Pokemon: I farm in Zhenxin Town

Chapter 321 The battle between the kings

Hades had no choice but to let Gengar try again and again to find out who was destroying his good deeds.

Without a sound, he injured Gengar, his King of Heaven level, and expelled Gengar.

Hades wouldn't even dare to think of this kind of strength!

champion? Or the elf leader?

With such a powerful trainer, he only needs one elf to defeat his entire team of elf!

Do such people need to hide their existence?

Hades was very puzzled by this and refused to believe it.

"Who is it? Or is it using the power of technology?"

Hades refused to believe that this was the power of the elves. Because elves or humans with such powerful power don't need to hide at all.

If he is a member of the evil organization, then just come out and kill him.

If he is from the Alliance, he can come directly and it will be easy to kill or capture him.

The only way is to use some kind of technological means with harsh conditions, such as charging, or the parts need to be cooled, etc.

No way, high technology also represents various high requirements.

However, Hades asked Gengar to search the surroundings, but could not find even the slightest trace of technology.

As for the expected elves and humans, they were not found.

This made Hades very troubled, and of course also a little scared!

The unknown is more scary!

Hades even thought of a possibility.

"Some kind of ghost-type beast?"

Almost immediately, Hades was reminded of a certain elf, Marshado!

But with Machado’s character, it’s impossible to stop at pranks, right?

Moreover, Mashado is the legendary beast used by the Phoenix King to test the Rainbow Messenger, so it is impossible for him to appear here.

Could it be that King Feng is looking for the messenger again?

The envoy of the Phoenix King has not appeared for many years, and the voice of the Phoenix King has not been heard from the Ring Tower in the Johto area for a long time.

The monks could no longer communicate with the Phoenix King, nor could they summon the Phoenix King to come.

This is not a secret, the Rockets naturally have their own sources of information!

But if it’s not Marchado, then who is it?

There are many mythical beasts in this world, they just don't appear in front of humans!

As for the three sacred birds of the Orange Islands, they do not have this power.

The power of the Three Holy Birds is more explicit, rather than introverted like this.

At this moment, reports came from the outside, and someone from the Ocean Team arrived.

Hades was worried about having nowhere to vent his resentment, so he immediately took people over. When he saw the people from the Ocean Team, he started to fight hard without saying a word!

The visitor immediately released the elves to deal with Hades' attack, and at the same time shouted: "Hades, what are you doing? We are not enemies, you..."

It's a pity that Hades didn't talk to the other party at all, and shouted directly: "Gengar, black eyes, misfortunes never come singly!"

In the distance, Mikri, who was lying on Menas, suddenly raised his eyebrows: "Is this a battle at the level of a king? It seems that a cadre of Team Rocket has come! But, who is fighting with this Rockets member?" Four cadres fighting against each other? He must also be a king-level trainer!"

The king's trainer is not a cabbage, and he can't just appear from anywhere.

Most of the king-level trainers know each other, or at least have heard each other's names.

Except for the key figures in certain families, the kind who have never been famous.

There are only so many king trainers active in society!

Even the four members of Team Rocket are inside.

Hiding your identity is not that easy to use.

As long as you use the King Elf once, it will be recorded by various forces.

Even if you conceal your identity next time, you will be recognized from the elf.

Therefore, the undercover agents of major evil organizations either will not use the King-level elves openly, or once they use them, there is no way to hide the identity of the undercover agents.

Is it true that a king-level elf is so easy to cultivate?

Mi Keli was a little surprised and uncertain. The other trainers in the alliance didn't know where they were yet. He went alone and was in a hurry.

Although ordinary trainers pose no threat to him, if there are too many of them, it is easy to cause him some unnecessary trouble.

Team Rocket won't insist on not attacking trainers!

"Quickly go over and take a look. If you can delay time, wait for the other trainers from the alliance to come over. We will talk about it then!" Mikli decided to be a little low-key and not so high-profile.

"Lest two king-level trainers attack me at the same time after passing by!"

Intervening in a battle between two trainers of the same level can easily lead to mutual hostility between the two.

Mi Keli communicated with Menas, and Menas began to dive.

At the same time, a thin film of water surrounded Mikri, separating him from the surrounding seawater.

This is Menas' control of water. Every powerful elf has its own strength.

When Mikri arrived nearby, he felt that it was a ghost-type power!

"As expected, it's Hades from Team Rocket, and opposite him is, um, Poseidon from Team Ocean?"

Hades uses Gengar, while Poseidon on the opposite side uses a Diang sea lion!

The Diya Sea Lion is considered a relatively powerful elf in the water system, and most importantly, it is relatively easy to find.

Moreover, the Diya Sea Lion can fight out of water, unlike elves like the Goldfish King who cannot fight without water!

Of course, Diya Sea Lion's ice type is also the choice of many water type trainers!

Mi Keli just watched it with relish. The battle between two trainers of the same level was also very rewarding for Mi Keli!

By the time they reached the Heavenly King level, there were very few deadly battles between them.

But Hades is different. He is a madman. He even dares to let Gengar use the Song of Death, a move that is almost fatal.

"It's such a lifeless style of play, it's so scary!"

Mi Keli watched with interest, but suddenly felt something strange.

"Why are these two people getting closer to me?"

He quickly told Menas to stay away from these two people, but at this moment, the rabbit was rising and the falcon was falling.

During the battle, the Diya Sea Lion and Gengar stopped their hands at the same time and attacked in Mikri's direction.

"Diya sea lion, freezing ray!"

"Gengar, eat dreams!"

Mi Keli secretly thought that it was not good, but Menas had already moved one step ahead and protected Mi Keli mysteriously.

Menas: Loving Pokémon

Level: 76

Properties: water

Traits: Magical Scales

Qualification: Qing

Gender: Female

Skills: Water Wave, Leap, Impact, Crazy, Water Gun, Tightening, Charming Sound, Tornado, Water Ring, Charming, Life Drop, Dragon Tail, Self-Regeneration, Water Tail, Mysterious Guardian, Surfing, Praying for Rain, Panning, Water Cannon, Destroying Light, Ultimate Impact, Wall of Light, Mysterious Guardian, Sleep, Snoring, Guard, Wall-Donging Wind, Pray for Rain, Hail

This is another elf at the level of a king, with a level as high as 76, and the aptitude is also cyan, at least 80% full!

There are many moves to master, and they are all very skillful.

In addition to this, this Meenas also has a lot of healing moves, and he has mastered self-regeneration and life drops very well!

Watch Mikri leave with a surfing move and reappear on the water!

Hades's face was so gloomy that it was almost dripping with water. He was fighting to the death with others, but he was actually being spied on.

If there wasn't a Gengar lurking around, he would have almost capsized in the gutter this time.

"Who did I know? It turned out to be Mr. Mikri. If you don't stay in Fangyuan, what are you doing in the Orange Alliance?"

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