Pokemon: I farm in Zhenxin Town

Chapter 311 Finding the Core of the Secret Realm

The pair of elf brothers, Big Sting Bee and Bad Butterfly, have also improved a lot!

Big Stitch: The Venomous Bee Pokémon

Level: 48

Attributes: Insect/Poison

Traits: Sniper/Brothers Together

Qualification: Blue

Gender: Male

Skills: Double needle, peck, anger, energy gathering, high-speed movement, poison needle, silk spinning, hardening, impact, insect bite, electric grid

Butterfly: Butterfly Pokémon

Level: 48

Attributes: Bug/Flying

Features: Compound Eyes/Brothers as One

Qualification: Blue

Gender: Male

Skills: silk spinning, impact, insect bite, electric grid, wind, poison powder, paralysis powder, hypnotic powder, ultrasound, telekinesis, sleep

Their levels have all been raised to the high elite level, and they are not far from the top.

The two of them worked together to improve each other, coupled with the characteristics of brothers working together, their strength increased slightly.

They have already touched the threshold of a gym leader, and I believe they are not far away from breaking through the elite level and reaching the gym leader level.

Finally, Gem Starfish has also been improved a lot.

Gem Starfish: Mystery Pokémon

Level: 45

Attributes: Water/Superpower

Features: Analysis

Qualification: Green/Blue

Gender: no gender

Skills: telekinesis, sleep, wall of light, phantom light, reflective wall, water gun, water ring, salt water, strange light, high-speed rotation, shrinking, high-speed star, mental telepathy, surfing, self-regeneration

The level of Gemstone Starfish has reached level 45, coming from behind!

Moreover, the strength is not frivolous at all, Gem Starfish's strength is very solid.

This is due to Gem Starfish's superpower qualification, the blue level qualification, which simply beats the metal monster.

This made the metal monster almost shut down.

A quasi-god elf can't even compare to a latecomer in terms of progress!

This has to be said about the importance of qualifications.

Hard work is equally important, Gem Starfish has been working hard!

People say that genius makes people feel helpless, but genius who works hard can make people feel suffocated.

Gem Starfish is such a genius!

However, Gem Starfish's strength still relies more on superpowers!

This elf who has awakened his superpowers in his egg form is really good at superpower moves.

Coupled with Taiyi's continuous superpower meditation, the superpowers of Gem Starfish also increased rapidly.

Their meditations promote each other.

Tu Taigui thought that he would appear soon, but he waited for several days and still did not wait for his appearance.

He is also very comfortable in the world of heavenly books.

Eating and drinking is something that was unimaginable before. Not only is it delicious, it is also very useful for one's own development.

Turtle: Mainland Pokémon

Level: 72

Attribute: grass/ground

Features: Chlorophyll

Qualification: Qing

Gender: Male

Skills: Earthquake, Mallet, Impact, Shelling, Drain, Leaf Blade, Curse, Bite, Super Drain, Photosynthesis, Crush, Ultimate Drain, Leaf Storm, Self-motivation, Roar, Poison, Big Sunny day, destruction of light, awakening power, wall of light, defense, mysterious guardianship, anger, solar beam, repayment, shadow clone, reflective wall, sandstorm, rock blockade, crazy plant

Tutaigui has more effective control over his own energy, and he has progressed further to the level of Heavenly King.

But more than anything else, Tutaigui discovered some of his own limitations.

If he wants to improve again, it will be much more difficult than before!

This is the reason for the qualifications. In the past few days, Tutaigui has also learned some knowledge from many elves.

Among them, the salty goldfish king in the water provides many aspects of knowledge.

Including Taiyi’s character and his experiences!

What happened to the Goldfish King made Tu Taigui express his sympathy.

Because of the Elf Virus, the Goldfish King's lifespan cannot be replenished enough even if it evolves.

In the future, maybe it won’t be long before I burp my fart.

The Tutai Turtle witnessed the pursuit of the future by the Goldfish King and the Xianyu King.

He is all about pursuing his future partner!

It's a pity that several elves of the same kind have no intention of paying attention to the Goldfish King, including the ferocious Carp King and the Ugly Fish!

However, Tutaigui also discovered something, that is, the ugly fish seems to have become more confident than before.

This makes the ugly fish's originally ugly body feel a little bit beautiful?

What a hell!

Tu Taigui will never admit that there is something wrong with his aesthetics, and Chou Chou Fish has definitely changed.

"Tell Taiyi when the time comes, what the hell is this? Isn't the Ugly Fish the ugliest elf?"

Here, all the elves in Taiyi have made great progress.

Only Shu Lao's Di Yun body has changed relatively little.

For the mythical beast, time is too short.

Their strength has been accumulated over a long period of time.

Including Groudon, they often fall into deep sleep.

In fact, they are all using sleep to accumulate energy and improve themselves.

Tutu Yun was born too short, and after reaching the gym leader level, he fell into a slow speed.

Shu Lao had no choice about this.

The magical beasts of the flower growers have the same strength!

The flower grower's mythical beast is born extraordinary, but it has been accumulated in the egg for a long time.

Then, they also take a long time to improve.

For mythical beasts, lifespan is really something that doesn't need to be worried about.

They naturally have a long life!

Taiyi had no choice but to let it go.

However, his strength has improved a lot recently, and he is not as worried as before.

Now that he has one of the Heavenly Kings and Spirits, he is no longer in such a hurry.

But I don’t know what will happen to the divine beast Di Diyun, at the gym leader level, against the Heavenly King Elf?

Mr. Shu always confidently said that he had absolutely no problem.

After Taiyi plans to return to Zhenxin Town, he will find a place for Tutaigui and Shulao to fight.

This is my own trump card. If I don’t draw it accurately, I don’t know how to count it.

Shu Lao wasn't worried at all about this, which gave Taiyi a lot of confidence.

Since the speed of improvement is not slow, Taiyi is going to stay here for a while to exercise his spirit!

As for the rest, he wasn't too afraid.

When the training is almost done, he can collect the core of the secret realm.

During this period of time, Shu Lao's mental body was running around, and he was almost familiar with this area.

"Taiyi, there is indeed something about the power of mythical beasts here. I seem to have seen a few feathers of the frozen bird!"

The feathers of the frozen bird are no wonder!

Taiyi also said why there is such icy and snowy weather here. It turns out that the Freezing Bird left its power here!

It's no wonder that the ivory pig family can survive here.

There are also many other ice-type treasures here.

It's a pity that if Shu Lao is only a spiritual body, there is no way to pick it back.

But thinking that he would integrate all this into the world of the Book of Heaven, Taiyi was not anxious.

Sooner or later it will be yours, no need to worry.

In addition, there are some ice stones here, which are also very good treasures.

You can evolve some elves who need ice stones to evolve, and you can also let some elves absorb the power of ice stones to strengthen their ice power!

In addition, Shu Lao also found the core of the secret realm.

It’s a piece of ice that doesn’t melt!

Not the ordinary non-melting ice, but the very rare and very hard non-melting ice!

Unmelted ice is produced from cold ice blocks, which may not exist for hundreds of years, and the area is quite small.

The piece of unmelted ice here is quite large, as big as several people's fists put together! Almost the size of a football!

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