Pokemon: I farm in Zhenxin Town

Chapter 312 Xiaochi sets off on a trip

"This secret realm may have more than one secret realm core!"

Shu Lao said with some contemplation. According to his exploration here these days, this piece of non-melting ice should be just the core of the ice sheet where the ivory pig clan lives.

In other areas, there should be other secret realm cores.

"This is a secret realm supported by two to three secret realm cores!"

Shu Lao said with some seriousness: "In other words, this secret core can only allow you to get the ice field!"

Taiyi asked again: "So, if this place is integrated by the Book of Heaven, will it affect other places?"

Shu Lao shook his head: "I can't guarantee this. Maybe there will be, or maybe not!"

Taiyi was silent, Shulao thought about it for a moment, and then said: "But even if it has an impact, it won't cause other places to collapse!"

Tai nodded, thought for a while, and asked: "In other words, we got this piece of ice that doesn't melt, and we can't fuse it immediately?"

Shu Lao nodded: "If you want more secret realms, this is the only way! However, there is still a problem, because the non-melting ice is the core of the secret realm in this place. If you take away this core, this piece of secret realm will be destroyed." Ice sheets will also collapse."

This puts Taiyi in a dilemma.

Without fusion, this piece can exist, but the unmelted ice cannot be taken away!

Because taking it away means that this part will collapse.

If you don't take it away, then Taiyi's purpose of coming here this time will not be achieved.

This is not something Taiyi can accept!

Taiyi asked again: "Then if I fuse this part here, will we be expelled?"

Shu Lao shook his head: "I can put you in other areas, and I won't let you escape the secret realm!"

There are a lot of people in the secret realm. If Taiyi suddenly leaves the secret realm when a big change occurs in the secret realm, it will be difficult not to think of Taiyi.

Taking advantage quietly and low-key is Taiyi's principle.

His strength does not allow him to obtain various benefits in a high-profile manner.

If the news about Taiyi spreads, people from all major forces will definitely flock here.

Dr. Omu alone may not be able to protect this interest!

Money and silk touch people's hearts!

Taiyi said decisively: "Then let's look at this core of the secret realm! Let's not think too much about anything else. Let the alliance take over the rest!"

He decided to stay, train the elves, and leave the rest alone.

However, the Tutaigui clan still needs to be dealt with.

After this place is over, Taiyi is going to take away the Tutai Turtle clan.

After integrating the ice fields here, the area of ​​Taiyi's Heavenly Book World should be greatly increased. By then, there should be no need to worry about the living area of ​​the Tutai Turtle clan.

Having made up his mind, Taiyi felt a little unwilling to do so, but there are always things that go wrong in the world.

It is impossible for him to take advantage of all the benefits.

"But this is good, lest I fuse a few more secret realms in the future and attract others' attention!"

Taiyi also considered the advantage of doing this, so as not to be found out about his involvement in these things in the future, so as not to be remembered.

In Zhenxin Town, Mi Keli wandered around Zhenxin Town a little bored.

When I first came here, it was quite interesting.

After a few turns, Mikri felt a little bored.

His family is not here, so there are still some inconveniences in life.

In addition to exercising the elves, watching the news, and learning a thing or two, there is nothing else to do.

There is still too little entertainment in Zhenxin Town, and there are even very few battles.

Most of the people who stayed in the town were either children or elderly people.

Most of the others are working outside or traveling.

There are slightly more tourists, but there are still too few people who can talk to Captain Mikri.

And there isn't even a game arcade here. Mikri has been watching anime with the silly Xiaozhi these days.

There's no other way. If you don't do this, there's really nothing else to do.

He is not an elf researcher, so he cannot conduct research.

However, Mi Keli has been quite interested in Xiaochi in recent days.

"By the way, Xiaozhi. It seems that your brother Xiaochi got scholar status today?"

Xiaozhi said without looking back: "Yes. He did research with Brother Taiyi, published a few papers, and got the status of a scholar!"

Mi Keli pondered, this time, Xiao Chi will have one more elf spot.

This is a great convenience for capable trainers!

Without capable trainers, there will be too many elves to take care of them, and there will be no way to effectively cultivate them.

If there are too many, they will become a burden.

But after observing these days, Mi Keli discovered that Xiao Chi is a good breeder!

Well, there may not be a way to get a certificate, but the cultivation method is definitely good.

"Xiaozhi, from whom did your brother Xiaochi learn his knowledge of cultivation?"

Xiaozhi frowned: "It seems to be Brother Taiyi? Xiaochi seems to have taught himself!"

It is indeed Taiyi!

Mi Keli came here just for Taiyi!

Unfortunately, Taiyi was involved in the secret realm.

It’s been how many days and I still haven’t come back!

Hanako walked in and turned off the TV, which would kill Ash.


Hanako said: "Xiao Chi is going on a trip, why don't you go and give her a gift?"

When Xiaozhi heard about traveling, he immediately thought of the original elves!

Immediately, Xiaozhi rushed out!

Mi Keli smiled at Hanako, gained a fan, and then walked out, ready to take a look.

In Zhenxin Town, at the entrance of Dr. Oak's research institute, Xiaozhi just arrived and found that Xiaochi had already obtained his initial elf!

"What kind of elf is this? How come you didn't get three kinds of royal family: Charmander, Bulbasaur and Squirtle?"

Well, Xiaozhi doesn't really know anything now, at least he still knows about Yusanjia.

There is no way, not to mention Xiaochi's influence, Hanako has been asking him to imitate Xiaochi.

You can't learn Taiyi, and I don't expect you to become a scholar, but you have to learn from Xiaochi, right? He is your brother!

Xiaozhi had no choice but to learn some knowledge.

Xiao Chi said: "This is what Dr. Oak gave me. It's called Pichu! It's a very good elf!"

Dr. Omu laughed: "There is no way, the Yusan family has been chosen by others! I happened to have a Pichu here, so I gave him to Xiaochi!"

This newly born elf can be given to beginners.

This does not violate the laws of the alliance. Otherwise, how would those big families give high-quality elves to their juniors?

This is a perk of being born well!

"Such a cute Pichu, can I hug you?" Xiaozhi said and was about to touch Pichu, but soon, he was clicked!

Even Xiao Chi was affected. There was nothing we could do about it. This Pichu's character seemed a bit arrogant!

However, Pichu obviously recognized Xiao Chi's identity as a trainer and didn't seem unwilling to follow Xiao Chi.

Dr. Oak took out another Poké Ball and said to Xiao Chi: "This is what Taiyi entrusted me to give to you. Because he was involved in the secret realm, he can't come back to send you on your trip. But this partner can always be there." I believe that I can be of great help to you by accompanying you!"

Xiaochi was also a little disappointed when he heard that Taiyi couldn't come back.

But when he saw the elf ball, Xiao Chi's eyes lit up. Taking the elf ball, Xiao Chi stretched out his hand and waved: "Come out, my partner Geely Egg!"

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