Pokemon: I farm in Zhenxin Town

Chapter 304 Cooperation again

Kouki Ochiai looked at the trainers standing around, and the corners of his mouth curved in a strange arc!

Indeed, after he came in before, he was hunted down by a group of people.

But as long as he survives it, he will still gain something.

Well, little is gained though.

On the opposite side, Takeshita Takuya didn't gain much, and everyone was still on the same level.

The task assigned to him by the Ocean Team is to obtain the core of the secret realm as much as possible.

As long as the core of the secret realm is obtained, the Ocean Team will send people over to lead the secret realm away when the time comes!

As for conflicts with the alliance, it doesn't matter!

The benefits of a secret realm are enough for the Ocean team to withstand the pressure of the alliance.

If we can't get the core of the secret realm, we must at least ensure that Team Rocket can't get it.

As terrorist organizations, they also have friction with each other.

However, because they were separated by a continent, they were not in conflict with each other.

But now, Team Rocket actually wants to develop in the Fangyuan area, which Team Ocean cannot accept.

Kouki Ochiai came here this time because Team Ocean inquired about Team Rocket's activities here, so they sent Kouki Ochiai over!

Koki Ochiai took a step forward and said loudly: "Sand Scale Fruit, as everyone knows, this is a high-end tree fruit. There is only one like this here, and there are not many fruits on the tree. But there are too many guardian elves on site. If you If you want to get the sand scale fruit, there is no way for one person. So..."

"So, you plan to use us to contain these elves again, and you plan to pick them secretly?"

Before Ochiai Kouki finished speaking, a trainer interrupted Ochiai Kouki.

If it were before, they might not have had this idea.

But before the secret realm, Ochiai Kouki and Takeshita Takuya did such a thing.

At this point, people have to think about it.

Ochiai Kouki's eyes were a little hazy, this was the sequelae.

But with Ocean's character, he couldn't honestly carry it with everyone.

The idea at the time was naturally that while everyone was still outside and there was a turtle guarding the door, he would come in early to look for opportunities.

Of course Ochiai Hōki is not someone who puts Team Ocean first, he also wants to improve himself!

The core of the secret realm comes second, and high-quality elves are the most important.

It's a pity that he didn't know before that he would face such a situation after coming in.

If I had known better, I would have walked in with them!

It's a pity that I didn't regret taking the medicine!

No one listened to Okiai Kouki's words.

Takeshita Takuya came out and said, "Don't be so angry. If it were you, your choice would be the same!"

The faces of the civilian trainers all looked ugly.

This is true, if it were them, they would make the same choice!

If others can be left to guard outside, and they come in first to look for opportunities and harvest resources, who wouldn't want to?

Well, Miss Joy and Mr. Taiyi had this opportunity, but they didn’t choose this way!

Akagi Yangping thought this in his heart, and his trust in Taiyi deepened.

"But why didn't Mr. Taiyi come? This sand scale fruit is a high-grade tree fruit. If you get a copy, you can exchange for a lot of resources after you go out! This thing is definitely a good thing!"

Takeshita Takuya saw everyone blushing but said nothing.

Takeshita Takuya naturally knows that these civilian trainers are just casual people.

Although they had resentment in their hearts, the thought of the sand scale fruit was able to suppress their resentment.

There's nothing they can do about it. They don't have the Sand Scale Fruit and there are other ways to obtain resources.

Opportunities for these civilian trainers are rare. If they don't seize the opportunity, they may never get ahead in their lives.

The corner of his mouth curved into a sarcastic arc. Takeshita Takuya naturally knew that in this world, there was no background, unless it was luck.

Otherwise, don’t think about standing out or getting ahead!

If not, why is he still with the Rockets?

"You should also know that if you don't cooperate, no one can get the Sand Scale Fruit! And it's going to be fast. There are quasi-king elves in the tribes of those elves!"

As soon as this news came out, it immediately caused a commotion among these civilian trainers.

Akagi Yangping's face darkened, and he asked Joy Xin: "Miss Joy, is this true?"

Naturally, Ochiai Kouki and Takeshita Takuya can't trust them, but Miss Joy can still be trusted.

At least, Miss Joy and Mr. Taiyi fought for the tickets for everyone to come in.

Joy Xin knew the suffering of these civilian trainers, but there was nothing she could do about it.

The Joey family subsidizes a portion of trainers every year. In addition to supporting trainers who are friendly to themselves, it also means to help civilian trainers.

But with the strength of the Joey family, not many people can be supported every year.

Cultivating a trainer requires too many resources.

Now, even if these civilian trainers want to obtain resources, it is not that easy.

But despite this, Joy Xin feels that this is also an opportunity!

She nodded: "There are indeed elves who are quasi-kings in these elves' tribes, and the number is not small!"

At least, there are two in the Tutai Turtle Tribe!

This is the Yusan family. The six-dimensional attributes are already very good, and the chance of breakthrough is also high.

There is also one in the tribe of ivory pigs.

At this time, the quasi-king ivory pig was not far away, but it did not come over because it was in confrontation with other quasi-king elves!

With Joy Xin's approval, there was also a commotion among the civilian trainers.

Before they came in, they were blocked by a quasi-king elf.

If not for everyone's concerted efforts, there would be a team of gym leader-level elves from Joy Xin and Taiyi's coordinated command.

They can't get in at all!

Not to mention, in the battle before entering, Taiyi's Casey, oh no, Yongjira! If it weren't for the protection of Yongjira's wall of light, they would probably have suffered a lot of damage.

A group of civilian trainers discussed for a while and decided to unite temporarily.

Otherwise, as Okiai Kouki and Takeshita Takuya told them, they would have no chance of getting the Sand Scale Fruit.

Although this way, Okiai Kouki and Takeshita Takuya have a better chance of getting the sand scale fruit. But they don’t have no chance at all!

Akagi Yanghei was selected as the spokesman for civilian trainers.

Akagi Yangping said: "We agree to cooperate, but you have to promise not to pick sand scale fruits in advance! Otherwise, we will abandon the fighting elves and attack you all!"

When Akagi Yanghei said this, he also made up his mind. If it was true as he said, he would not care about others, but he would definitely deal with Ochiai Kouki and the others with all his strength.

In this regard, Ochiai Kouki and Takeshita Takuya were noncommittal.

Akagi Yangping said: "Furthermore, you two each have one sand scale fruit. The rest needs to be divided by us!"

At this time, many direct trainers from the alliance joined their group.

Those direct trainers from the alliance are much stronger than civilians, but they are incomparable to Ochiai Kouki and Takeshita Takuya!

At this time, we must also stick together.

This is also where Akagi Hinata's confidence lies. With so many of them, they may not be able to defeat Okiai Kouki and Takeshita Takuya!

But they can still cause damage.

Moreover, Ochiai Kouki and the other two could not easily suppress them.

Because they have a large number of people and their combined strength is pretty good.

"So, we've reached an agreement. Let's start again! Arbo snake, poisonous smoke!"

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