Taiyi didn't know that because of their interests, a group of civilian trainers once again got involved with Team Ocean and Team Rocket.

There is really no way around this. The strength of civilian trainers is simply not enough to face the difficulties at hand.

And their strength is not enough to expel Okiai Kouki and Takeshita Takuya.

The same goes for those direct trainers from the alliance! And they have one more reason than civilian trainers!

They couldn't do it themselves, and they didn't dare to fight against the members of the two evil organizations.

If you want to get benefits, you can only join the camp of civilian trainers and act together temporarily.

They themselves did not dare to discuss with Okiai Kouki and Takeshita Takuya, for fear of being known as cooperating with evil organizations.

Fortunately, Joey Xin was also here. After some discussion, they integrated into the camp of civilian trainers.

Here, Taichi is training Bulbasaur while moving forward.

The two Bulbasaur are actually very easy to fight together.

One uses hypnotic powder to hypnotize, and the other uses flying leaf sharp knife to attack. They work together very well!

The two Bulbasaur's vine whips can be used both for attack and defense.

In addition, each other has a special grass field, so they can heal each other.

When you are short of energy, you can also use Rooting. This recovery move is indeed very useful.

Not long after, these two Bulbasaur also successfully broke through the elite level!

Bulbasaur: Seed Pokémon

Level: 41

Attribute: Grass/Poison

Features: Chlorophyll

Qualification: Green

Gender: Male

Skills: Crash, Vine Whip, Green Grass Field, Flying Leaf Knife, Rooting, Aromatherapy, Sleeping Powder, Parasitic Seed, Sleep, Photosynthesis

And they all learned a very good move, photosynthesis!

With this move, they can calmly recover energy and recover from their own injuries on sunny days.

At this time, the qualifications of the two Bulbasaur seeds have also improved a lot, which is partly due to their nurturing effect, but also due to the fluctuations of the divine beast Tuiyun!

After such a long period of observation, Taiyi discovered that the fluctuations of the divine beasts indeed had a good effect on improving the elves' qualifications.

Since they first conquered these two Bulbasaur, their qualifications are only about 10% green!

As of now, there are already about 50%!

But this is basically the top of this stage of Bulbasaur.

If you want to improve again, it will not be so easy.

Well, if you stay around Tui Yun's body and accept the radiation from the mythical beast, your qualifications can still be slowly improved.

However, this speed is slowly weakening as his own qualifications improve.

Taiyi doesn't know yet whether this speed is related to the strength of Shu Lao's Tuoyun body.

But what we can basically guess is that this is related.

If you want to rely on the radiation of the mythical beast, let Bulbasaur break through the shackles of green qualifications and achieve cyan qualifications.

This time may be measured in ten years!

Note that this does not mean that the goal can be achieved in ten years!

Rather, it is based on ten years. It is not certain how many decades are used.

But think about it, if the wave radiation of a divine beast can quickly improve the qualifications of elves, then there will not be very few elves with purple qualifications in this world.

"However, no mythical beast would be so obedient and continue to release radiation here, right?" Taiyi suddenly laughed. In the elf world, he is the only one who has this benefit!

This was also an accident. If it hadn't been for the initial possession, Tianshu absorbed the genes of a piece of earth cloud and condensed the body of this earth cloud.

Until now, Taiyi has not had so many benefits!

Speaking of which, most of the benefits he gained after possessing him were based on this!

Including his title of researcher, it is also based on the knowledge of the heavenly book and the help of the old book!

I have to say that after traveling through time, Taiyi was able to rise thanks to this heavenly book!

But in the beginning, it was also because of this heavenly book that Taiyi was chased to death and his soul came through.

"One drink and one peck, could it be a predestined decision?"

Taiyi suddenly sighed and was reminded by Bulbasaur's voice: "Da Na, Da Na!" (It seems like we've arrived at the right place!)

Taiyi looked up, and sure enough, there was a hill not far ahead.

And on the hill, if you look carefully, you will see a cave entrance right there!

It's really not that difficult to find.

When Taiyi arrived near the entrance of the cave, he discovered that there were many traces near the entrance of the cave!

"what's the situation?"

Shu Lao also checked together and said: "It seems that a large number of ivory pigs passed by here. It seems that there have been some bad changes in the residence of the ivory pigs!"

Elves like ivory pigs like cold but hate heat.

Normally, it would be impossible for them to leave their living environment and come here.

Now that they have come out, it means that something must have happened to them.

Taiyi's expression changed: "Could it be that the thing that can cause a large number of ivory pigs to move out is the core of the secret realm that supports the living environment of the ivory pigs?"

If this is the case, then the person who robbed the core of the secret realm is no one but one of Ochiai Kouki and Takeshita Takuya, or the two of them conspired.

It’s not that Taiyi looks down on others, it’s that none of the people he’s met before have this strength!

Joey Xin may have the strength, but he probably wouldn't do such a thing.

"Bulbasaur, be careful. We're going in!"

Taiyi felt a little anxious, but he wasn't sure if what he was thinking was right.

"Da Na, Da Na!"

The two Bulbasaur agreed and entered the cave one after another.

Although this cave is quite big, even ivory pigs can pass through it.

But overall, you can only get through one at a time.

Although Taiyi was impatient, he still got some branches and leaves nearby to cover up the cave.

No matter what, it's best not to let others discover this place.

For the time being, it’s better to go and see for yourself.

All the way here, it was the environment that Taiyi had seen in the dream of the ivory pig.

He had been walking in this cave for about ten minutes when a cold wind blew from the opposite side.

Taiyi knew that he was almost there.

Because the temperature on the opposite side is relatively low, there is always a chill.

The closer we get there, the lower the temperature becomes.

Shu Lao walked out and frowned: "Taiyi, be careful. There seems to be a quasi-king elf inside!"

Taiyi didn't expect that there was a quasi-king here!

It’s not like Taiyi has never seen the quasi-king elf.

But before, Taiyi always avoided each other.

If you want to train yourself, you don't need to fight against such a powerful elf!

For the time being, he still focused on finding the core of the secret realm and training the elves on the side, all with the weakest ones.

Well, I won’t talk about the salted fish king, the goldfish king, for now.

There is no time to cultivate the few carp kings and ugly fish that Taiyi has conquered.

Both of these elves must live in water. Without water, these two elves may not be able to survive.

And if you want to train, you must have a water environment!

For the time being, Taiyi still relies on the secret realm.

As for the salted fish, the Goldfish King, it seems that it does not seek the favor of the Carp King and the Ugly Fish.

In this regard, the Goldfish King was still a little sad.

Taiyi nodded: "Bulbasaur, be careful. At the same time, Taiyi has also contacted Casey and is ready to cast light wall and mysterious protection for Bulbasaur at any time!"

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