Pokemon: I farm in Zhenxin Town

Chapter 314 Mi Keli recommended himself

Mikri is still young, but he has already passed the age to receive the initial elves and start traveling.

I also have some sympathy for Dr. Ohki's sentiments.

But it’s not as profound as Dr. Oki!

Mikri asked: "By the way. What's going on over there in the secret realm? When will Taiyi come back?"

The main purpose of his coming here was to discuss something with Taiyi.

Taiyi is more proficient in these things, but Mikri is not so proficient.

Mi Keli plans to use this to gain a greater say in the gorgeous contest, and also to promote the gorgeous contest to more regions.

Today, the gorgeous contest is only promoted in the Fangyuan area, which is far from enough.

This is something that Zifuqi Dawu also admires very much.

The promotion of the gorgeous contest will help improve the status of the Fangyuan region.

As the Four Heavenly Kings, the status of Zifuqi Daigo will also increase!

More importantly, this will help improve the promotion of Devon Company!

For example, in the Kanto and Johto areas, it is difficult for Dewen Company to enter.

And even if it comes in, it will be difficult to promote it.

This is not only related to the popularity of Silver Company, but also to the alliance between the two regions.

So much so that the Orange Islands are in the same situation!

Dr. Oak looked back and said: "It's not very good over there. Team Rocket is gathering strength and seems to be thinking about that secret realm. Team Ocean is also taking action. You should know this!"

Dr. Omu has some understanding and speculation about Mikoli's purpose of coming to Zhenxin Town to meet Taiyi.

But Dr. Omu doesn't have much hope in this, because this problem has been unsolved by countless scholars in the elf world for many years.

If Taiyi solves this problem, there will be no problem in being promoted to senior researcher.

As for the PhD title, it's not that simple.

Perhaps, that topic is enough for a senior senior researcher to be promoted to PhD!

But it is not that simple for such a young Taiyi, who is still a mid-level researcher, to become a doctor.

In the elf world, there is also the so-called seniority ranking.

There is no way, this may be a problem that may exist among all intelligent ethnic groups.

In a paper that Taiyi just published, "On Another Evolutionary Form of Slowpoke", Taiyi discovered the evolved form of Slowpoke King.

This paper has improved Taiyi's status a lot.

However, Dr. Oki's attempt to promote Taiyi to senior researcher was still resisted by the alliance's title review department and other doctors.

Zhenxin Town is not big and the number of people is not large. Dr. Omu has already occupied a very important position.

Dr. Omu's cousin Omu Cheng also occupies a very important position in the alliance. He is currently the principal of the elf school in the Alola region and one of the heads of the research institution there!

In addition, Dr. Omu's son and daughter-in-law both occupy key positions in the alliance.

The population of the Damu family is not particularly large, but everyone seems to be not simple.

In addition, Xiaochi and Xiaozhi's family should not be underestimated.

Although this family is not very active, its strength is still considerable.

In this way, others will deny Taiyi's rapid rise no matter what their purpose is.

This will greatly increase the influence of Zhenxin Town!

There are so many areas in the alliance, and it is impossible for other areas to allow Zhenxin Town to have such a transcendent status!

Mikri nodded: "The Ocean Team has indeed been more active recently. These two organizations are not collaborating temporarily, right?"

Logically speaking, it is not impossible.

Team Rocket operates in the Kanto and Johto regions, while Team Ocean operates in the Fangyuan region. There is actually not much conflict between them.

Cooperation with each other is not impossible.

After all, this is about a secret realm! The secret realm is synonymous with wealth and resources!

Generally speaking, there are a lot of various resources in the secret realm, even high-grade tree fruits, or rare and high-quality elves!

If you can obtain these, any organization will be greatly strengthened!

Dr. Oki said: "Now the two kings Yulongdu and Sirona are chasing the leader of Team Rocket and several other cadres, but the strength of these two is not enough to hold back all the cadres of Team Rocket."

In fact, this is the case. Yulongdu and Sirona are indeed strong and can defeat the Rockets' cadres!

But defeating does not mean capturing, nor does it mean killing!

Those cadres are also kings. If they cannot be defeated, they can still escape.

In this way, these two people will not be able to do their best.

Although some Rockets bases have been broken, it is not that easy to completely eradicate Team Rockets.

Decades ago, the alliance also carried out an operation to destroy the Rockets. At that time, almost all the Rockets died.

But the alliance also suffered heavy losses!

The Rockets have actually made a comeback in the league in recent years, which shows that it is very difficult to completely eliminate them.

Dr. Ohmu said worriedly: "There are too many places that the alliance needs to guard, and it cannot spare too many people to guard them. I'm afraid there is still a problem with the ownership of the secret realm this time!"

The Alliance family has a big business. Although they have many people, they also need to sit in many places.

And Dr. Ohmu didn't say a word, among these kings sitting here, who knows if there are people from Team Rocket?

Team Rocket's method of deceiving people is definitely very powerful.

Dr. Omu said: "I want to sit in Zhenxin Town myself, and there is no way to leave!"

Zhenxin Town is their base camp and cannot allow Team Rocket to destroy it.

Everyone is a member of the alliance, but alliance members also have their own regional characteristics.

Mi Keli thought for a while: "So, just let me go!"

This was actually what Dr. Oki meant. He laughed immediately after hearing this: "Okay, I'll communicate with the alliance. I'll second you to the Fangyuan area for joint operations!"

Mikri smiled and said: "Okay. In this way, I can also get some of the King points. But this secret realm?"

Dr. Oki waved his hand: "I have nothing to say about this. You can contact Daigo and ask him to communicate with the alliance. But I think if there are enough resources, it is still okay for everyone to share a share."

This kind of thing is originally a craze for dividing abnormal resources.

They didn't know that Taiyi would occupy a large share in this division of interests.

Every matter related to the secret realm is no small matter.

Otherwise, the alliance would not give up its pursuit of the Rockets and instead concentrate on developing the secret realm.

Now that he had decided, Mikri returned to the research institute, borrowed a phone, and had a secret conference call with Daigo!

Of course, most of it was Mi Keli who was talking, and Dawu nodded: "Okay. I'll contact the champion right away. You happen to be there, and if you contribute, you can also accumulate a lot of points on the King of Heaven rankings. Experience and points!”

Mi Keli has not yet become the Four Heavenly Kings, but he is also among the candidates for the Heavenly Kings. He is considered a proper Heavenly King-level trainer, but he is not one of the Four Heavenly Kings!

The Four Heavenly Kings are king-level trainers who serve within the alliance and assume the position of the Four Heavenly Kings!

In other words, the Four Heavenly Kings must be king-level trainers!

And the king-level trainer is not necessarily the Four Heavenly Kings!

The Four Heavenly Kings are vaguely the most powerful group of Heavenly King-level trainers in each region!

However, Mi Keli does not have to wait too long. There are also Four Heavenly Kings in Fangyuan area who are ready to retire. Next, like Yulongdu, they can successfully take over the position of Four Heavenly Kings.

But they still need to work harder!

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