"Casey, the mysterious guardian!"

"King Slow, wall of light!"

Taiyi was a little embarrassed. He didn't expect that the ivory pig clan here would be so "enthusiastic"!

As soon as they came out of the cave, Taichi and his party were attacked by a group of ivory pigs!

There are about a dozen ivory pigs here, as well as a large number of long-haired pigs and small mountain pigs. Some have excellent qualifications, and some have bad qualifications.

The colors vary, but most of them are not very good qualifications.

But Taiyi didn’t pay that much attention when he was in an emergency!

The big needle bee flew out quickly and attacked an ivory pig with two needles!

Bad Butterfly is also flying its wings, exuding hypnotic powder!

But the ivory pig clan on the opposite side had too many attacks.

There are really too many attacks like freezing beams, blizzards, and freezing winds.

Taiyi had no choice but to let the gem starfish and metal monsters come out to protect everyone with a wall of light!

The metal monster has only recently learned the light wall and is not very proficient yet!

These moves require practice and familiarity.

Metal Monster's previous route has always been focused on offense, and he rarely learns defensive moves.

But after this period of time, Taiyi also told the metal monster several times that the metal monster can't always rely on other elves to protect him, right?

"These thieves are here again, everyone, come on!"

This was the sound of an ivory pig. Taiyi frowned. His previous guess that someone came first and stole something here was once again confirmed.

He didn't quite understand who it was!

But you can probably guess that it’s either Kouki Ochiai or Takuya Takeshita!

Only with the strength of these two people can they steal things under the protection of the ivory pig clan!

But who among them stole it, and what they stole.

It must be a very important thing, otherwise, the ivory pig family would not be able to send many members to recover it.

This can be seen from the traces in the cave. The ivory pig clan sent out at least thirty ivory pigs to recover things.

And the strength of those ivory pigs must be good, at least they are all elite level or above.

Otherwise, it would be impossible to chase one of Ochiai Kouki and Takeshita Takuya out.

Taiyi shouted loudly: "We are not thieves!"

But that's all he could say. He still had many purposes, but he couldn't express them!

For the ivory pig clan, what he wants to do is actually no different from that of a thief.

So Taiyi had no choice but to let his elves come out to fight against the ivory pig clan!

But in fact, Taiyi's approach is also beneficial to the ivory pig family.

The premise is that after Taiyi merges with this secret realm, don't let the ivory pig family out!

Regarding this, Taiyi would naturally not do that.

"Bi Diao, hot wind!"

As soon as the comparison comes out, the wings are spread out and the hot wind skill is used.

This move is twice as powerful for the ivory pigs who like cold but not heat!

"Geely Egg, please, treat everyone!"

"Big milk jug, watch and let everyone drink milk!"

"Bulbasaur, grassy field!"

For Taiyi, although there is a huge disparity between the enemy and ourselves, the opponent's numbers are quite large, and their moves seem to be very skillful.

In the cold environment, these elves of Taiyi are a little uncomfortable.

But there is offense, defense, treatment, and a big milk tank to replenish energy.

Under such an environment, everyone worked together to block the opponent's attack!

Taiyi was not in a hurry, although he had not expected such a situation!

But there are so many elves, which still puts a lot of pressure on your own elves.

In this way, Gem Starfish and the others can get a good workout.

Anyway, in a short time, don’t worry, Taiyi doesn’t pursue speed.

Over there, the fight for the sand scale fruit will not end so easily.

So, don’t worry!

In fact, Ochiai Kouki and the others were also very anxious.

The group of elves on the opposite side were too numerous.

Even if they look for weak points and make some elves lose their ability to fight, there are too many opponents and they can't fight back!

Of course Ochiai Kouki wants to kill some elves and then shock those elves, as well as the trainers directly under the alliance and the civilian trainers!

But as soon as he revealed his plan, Joy Xin saw through it and gave him a serious warning!

"Ochiai Kouki, if you want to kill the elf on the opposite side, then I will no longer treat you! In addition, my elf will also attack your elf!"

As a member of the Joy family, how could Joey Xin let Okiai Kouki kill the elves in front of him?

Moreover, you have to cooperate with yourself!

Joy Xin would not agree to this under any circumstances.

Kouki Ochiai had no choice. He originally planned to make a surprise attack and kill a few elves. When they were shocked, he let his own elves break out!

When the time comes, grab the sand scale fruit and run away!

At that time, all agreements and fighting side by side will be null and void.

Koki Ochiai has already done it once anyway, so of course there will be no psychological burden.

Next to him, Takuya Takeshita had the same plan in mind. Both of them were members of that kind of selfish evil organization!

Faced with Joey Xin's threat, not only Okiai Kouki was a little worried, but Takeshita Takuya was also worried!

They are also afraid that if they are really attacked by Joey Xin, then they may not be able to achieve their goals!

The elves on the opposite side are just afraid of hurting the sand scale fruit trees, so they sometimes share a little bit of the attack.

But if they break through, no one knows what the angry elves will do!

If by that time, the elves angrily attack the sand scale fruit trees together, then Okiai Kouki will have no way to escape.

His elf was injured before, and Joy Xin only treated it slightly.

It’s not that easy to break out again!

As for using elves who are quasi-kings, I'm afraid that Joey Xin will use elves at the level of kings when the time comes!

No matter how you think about it, it’s very tricky.

Ochiai Kouki and Takeshita Takuya looked at each other: "What should I do?"

The current situation, because of Joey Xin's actions, made them very passive.

Without treatment, they robbed the sand scale fruit, and there would be no burden in their hearts.

But the elves on the opposite side must be angry, and there are many elves among the trainers directly affiliated with the alliance and those civilian trainers!

Although they don't think highly of his strength, the ants will bite the elephant to death.

Surrounded by so many elves, it is not easy to break out!

And they haven't found the exit to the secret realm yet.

Even if you break out of the encirclement at that time, as long as you don't escape from the secret realm, it will still be very dangerous.

"There is also the man named Taiyi. His strength is not weak. He can lead these rubbish and enter the secret realm through the obstruction of the turtle. The man named Taiyi has good command and leadership skills! At this time, that man I don’t know where it is, is it staring at us from the dark and coming out to strike a fatal blow at the critical moment?”

"Or do you want to reap the benefits?"

What kind of person will have what kind of psychology.

To judge others by oneself is a reflection of selfish people like them.

But it is precisely because of Taiyi's absence that it puts a lot of psychological pressure on them!

Takeshita Takuya glanced at Okiai Kouki, and the two exchanged glances, both seeing the caution in the other's eyes.

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