Pokemon: I farm in Zhenxin Town

Chapter 323 Battle in the Secret Territory

The battle came so unexpectedly, yet so naturally.

Poseidon didn't make it in the end, because with a wave of Kona's hand, Mikri faced Poseidon.

Relatively speaking, Hades is more powerful than Poseidon, and the ghost-type elves are also more difficult to deal with.

Mikri didn't say anything. Menas's attack power was indeed very good in such an environment.

Moreover, Menas has this drop of life and self-regeneration moves, so he is not timid at all when used against Gengar.

Mikri didn't ask Kona why he wanted to include Poseidon who had already decided to leave.

There is no other reason, just because Poseidon definitely did not leave intentionally.

His departure was just a cover-up.

When it reaches the periphery, Poseidon will definitely come back again.

Because there are interests here, Poseidon cannot give up.

Not only the one named Okiai Kouki, but also this secret realm is the greatest benefit!

The battle between the Heavenly Kings soon raged across a large area.

The ordinary members of Team Rocket have suffered a lot.

The ordinary members of the alliance have not come down yet. They are all staying on the cruise ship, and they are still a little far away.

The battle between the kings is not something they can interfere with.

Or it may have an effect, but the result is that they have to resist the battle spread of the king-level elves.

Neither they nor their elves could bear such a result.

Or there may be some geniuses who can intervene in this kind of battle, but they are definitely not this group.

Secret Realm You, Taiyi suddenly appeared in the forest.

He identified the direction and said, "It seems to be in that direction?"

Yes, he was still the blind man on the road, and he was really unsure about the direction.

If it is outside, there is still the sun that can be used as a reference, although the actual effect may not be very good.

Shu Lao nodded: "It's over there!"

That's what he said, but that expression and look really made people want to hit him.

That look was full of contempt.

What's wrong with the road blind! Did the blind man eat your food?

After identifying the direction, Taiyi was not in such a hurry and continued on his way slowly.

"Anyway, the exit has been sealed. For a short period of time, you can't get in from the outside, and you can't get out from the inside. Don't worry!"

Taichi didn't know that at this time, because the Rockets brought too many people, Takeshita Takuya changed from his previous intention of only following Okiai Koki's actions and started to become aggressive.

It's not like he didn't think that Okiai Kouki might fight against him with the other party, but Takeshita Takuya felt that he had been forbearing enough.

At this time, so many Team Rocket members came outside.

Next, Hades cadres may also come.

Before that, if he didn't win the secret realm, then all the credit would go to Hades' cadres!

With Hades' temper, it's normal to push yourself.

It's entirely possible to make fun of yourself, scare Gengar, or give yourself a break.

So, end everything before that!

Takeshita Takuya has endured enough. Victory is already in sight anyway, so why should he endure it?

"Okiai Kouki, are you sure you want to be my enemy?" Takeshita Takuya said with a smile. Although fighting is necessary, he never said that you can't use tactics!

Koki Ochiai said straightforwardly: "Diya sea lion, frozen fang!"

Takeshita Takuya was a little surprised that Okiai Kouki took the initiative to attack even after a disagreement.

Moreover, this time, the other party actually acted as a vanguard?

This was different from what he imagined. How could Okiai Hōki be the vanguard for others?

But Kouki Ochiai also had troubles in his heart that he couldn't express. He had gone back on his word several times before, but now there was finally a backlash.

Joy Xin and others did not believe him. Other members of the Ocean Team could act with them, but Ochiai Hanghui had to resist in front.

In this way, Joy Xin's Flower Healing Huanhuan was willing to treat his elf!

It's not that Okiai Kouki doesn't have elf potions, but those potions can only be taken after the war, and they still have to stay quiet and absorb them slowly.

In battle, you must have healing spirits like Geely Eggs to use healing moves.

If there is medical machinery here, otherwise Joey Xin can also use the recovery equipment, coupled with the effect of the nutrient solution, many trainers can restore their original strongest strength!

Unfortunately there is no if.

Joy Xin also brought some potions, which can restore some of the energy of the flower therapy ring and increase the endurance of the flower therapy ring.

In addition, Joey Xin is not without other means.

At night, where no one else notices, Joyhin will summon an elf named Latias!

This is an infinite elf, a legendary elf!

Although the level of this Latias is not yet legendary, this does not affect the power of this Latias at all.

Whether it is a wish for healing or a prayer, it is of great help in healing.

So even though the battles were very frequent, Joy Xin's elves were not weakened at all.

It should be said that Ochiai Kouki's previous plan was actually impossible to realize.

Hua Huan Huan wanted to severely damage Joy Xin, and even the other elves who continued to severely damage her.

This is unlikely, because in addition to potions, Joyxin also has a Latias. As long as the flower healing ring is injured, Latias can also take over the burden of healing and treat other elves.

Flower therapy rings can also be treated, which is not a difficult task.

The reason why Joy Xin didn't use Latias was, well, he didn't use it in front of people, he just didn't want to expose this divine beast!

The human heart is the most fickle. No one knows if these people will have any bad thoughts after meeting the legendary elves.

In addition, Joy Xin is also training her other elves!

As a reserve investigator, Joey Xin has been working hard to improve his abilities.

With the help of Joy Xin, even Takeshita Takuya and many members of Team Rocket could not defeat everyone for a while.

Many civilian trainers' elves were attacked and lost their fighting ability, but it didn't matter. Joy Xin could help treat them.

Although there are no medical devices, the treatment of flower therapy rings can still achieve good results.

Aren’t there still potions?

Although this effect may not be very good, it is better than nothing!

Under the pressure of Team Rocket, they had to fight hard if they wanted to survive and take away the benefits gained in the secret realm.

In addition to the sand scale fruit tree in front of you, this secret place also has many other resources.

It's just that the sand scale fruit is a high-end resource and is worth a lot of money!

This does not mean that there are no other resources.

In addition, these civilian trainers have also conquered some other elves here, and they are all slightly better than those outside.

These are the benefits they get!

For their own benefit, they had to fight hard.

This is human nature. If they were unwilling before, it was because their core interests had not yet been touched.

No one wants to take risks for others.

But even in today's situation, there are still many people paddling.

It's not that Qiao Xin didn't see it, but she didn't have any good ideas.

In this regard, Akagi Yangping gave her some advice.

"You don't need to treat these people's elves too well. Just pretend to be a little bit. They don't consume much anyway. They should have brought some potions. Let them use the potions to recover!"

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