Pokemon: I farm in Zhenxin Town

Chapter 309 Akagi Hinata’s progress

In the next few days, Joyxin made conscious observations, and she discovered that Ochiai Kouki and Takeshita Takuya had clear goals.

These two people sometimes command the elves to retreat from attacks that they can clearly absorb.

If you are fighting alone, this operation is naturally no problem.

But the situation is that everyone works together, you block in front, and others attack from behind.

Then you suddenly step aside, giving up the attack to the elf attacking from behind.

What does it mean?

Isn't this obvious?

Therefore, Joey Xin will focus more on treating trainers directly affiliated with the alliance and civilian trainers!

Kouki Ochiai protested against this!

Joy Xin said: "If you are the only ones left, we will never be able to withstand the attack of the elves on the opposite side. Their elves are more fragile, and you are stronger and can withstand more attacks. Shouldn't I treat more Them?"

Whatever Ochiai Hōki wanted to do, Joey Xin objected.

When meeting with Akagi Yanghei, Joy Xin said again: "You also try to mobilize the civilian trainers. Don't rush forward all the time, but think about strategies! If Taiyi is not here, can't you take command yourself? Sometimes, you have to fight back against Okiai Kouki!"

It doesn't make sense to be beaten passively all the time!

Akagi Yangping nodded, he has been thinking about it recently.

Since Taiyi wants to form that platform, these civilian trainers are interested in joining.

After that, there must be a leader. He was the first to come into contact with Taiyi, so he is the perfect candidate for the leader!

In this case, he should also try to exercise his commanding ability!

Many tasks in the future may not be completed by a single person, so everyone needs to work together.

Then, Akagi Yanghei changed the previous method of only training his own elves, and began to try to command other civilian trainers!

Of course, Akagi Hinata discovered from the very beginning that his command was very difficult!

This reminded Akagi Yanghei of the time when Taiyi commanded all the elves present outside the secret realm, that kind of command with a measured advance and retreat.

The gap between the two is indeed huge.

Soon, he cheered up again.

"Since it's not feasible to get there all at once, then just take your time!"

Akagi Yanghei began to reduce the number of people under his command, and also let them watch and cooperate with him.

In the end, Akagi Hinata discovered that he could command up to four elves.

In other words, he couldn't even command a complete team.

This shows that the amount of six elves per trainer set by the alliance is reasonable.

Maybe some people are more powerful and can command more.

But not Hinata Akagi.

He also thought that the league's competitions were at most three vs. three group battles, and there was no six vs. six overall battle where everyone competed together. This was the reason!

The current league competition, a six vs six format, also involves sending out elves one by one, and it is a reincarnation match.

After a day of fighting, Akagi Yangping found that his command ability had been strengthened.

Not only that, his flying legs have also improved.

Kickstarter: Fighting Pokémon

Level: 46

Attribute: Fighting

Characteristics: Sacrifice

Qualification: Green

Gender: Male

Skills: Impact, Help, High Five, Charge, Megaton Punch, Rockfall, Thief, Splitting Tiles, Feint, Double Kick, Bottom Kick

He didn't learn any more moves, but Akagi Hinata felt that his flying leg master's moves were more accurate.

This reminded him of that night outside the secret realm. After Taiyi recruited him, he also popularized some elf knowledge to him.

There are descriptions of several stages of the elf, such as the learning of the initial moves, the accumulation of energy, etc.

After reaching the elite level, Akagi Hinata actually didn't know how to continue training the elves!

All he can do is let the elves fight and fight constantly.

This is actually the method usually adopted by fighting elves!

Fighting elves are generally more aggressive and good at fighting!

In this way, they can accumulate more experience in battle!

Of course, studying the moves will also allow fighting elves to master the moves and energy in more detail, thus reaching the level of subtlety!

Of course, most elves cannot progress to the deepest level and enter the Quasi-Heavenly King!

However, Taichi's explanation gave Akagi Yanghei at least a general direction.

At this time, Flying Leg Man was already working hard in the direction he expected!

Moreover, the level of the flying legged man has also been improved. Although Akagi Yanghei cannot see the specific number, it can be seen from the flying legged man's battle.

As for qualifications, he had no idea.

I have to wait until I get out and find an elf center to check to see if I have been promoted to green qualification.

On the other side, Taiyi was not in a hurry!

Facing many ivory pigs, Taiyi is slowly letting his elf adapt, then train, then adapt, and keep improving.

Several of his gym leader level elves have improved a lot.

Several others have also made considerable progress.

This makes Taiyi reluctant to let Dr. Omu's dragon come out, so he should let him train the elves first!

After leaving the secret realm this time, Taiyi planned to stay in Zhenxin Town for a long time and did not plan to come out.

By then, the elves will have no chance of such a battle.

When fighting against your own people, you can only master the moves, but there is no urgency and urgency in this kind of battle.

Metal Monster: Iron Claw Pokémon

Level: 46

Attributes: Steel/Superpower

Characteristics: Eternally Pure Body

Qualification: Green

Gender: no gender

Skills: telepathy, telekinesis, iron head, iron wall, telekinesis hammer, iron hoof light, metal claw, sleep, ghost face, destruction light, electromagnetic levitation, cannon light cannon, light wall

Compared to Akagi Hinata's elves, Taiyi's elves have made more progress.

In any case, the qualifications are better, the nutrition is higher, and there are special elves to treat it, so there will not be too much internal damage.

In such an environment comparison, if the elves are not as advanced as Akagi Hinata's elves, then we can only say that Taichi's elves are lazy!

Lucky Egg: Egg Pokémon

Level: 47

Properties: General

Features: Natural reply

Qualification: Green

Gender: Female

Skills: Slapping, shrinking, angel kiss, rounding, mental strength, coquettishness, tail wagging, healing wave, egg laying, healing wish, sunny day, carousel, sleeping, sleep talking, self-motivation, aromatherapy, Gravity, drop of life

The level of the Geely Egg has also been improved, and he has a better grasp of the healing moves.

At the beginning of the battle against the ivory pig on the opposite side, the Geely Egg's treatment was a little unable to keep up.

Nowadays, there is no such thing,

When you come to Taiyi, you eat well and often have good food to take supplements. It is expected that the level of the auspicious eggs will increase.

Qualifications have also improved somewhat.

Originally it was only about 50% full, but now it has increased to 80%. With another 20%, you can break through the shackles of the seven-color green qualification of the rainbow and be promoted to the cyan qualification!

Taiyi has been working hard on this!

The existence of a powerful healing elf will greatly improve the safety and endurance of the entire team.

If the Geely Egg can further evolve into a Happy Egg, the Geely Egg's abilities will definitely improve tremendously!

However, this requires the intimacy between Geely Egg and Taiyi to increase, which is why Taiyi brought Geely Egg out.

How to improve intimacy if you don't get along?

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