Pokemon: I farm in Zhenxin Town

Chapter 316 Are we going to unite again?

"The situation is a bit strange!" Akagi Yangping approached and said to Joy Xin.

He is a civilian trainer, and he has to fight for whatever he needs.

During this period, he encountered danger several times. He relied on his keen intuition to detect the danger in advance and thus changed.

Now, suddenly a large number of trainers have come in, and it seems that they are all trainers directly affiliated with the alliance, as well as civilian trainers!

But at this time, the atmosphere seemed a little weird!

Joy Xin was a little surprised as to why so many trainers directly affiliated with the alliance had entered the secret realm.

"Why didn't they intercept Team Rocket outside?"

Joey Xin was a little strange, just the scattered trainers directly under the alliance came in!

Nowadays, these trainers who are directly under the alliance's investigator preparation are actually entering the secret realm in large numbers. What is going on?

Soon, those people were approaching!

Because of the oppression coming from the secret realm, they had to stick together.

The people from Team Rocket naturally went to find Takuya Takeshita!

Not many people from the Marine team came, and they all went to find Okiai Hōki.

Ochiai Kouki's face was ugly. He already knew the situation outside from his subordinates.

"What's wrong with the league? It can't handle a Rockets team?"

The alliance's power is very powerful. Although it is scattered in various regions, it is enough to suppress the Ocean Team from moving too much.

The Marine Team has been operating in the Fangyuan area, but has never dared to carry out any large-scale terrorist activities.

Well, they just wanted to expand the ocean area!

What they are more interested in is tracing the whereabouts of Kyogre. In addition, the target of their activities is the deadly enemy Lava Team!

According to reports from his subordinates, many people from Team Rocket came this time, and they were led by Hades, one of the four leading cadres.

Hades, Okiai Kouki knew, that was a king trainer!

The strength is very strong, at least he is far behind.

Next, if the Rockets occupy this place, the gains of everyone here will be taken by the Rockets.

Including his.

Even though he had been teaming up with Takuya Takeshita to fight against Joey Xin and the others, as long as the Rockets had a chance, they would never let him go.

There’s no brotherly love between evil organizations in Team Rocket!

"No, we can't sit back and wait! There is no way the Alliance will allow the Rockets to rob this secret realm. This secret realm, not to mention the Sand Scale Fruit Tree, has this huge area and the elf resources inside. The Alliance will not sit back and watch! And the ocean The team should also send people over! What I have to do now is to unite with Joy Xin and the others to temporarily stabilize the situation in the secret area. It is best to drive away Takeshita Takuya and the others. If I can get the Sand Scale Fruit by the way, that would be the best solution. good……"

Kouki Ochiai did not sit still and wait for death. Although the form was not good, he quickly found the best decision for himself.

He took a few people and walked in the direction of Joy Xin.

Joy Xin's face didn't look good at this time, as did Akagi Yangping next to him.

The trainers directly under these alliances, the Investigator Preparation, brought in bad news.

"The Rockets have taken over the outside, and we were all rushed here!"

In fact, although the Rockets said they were expelling others before, there were also many alliance investigators maintaining order.

It took a lot of energy from Team Rocket to have so many trainers break through Team Rocket's blockade and rush into the secret realm.

But now, Team Rocket suddenly has a lot of people coming, and there is also Hades, one of the four leaders.

This situation is not right.

Hades is a king trainer who is proficient in the ghost system and is known for his weirdness and cruelty.

If Hades controls the secret realm, then the people in the secret realm may not end well.

Joy Xin might be able to escape by force with the help of the Shuidu brothers and sisters!

Hades will definitely want to keep Joey Xin, he is a lunatic!

But what about everyone else?

If Akagi Yangping didn't say anything, how could the others escape?

At this time, Okiai Koki came over and said to Joy Xin: "Unite! You should also know the current situation!"

Joy Xin looked ugly. She was an elite and could judge the current situation.

Takeshita Takuya, who used to be Okiai Kouki and Team Rocket, was not friendly to people like them.

Now that the Rockets are strong, Kouki Ochiai wants to dive again. Join them to restrict the Rockets!

Akagi Yangping said: "We can't trust you!"

This is actually the sentiment of most trainers. Kouki Ochiai is too out of touch, has violated the agreement several times, and his character is not trustworthy.

But Koki Ochiai just smiled and said: "I don't need your trust. Regarding the possibility of escape, I have a better chance than most of you! I hope to unite, but I just don't want to give up the archers here to Team Rocket!"

So you were still associated with the Rockets before?

Akagi Yanghei did not say this sentence. Although he was not old, he was already past the age of dreaming.

All of Ochiai Kouki's actions are only for his own benefit.

Nothing else but profit!

Koki Ochiai smiled and said: "You guys discuss it, and if it's possible, we can join forces. If it's not possible, I'll leave while you and Team Rocket are fighting!"

With that said, Ochiai Kouki led the people away.

Joey Xin and the others were left with ugly expressions.

Okiai Koki was right, they have few people and are strong, so they have many choices!

There are many civilian trainers here, but they have no ability to choose!

They have no chance to escape!

Outside, the entrance to the secret realm has been occupied by Team Rocket, and they have no chance.

Akagi Yangping suddenly said: "I don't know where Mr. Taichi is. If we can contact Mr. Taichi, we still have a chance!"

Yes, they still have a chance!

Although many people find it strange, Aether One's ability does not seem to be a match for the Rockets.

But after seeing Taichi commanding the elves, Akagi Hinata was still confident.

Joy Xin also did it, but she was helpless: "I can't contact the other party and don't know where he is!"

Aether One's character shouldn't just sit back and watch Team Rocket come over and remain indifferent.

Taiyi did not come, indicating that Taiyi was somewhere else, perhaps encountering difficulties, or perhaps having other plans.

He probably doesn't know the Rockets' situation!

This is the current situation. The longer it drags on, the more tense it will become.

The entrance is in the hands of the Rockets, who can send a steady stream of people over, and there will definitely be a lot of supplies.

But they can't, and it may be very difficult for Joy Xin's elves to treat him!

She is not a Joy who specializes in healing, and the healing ability of Hua Huan Huan is still too poor compared to the Geely Egg.

At least, not in terms of physical strength.

Few have the long stamina of Gili Eggs and can use a large number of healing moves.

Joy Xin said: "You all think about whether you want to unite!"

In fact, union is basically certain.

Although they are stronger than each other, Team Rocket has a lot of people, and there is a steady stream of reinforcements.

After all, Ochiai Kouki and the others have a strong fighting force.

At least Ochiai Kouki and several others are equivalent to the strength of multiple civilian trainers!

"Mr. Taichi, where are you?" Akagi Yangping thought.

At this time, Taiyi had just finished fighting with the ivory pig clan opposite.

These days, both sides have made a lot of progress.

Taiyi made more progress, he didn't force it, and the other party didn't go crazy.

It seems that he has already acquiesced in his intention to train the elves here.

"The Goldfish King is interesting!"

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