Pokemon: I farm in Zhenxin Town

Chapter 307 Ochiai Kouki’s little moves

But even though the two of them just looked at each other, they both knew what to do.

This is the tacit understanding of geniuses. Although their characters are not good, their strength should not be underestimated!

"We must find opportunities to severely damage the elves who are trainers directly under the alliance. In addition, we cannot leave too many civilian trainers behind!"

"Except for the Flower Healing Ring, all of Joy Xin's elves will also find opportunities to seriously injure them!"

"Even if there is no chance, we will still hit most of them hard!"

Kouki Ochiai knew that they had to keep some elves from trainers directly under the alliance and civilian trainers to hold back the secret realm elves on the opposite side!

But this number cannot be too much, otherwise, they will have no chance at all!

When the time comes, after grabbing the sand scale fruit, we must retreat!

By that time, most of the elves directly affiliated with the alliance and civilian trainers were injured, and they did not have enough strength to hunt them down.

Only in this way can they have a chance to escape!

As for the sand scale fruit trees here, just destroy them when the time comes!

What they can’t get will not be left for others!

The increase in the strength of the alliance is a way to suppress evil organizations like them!

Although there are many officials and their organizations in the alliance who can't explain it, there are also many who are firmly targeting them.

Apart from anything else, that’s what the trainers from Zhenxin Town are like!

For example, Dr. Oak!

"By the way, let's test that Taiyi!"

"Whether he is hiding outside and wants to reap the benefits, or he wants to target us, we can't be careless!"

In the previous cooperation, Ochiai Kouki had the idea of ​​​​using Taichi and other trainers.

But more of them are still trying to find out, and want to see the strength of these trainers!

However, this time's investigation also surprised Okiai Kouki.

After going through Tutaigui, the strength of these trainers seems to have improved a lot!

"So, the one named Taiyi. It seemed before that there was only one elf at the gym leader level. But now it seems that it is unbelievable."

Okiai Kouki also made preparations in his mind. Taichi must have spirits given by his elders to protect his path.

"But come to think of it, at most it's just a quasi-king elf!"

There will be no shortage of heavenly kings and elves in this world, but no matter how many there are, there are not that many.

It would be strange if a trainer could have a king-level elf!

He and Takeshita Takuya are just the elf guardians of the Quasi-Celestial King!

"In this case, there is no need to worry. By then, the quasi-king elves of me and Takuya Takeshita will be able to deal with Joey Xin and Taiyi's guardian elves after severely injuring Joy Xin's elves! In this way, there is no need to worry."

"But this should be done secretly so that no one can see it!"

If this is seen, the plan will not be able to proceed.

As long as Joey Xin doesn't treat their two elves, there's no way they can survive being surrounded by so many elves!

This has been proven before.

Next, the two people started taking action in a tacit understanding.

It seems that their offense is more radical and sharper!

But Joy Xin frowned, because this would greatly increase the pressure on her flower therapy ring.

This is not a good thing!

"I'm telling you, can you please postpone the attack for a while? The pressure on my Flower Healing Ring has greatly increased. By then, I won't be able to treat you, so don't make any noise!"

Ochiai Kouki was stunned, knowing that he was a little more aggressive.

Kouki Ochiai said quickly: "I understand. But I am also doing this to end this battle quickly, right?"

But then, Ochiai Kouki did postpone the attack.

But sometimes, Kouki Ochiai would make mistakes, causing the attack of the elf on the opposite side not to be blocked, but accidentally injuring the elf of the trainer directly under the alliance!

Joy Xin always felt a little strange about this, but she didn't see what was wrong!

Akagi Yohei is actually a very careful trainer, otherwise he would not have looked for ways to cultivate his own elves before.

His Fearless Boy and Bibi Bird are considered good elves at this time!

Fearless Boy is a relatively rare elf, not as popular as Bibi Bird.

The further it went on, Akagi Yanghei frowned.

"No, this situation looks a bit strange!"

The careful Akagi Yangping sensitively discovered that something was wrong with this situation.

Akagi Yohei didn't say anything, but he began to observe Ochiai Kouki and Takeshita Takuya.

Akagi Yanghei discovered that although the two people did not talk to each other, they often looked at each other. At that time, their eyes looked a little strange.

Moreover, following their eyes, some elves will be hurt next.

It seems normal, but if you look closely, you will find that these elves were accidentally injured or implicated.

If he hadn't seen the eye contact between Ochiai Kouki and Takeshita Takuya, Akagi Hinata might not have thought much about it.

But now that he saw it, he knew that these two people were dishonest again.

Akagi Yangping did not say it directly, he was also afraid that these two people would pay him directly.

As a civilian trainer, it is not easy for Akagi Hinata to reach this point!

It is not easy to catch up with the elites of those big families at such a young age.

Akagi Yangping was also a little cautious. He didn't say it out loud, but approached Joey Xin.

"Miss Joy, next, reduce the frequency of treating the elves of Ochiai Kouki and Takeshita Takuya!"

When Joyce heard this, her brows did not loosen, but she asked, "Why?"

She also noticed something unusual, but she didn't see what it was yet.

While directing his elves to carry out long-range attacks, Akagi Yangping whispered to Joy Xin: "I see that the two of them have frequent eye contact. And every time they communicate, other people's elves will be severely damaged. We can't continue fighting. Among them, there are seemingly accidental injuries on their part, and there are also injuries that are involved. Their elves are all gym leader level elves, and their ability to withstand stress is stronger than ours, so they can hold on until Joey Miss your treatment. But there is nothing our elves can do!"

After saying this, Joy Xin understood.

Immediately, Joy Xin was about to take action, Akagi Yanghei said: "Wait a moment, wait until I am a little farther away!"

Joy Xin was stunned for a moment, but soon figured it out.

She is not afraid of Ochiai Kouki and Takeshita Takuya, but Akagi Hinata has to be afraid!

Akagi Yangping is just a civilian trainer, there is no way to fight against Team Rocket and Team Ocean!

However, Joey frowned when she saw Okiai Kouki and Takeshita Takuya: "They are indeed members of an evil organization, I just can't believe it!"

Outside the secret realm, these two people had already used everyone as pawns, and then broke the agreement with everyone.

This time, he actually wanted to make a little trick again. It seemed that he wanted to monopolize the fruits of the sand scale fruit tree, and might even destroy the sand scale fruit tree!

The virtues of these people are likely to be achieved.

Joy was pleased to see that Akagi Yanghei had left, so he asked Hana Huanhuan to start reducing the frequency of treatments.

This was soon discovered by Kouki Ochiai and Takuya Takeshita.

Kouki Ochiai frowned: "Miss Joy, why did you reduce the treatment?"

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