Pokemon: I farm in Zhenxin Town

Chapter 315 Changes in Situation

After making the phone call, Mikri said goodbye to Dr. Omu.

He retrieved his backpack and went to the canteen for some supplies.

There is no way, not everyone can leave with a secret realm, so necessary supplies are still needed.

In addition, those procedures and the like can be carried out by Dawu.

They are brothers, and no one is simpler and more convenient than them in this regard.

After purchasing the supplies, Mikri released one of his elves, the Chinese Valentine's Day Bluebird.

Taiyi had seen Mi Keli's Blue Cotton Bird, but he didn't know that Mi Keli also had a Tanabata Blue Bird, and the level was not low!

Tanabata Bluebird: Humming Pokémon

Level: 74

Attributes: Dragon/Flying

Features: Natural reply

Qualification: Qing

Gender: Female

Skills: Dragon Wave, Peck, Peck, Cry, Charming Voice, White Mist, Rotation, Random Attack, Mysterious Guard, Sing, Bump, Cotton Defense, Moon Power, Song of Death, Divine Bird Slam , fly, destroy light, ultimate impact, daylight beam, flame vortex, sleep, snore, hold on, charm, pray for rain, steel wings, high-speed stars, power exchange, wonderful space, sunny day, hold on...

This is clearly an elf at the level of a Heavenly King. Since Mikri is aspiring to become the Four Heavenly Kings, he must have at least one team of elves that are all Heavenly Kings!

Mi Keli is absolutely qualified in this aspect, and he is much stronger than this.

Mi Keli's own background is not bad, and Dawu is the prince of Dewen Company. With the help of Dewen Company's channels, Mi Keli has no shortage of highly qualified elves at all!

The qualifications of this Chinese Valentine's Day Blue Bird are impressively blue, one in a million!

Moreover, the qualifications of this Chinese Valentine's Day bluebird are definitely the best among the blue ones.

If Taiyi were here, he would definitely find that the qualifications of this Chinese Valentine's Day bluebird are actually over 90% full!

If it can be cultivated properly, it is not impossible to break through the cyan qualification.

What Taiyi didn't know was that the blue cotton bird he saw before was the descendant of the Chinese Valentine's Day blue bird.

If Taiyi had asked about it at that time, maybe Mikri would have given it to Taiyi.

But all this has passed.

When the Chinese Valentine's Day bluebird carried Mi Keli to the beach, Mi Keli changed into an elf!

"From now on, it's up to you, Menas!"

That's right, what Mikri took out was Menas, who is known as the most beautiful elf!

The Phoenix King is just out of reach. As for alpacas, no one thinks alpacas are beautiful!

This was conquered by Mi Keli accidentally. Well, speaking of it, it was the information provided by Dewen Company.

In nature, there are naturally evolving Menas.

At present, the research community does not know how the ugly fish evolved into the meenas.

But no one can conceal the admiration for Menas.

Speaking of which, Mikoli’s purpose in coming to Zhenxin Town to find Taiyi this time is Menas!

It would be the best if Menas, such a beautiful elf, could be artificially cultivated and used in the gorgeous competition!

Beauty contest is all about beauty!

The beauty of the elves themselves is also one of them.

In addition, the control of moves and the beauty created by moves are all assessed in the gorgeous competition!

But among them, I am afraid that the beauty of the elves themselves will not occupy a small proportion.

Everyone has a first impression. If he catches the judges' attention when he first appears, his score will not be low!

The promotion of the gorgeous contest requires a representative elf.

And Mi Keli feels that Menas is the best representative.

Well, if you can catch the incarnation of the North Wind, Suicune can do it too.

But after all, there is only one Suicune, and the public knows that there is only one!

Carrying Menas, Mikri quickly headed in the direction of the Orange Islands.

"It is said that Hades, the leader of Team Rocket, is arriving soon. I hope I can make it in time!"

Currently, there are two known leaders of Team Rocket, one is Hades and the other is Athena.

Athena is said to be a woman!

There are many female heavenly kings in the elven world, such as Grandma Juzi and Kona, both of whom are female heavenly kings!

In addition, Zhulan Sirona is also a female heavenly king, and her strength is among the best among all the heavenly kings.

In the future, he is expected to win the championship.

If Taiyi knew this news, he would probably guess whether that Athena was Nazi.

Although Nazi does not seem to have shown a strong talent as a trainer now, all her talents are in super powers.

Mi Keli sighed with emotion: "I heard that the daughter of the trainer of the superpower gym in Jinhuang City, Nazhi, is a genius in superpowers. I don't know what the qualifications of the trainer are? If she is also very powerful, then in the future, the Kanto region A super powerful King of Heaven trainer is about to arrive! I wonder how this future ability compares to Sirona and Athena?"

Mi Keli also sighed and felt that he had to work harder.

Here, outside the secret realm, there are more and more members of Team Rocket, and everyone except Team Rocket has been expelled.

There are more people patrolling the outside.

Before, there were many people who were able to break through Team Rocket's blockade, run into the encirclement, and successfully enter the secret realm.

Because there was no blockade by Tutaigui, many people discovered the entrance to the secret realm and entered the secret realm one after another.

More and more people are arriving, making the situation in the secret realm very tense.

Previously, Okiai Kouki wanted to use his means to seriously injure the elves of Joy Xin and others, and then took the opportunity to snatch away the Sand Scale Fruit.

However, Akagi Hinata saw through it. After he informed Qiao Xin, he and Qiao Xin took control of the situation on the field.

The elves of Kouki Ochiai and Takuya Takeshita were injured, but their strength declined and they had to reduce their attacks.

At this time, the elves in the secret realm seemed to have reached an agreement, no longer confronting each other, but unanimously speaking to the outside world.

Among them, including Joey Xin, they all belong to the outsiders and belong to the group that need to be dealt with!

Moreover, the Ivory Pigs and his party on the opposite side seemed to have locked onto Ochiai Kouki more and more, and they continued to attack him continuously!

Kouki Ochiai touched his chest. That location was where he kept an item he had grabbed before.

Because of the preparation in advance and the use of extremely advanced technological items, the fluctuations were covered up.

But this cannot cover up the aura left behind by Okiai Hōki!

That was the feather of a frozen bird. Kouki Ochiai actually wanted to get more. There were at least five such feathers in that place!

Unfortunately, he only had time to take one away before he was chased by a group of ivory pigs!

Come to think of it, most of the ivory pigs in that place came to chase me, right?

If it hadn't been for the discovery of the sand scale fruit tree here at this time, and everyone gathered together, I would have been forced to continue to flee.

But this time, coming here, the harvest is enough.

Even if there is no other gain, I have already earned it!

After returning, you will definitely be able to gain enough merit to exchange for resources and high-quality elf eggs!


At this time, Ochiai Kouki suddenly discovered that a large number of trainers came in!

"What's going on? The entrance was discovered. Are there so many trainers coming next?"

Ochiai Kouki was a little surprised. When these trainers came over, the battle was forced to stop.

He breathed a sigh of relief and his eyes flickered, should he leave now?

Maybe you can leave before they find out!

But his eyes flickered and he found that the ivory pig family was waiting for him to leave outside.

"No, let's take a look at the situation first!"

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