Pokemon: I farm in Zhenxin Town

Chapter 310 With the progress of other elves, King Dudida initially mastered the flawless body

Ivysaur: Seed Pokémon

Level: 44

Attribute: Grass/Poison

Features: Chlorophyll

Qualification: Green

Gender: Female

Skills: Impact, Vine Whip, Green Grass Ground, Flying Leaf Sharp Knife, Rooting, Aromatherapy, Sleeping Powder, Parasitic Seed, Sleep, Photosynthesis, Sunlight Flame

In a flash of light, the two Bulbasaur seeds have evolved, and what appears in front of them is Bulbasaur.

These two Ivysaur only came out of the secret realm of Yuejian Mountain.

That blue-qualified Bulbasaur didn't know which king got the better of him, um, the alternate king.

But these two Ivysaur have already evolved. I don’t know how far the Bulbasaur with better qualifications has progressed.

The level has been improved and it has reached the elite level!

The control of moves and energy has also improved greatly!

The most important thing is that the grass field has been converted into special moves, which has a good effect on promoting the growth of plants.

It can also bring plants to life!

This change has greatly increased the number of vitality vegetables and fruits here in Taiyi!

After I go back, I will walk around all the walking grass, so that I won’t be afraid that I won’t have enough vitality vegetables and fruits in the future.

"After we return, we need to expand production. We also need to expand our cooperation with the Joey family."

Taiyi also has his own plans for the development of Zhenxin Town.

In the future, when the per capita economic level of Zhenxin Town will rise, the younger generations of Zhenxin Town will be guaranteed to travel.

"After so many days, Xiaochi should have almost received the initial elf and gone on a trip, right?"

For Xiaochi, Taiyi is not worried at all.

This future protagonist has a higher level of achievement than the silly little guy Xiaozhi.

Ivysaur's qualifications have also been improved a lot. Before, it was just about reaching green qualifications.

Nowadays, more than half of the green qualifications have been filled, reaching about 60%!

With one more evolution and the following cultivation, I believe we can successfully break through the shackles of green qualifications and advance to cyan qualifications!

In other words, the future achievements of these two Ivysaurs are likely to start as quasi-kings, and it is not impossible to become kings.

Even the championship can be expected to be one or two.

It’s just that the probability is relatively small!

But there are vitality vegetables and tree fruits here in Taiyi, which is tantamount to cheating.

Others still want to buy, but there are not enough quantities yet.

Here in Taiyi, that means you have enough control!

Mimikyu: The Painted Skin Pokémon

Level: 38

Attribute: ghost/goblin

Features: Painted skin

Qualification: Blue

Gender: Female

Skills: Hypnosis, gavel, leap, shadow sneak attack, magic space, claw sharpening, round pupils, coquettishness

Mimikyu Q has also made great progress, and is now hiding in Taiyi's shadow, protecting Taiyi.

During this period, there were several attacks by the ivory pigs, and they almost attacked Taiyi. They were all blocked by Mimikyu Q.

It’s not like Mimikyu didn’t think about going back on his word and ignoring Taiyi, Taiyi seemed to give up on Mimikyu right away.

Mimikyu Q doesn't block it, and Taichi himself has superpowers. He can use moves like wall of light to protect himself!

What's more, there is also a heavenly book!

No, just hide inside.

Mimikyu doesn't understand the heavenly book that Taiyi possesses, and he was in a state of confusion before entering and exiting it.

But later, Mimikyu thought about it and protected him dutifully.

Taiyi also responded with good elf food, which Mimikyu was very willing to eat.

These things, for Mimikyu Q, are not only enjoyment, but also the basis for becoming stronger.

The reason why Mimikyu decided to protect instead of just sitting back and watching Taiyi get injured was more because of Casey!

Casey stayed on Taichi's shoulder, not going anywhere.

Casey's main responsibility is to protect the many fighting elves. Whether it is a wall of light, a reflecting wall, or a mysterious guard, Casey uses it with great skill.

Casey: Telekinesis Pokémon

Level: 52

Attribute: superpower

Features: Magic Defense

Qualification: Qing

Gender: Male

Skills: Teleportation, electromagnetic waves, light wall, sleep, telekinesis, mental telepathy, self-regeneration, meditation, reflective wall, mysterious guardianship, snoring

Casey's abilities have also improved. The use of high-intensity moves has made great progress in her control of energy!

Bird Pokémon: Bird Pokémon

Level: 60

Attributes: Normal/Flying

Features: Strong chest muscles

Qualification: Green

Gender: Male

Skills: Hot wind, impact, wind, sand splash, lightning flash, parrot, blow away, feather perch, air slash, whirlwind blade, high-speed movement, headbutt, hold, stand-in, reflection wall, feather dance, divine speed

Bi Diao is still the same, and it is not easy for the Quasi-Tianwang to break through.

I have been at the gym leader level for a long time, and I have been accumulating.

It's really not that easy to break through.

This made Tai a little disappointed.

But Taiyi didn't show it. Bidiao's previous cultivation was too casual.

Most elves in the wild are like this. The elves in the wild themselves don't have that much awareness of cultivation.

Of course, there is no corresponding cultivation knowledge.

On this point, Taiyi still has to do it step by step.

He has time to do it, and his life span is longer than that of Diao, so just wait slowly!

If Bidiao's qualifications could be upgraded to cyan qualifications, this aspect would be much easier.

Unfortunately, there is no hope yet.

Slow King: The King Pokémon

Level: 47

Attributes: Water/Superpower

Features: Regeneration

Qualification: Qing

Gender: Male

Skills: Water gun, scream, impact, telekinesis, teleportation, telekinesis, sleep, snoring, wall of light, power stone, trick, water ring, water wave, bluff, rain

The progress of King Slow is not very great either. But the mastery of energy is improving bit by bit, which makes King Slow a little anxious.

Taiyi comforted King Dude and asked him to take his time.

"It doesn't matter, your strength has been steadily growing. Don't worry. For the next gym leader level, let's go slower and lay a solid foundation so that we can reach a higher limit in the future!"

From this, King Daidai slowly calmed down and began to polish his energy!

And the water flow ring moves are also used more skillfully.

At a certain moment, King Slow discovered that his mastery of energy had gone one step further.

"I seem to be able to save more energy!"

The grasp of energy is what the subsequent elves need to do.

For the same move, the amount of energy used is reduced, which also increases the energy reserve in disguise.

This is very good for battery life.

Tai was overjoyed and encouraged King Slow: "Look, if you calm down, you can always find ways to make progress!"

Appropriate encouragement can make elves feel more physically and mentally happy, and get twice the result with half the effort, whether in study or life!

Taiyi slowly mastered this technique, and it was clearly used by King Slow.

King Daidai's confidence greatly increased and he started thinking about the water flow ring again!

Taiyi added: "In fact, the mastery and proficiency of all water-based moves will help you master the water-water ring move. Stones from other mountains can attack jade!"

This time, King Daiyi believed in Taiyi even more and worked harder.

Taiyi looked at King Slow. He had mastered the further changes of the Water Water Ring move, which was equivalent to mastering the beginning of the Leakless Body!

King Dudu has already started!

This news is very exciting. The next step is to master this move more deeply, and also to figure out how to extend this effect to other elves!

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