Pokemon: I farm in Zhenxin Town

Chapter 320 Gengar, the wrath of Hades

At this time, outside the secret realm, Team Rocket has completely controlled the island where the secret realm is located!

This small island is located near the Orange Islands.

The strength of the Orange Islands is already weak.

Gyms are built on its nine main islands, but their strength is weaker than in the Kanto region!

As for the trainers at the same level as the Four Heavenly Kings, there is only one leader!

In the Orange Islands, there isn’t even talk of a championship.

This is why the status of the Orange Islands is not as good as other regions!

In previous games, this place was originally used to fill the gap between the first generation and the second generation.

In the game, this is where players use to capture mythical beasts.

In other words, mythical beasts live here!

The most important thing is actually the three holy birds.

The so-called three holy birds are the frozen bird, the flame bird and the lightning bird.

When Taiyi conquered the ivory pig's habitat in this secret area, he discovered a lot of frozen bird feathers!

This is also a very useful resource!

Because of their weak strength, the Orange Islands are not as good as Kanto and other regions in responding to emergencies.

It is not that there are no king trainers in the Orange Islands, but compared to the king rankings in other regions, the strength of the king trainers here is slightly weaker.

So after Hades took control of the field with his men, the Orange Islands' reaction hadn't come yet!

Of course, this is also related to the Rockets' destruction on the Orange Islands.

This evil organization does not hesitate to threaten the lives of ordinary people in order to achieve its goals!

Hades was very proud. This time the action against the secret realm was led by Hades.

He fought for this with his own strength, including some previous arrangements to confuse and hold back Yulongdu and Sirona, the two top leaders in the training family of the Heavenly King!

For this reason, Athena and another cadre were dispatched in order to hold back the two kings to prevent them from disturbing the situation.

As for other places, people from Team Rocket are wreaking havoc.

Although they may not have dispatched correspondingly powerful trainers, the alliance is large and has a large area that needs to be guarded.

In order to avoid being defeated by Team Rocket, the gym trainers all stayed in the gym to avoid being defeated by Team Rocket!

The preparatory kings on the king ranking list have all gone to various places and are stationed in various places.

This is tantamount to the Rockets declaring war on the league. After this time, the league's liquidation of the Rockets will definitely be more intense!

There is no doubt about this!

But the Rockets don't seem to be worried about this.

The first thing they want is this secret realm.

The resources inside can be used to train regular members of Team Rocket.

The high-quality elves inside can be distributed to members to improve their strength.

As for the less high-quality ones, Team Rocket has many experiments that require the use of living bodies!

Hades was very proud: "The perimeter has been cleared. You should be on guard here and don't let people from the alliance break in. If there is an attack, attack the opponent's trainer directly!"

Regarding the trainers in the alliance, there is no rule that members of Team Rocket cannot attack the trainers.

When fighting evil organizations, you need to take this into consideration.

Many young people who have just entered society and become workers of the alliance have suffered this kind of hidden disadvantage.

But alliance staff cannot attack Team Rocket members openly.

To a certain extent, this is a huge disadvantage!

There have been many alliance investigators who have raised objections to this article.

But it is a pity that this point has not been recognized by the alliance. This rule is still within the laws of the alliance and cannot be violated!

Hades waved his hand: "I'll go in and get rid of all the trainers directly affiliated with the alliance. And those group of civilian trainers, since they are at the bottom of society, they can just wail below, trying to get up and step on us. Overhead, it’s simply unreasonable! Secret realm capture team, you start debugging the machine and try to capture the secret realm. I will go in and obtain the core of the secret realm, and then I will directly start transferring the secret realm! You have to hurry up. If you wait for me to come back, you haven’t completed the preparations yet. Work, then..."

He looked at the group of scientists responsible for capturing the secret realm with a ferocious smile, and their whole bodies were shaken.

Hades is definitely the kind of person who doesn't even like his own people. If he tries to trick others, he will also trick his own people.

Of course, I wouldn't dare to trap him, but he would definitely suffer.

In the past, Hades had tortured and killed his own people.

But then Boss Sakaki visited Hades once, and Hades became more restrained after that.

But torture is still necessary.

They hurriedly started debugging, and Hades nodded with satisfaction.

He just likes to see this group of people anxious and even scared, so that he can feel the reality of this world!

Be afraid and lament, sooner or later I will harvest you!

Hades thought, communicated with his elves, and prepared to enter the secret realm.

But at this moment, a Gengar was thrown out from the entrance of the secret realm.

The smile on Hades's face stopped abruptly: "Gengar, what's wrong?"

Hades is proficient in the ghost system, and the most representative one is this Gengar.

It’s not an exaggeration to say that this Gengar is Hades’ trump card.

There are several Gengars and Hades alone!

In the eyes of other trainers, this kind of ghost-type elf, which is comparable to quasi-god elves, seems to be worthless here in Hades.

As the trump card of the four cadres Hades, this Gengar's level is impressively the king level!

Gengar: Shadow Pokémon

Level: 75

Attribute: ghost/poison

Traits: Cursed Body

Qualification: Qing

Gender: Male

Skills: Hypnosis, Black Gaze, Song of Death, Tongue Lick, Mirror Property, Strange Light, Shadow Fist, Tooth for Tooth, Resentment, Curse, Misfortune Comes Alone, Night Demon, Assault, Wave of Evil, Shadow Ball, Same Life, Eater Dream, Megaton Punch, Megaton Kick, Fire Punch, Freeze Punch, Thunder Punch, Destruction Ray, Ultimate Impact, Self-destruction

It can be said that this is an extremely powerful Gengar, and he has learned a lot of moves, even moves with other attributes, which effectively avoids being restrained by attributes.

This is a very qualified Gengar, with a fullness of cyan exceeding 70%!

The level is as high as 75, and he is not a weak player among the kings!

As Hades's trump card, this Gengar's mastery of energy and proficiency in moves are unmatched by other elves.

But at this time, this Gengar was using ghost energy to lock the entrance and exit of the secret realm, preventing others from escaping or entering.

But at this time, this Gengar was expelled from the secret realm.

Although he was only slightly injured, in Hades's eyes, it was an incredible situation.

"Gengar, what happened?" Hades asked in a deep voice.

Not everyone can communicate directly with elves, and not every Gengar can learn to speak.

The talking ghost in Ziyuan Town may not have been discovered yet.

This Gengar made an urgent sound, and after describing it, Hades finally understood what Gengar meant.

Although Hades was harsh on other people, he still liked his own elves.

After spending time together day and night, I understand what Geng Gui means, and it makes sense.

But what Geng Gui said made him unable to reveal it!

"A force pushed you away and slightly injured you? Who is it that is ruining my good deeds?"

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