in the dark, this is a ticking bomb that may explode at any time!

And Poseidon, the same!

After all, there are not many trainers who use ghost-type elves, and ghost-type elves are inherently rare.

And the number of good ones is even smaller.

But after so many years, it is still difficult to determine the specific identity of Hades.

This makes Mi Keli very vigilant!

If you are a fool, who can maintain this for so many years?

Poseidon is more difficult to check. There are many people who use water elves.

These might be elves secretly cultivated by someone.

Just because Mikri has more than one team of Heavenly King Elves, we can't conclude that others don't.

As long as it is not used openly, no one will know.

As for the Alliance's manipulation of the Poké Ball, it's too easy to solve.

Not to mention the Poke Balls used internally by big families, Team Rocket and other forces can also make their own Poke Balls!

The method of making Poké Balls is not a secret!

Even though ordinary people don't know it, large organizations like this do.

People even have the technology to replicate genes, let alone this kind of thing?

Hades turned back and said to Poseidon: "This alliance lackey is really annoying. How about we cooperate and keep him?"

Poseidon smiled: "Okay, Hades, you take the lead, and I'll take the opportunity to attack!"

At this time, he was completely evasive.

Not to mention that Mikri could leave directly, and the two of them probably wouldn't be able to keep each other.

Let's just say that there is no trust between the two parties. Who knows if Hades will attack him secretly?

For such a person, it would be difficult for Poseidon to entrust his descendants!

Not to mention Hades, it was difficult for him to completely trust even the people within his own organization.

The Rockets also thought about recruiting the Ocean Team, and Hades even led people to attack him before.

It is impossible for Hades to give up his previous idea just because Mikri came out.

The idea was to use Mikri to severely injure Poseidon, and then Hades would finish it off.

Here, Hades is probably the oldest and has been active the most. His strength has always been strong even if he is not the strongest.

It’s better not to do things like capsize in the gutter.

The three parties just confronted each other. Mikri didn't care much about the ordinary Rockets members.

In a three-party confrontation, those people are just walk-ons, and it is impossible to decide the direction of the matter.

As for those people who dare to take the initiative to take action against Mikri, this is a joke.

When the time comes, Poseidon may help Michaeli attack the Rockets.

The people of the Ocean team are the most vulnerable here. If you want to break the blockade of the Rockets, you must unite the alliance!

Well, take advantage of the situation!

Mi Keli didn't care, just waited slowly.

The alliance is still the strongest in this regard. As long as there is enough time to confirm where the Rockets cadres are, the mobilized kings will arrive soon.

Sure enough, not long after, a cruise ship came outside.

Came from the Orange Islands.

Mikri frowned slightly. The trainer of the Orange Islands paid more attention to a certain aspect of the elf.

This is also the characteristic of the gyms in the Orange Islands. Each gym has its own unique assessment method.

When the technology reaches a certain level, it will definitely be crushing, and the strength of the elves will also become stronger.

Mikri just felt that if he only focused on skills, as long as the opponent made a targeted attack, the trainers of the Orange Islands would be easily targeted by the enemy.

This is also the reason why although the Orange Islands have their own characteristics, the overall strength of trainers is far inferior to that of other regions.

"Hey, it's Hades and Poseidon. Long time no see!" A hot beauty got off the cruise ship. A Diga sea lion caught the beauty and headed towards the place where the three of them were confronting each other.

"Mikri, it's you. Why are you here when you have time?"

Mi Keli smiled: "It's Senior Kona. I happened to be in Zhenxin Town seeking advice from Dr. Omu. Isn't there a shortage of people in Kanto, so I asked Fangyuan for my help. Well, now that you're here, Then I’ll leave the main force to you!”

The person coming was none other than Kona, the water and ice master of the Kanto region.

Its elves are either water or ice type, with few other attributes.

Of course, those with mixed attributes don't count.

The Diga sea lion in front of me is the main force of Kona, and its strength has steadily surpassed Poseidon's Diga sea lion!

He is worthy of being a veteran king-level trainer, one of the four veteran kings of Kanto!

Kona smiled and said: "Mikri, you are a gentleman. How can you leave the main force of the battle to a weak woman like me?"

Mikri felt like he had a toothache. Although he was also a king-level trainer, the elves in his hands were definitely not as good as the other's elves!

No matter the quantity or quality, it can't be compared!

But such a strong man actually...

"Stop joking!" Mi Keli said, he still has some self-awareness.

Kona retracted his joke, looked at Hades and Poseidon opposite him with a serious face and said, "How about it? I'm here, do you want to leave directly, or do you want me to drive you away? Let me explain first, if I take action, then If you can’t hold back, your manpower will be lost, so don’t blame me!”

"Crazy woman!" Poseidon said secretly, thinking of temporarily avoiding her.

Kona's water elves were much more powerful than his.

Moreover, Poseidon has scruples and does not dare to take out all the king-level elves in his hand, and the most important main force does not dare to take out.

Therefore, when naturally fighting, they are at a disadvantage.

This is exactly the opposite of how ordinary Rockets members are treated.

Of course, if you are ready to kill someone and silence them, that's another story.

But Poseidon knew that with his own strength, even if he tried his best, he would still be no match for Kona, let alone kill Kona!

His eyes flickered, but Hades didn't intend to leave: "You want to leave? You don't want those people in the secret realm anymore? It seems that you don't have that one, Okiai Kouki, isn't he your next generation elite? Have you given up on him?"

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