Pokemon: I farm in Zhenxin Town

Chapter 268 The Growth of the Elves

Even if Sasaki Shinichi left, Taiyi had no intention of letting Kuailong come out.

In addition to preventing others from discovering their true support, there is also the fact that the strength of these crazy elves is still under control for the time being.

Taiyi also plans to exercise his elf. His elves lacked fighting. Although they had the idea of ​​pursuing great strength, they did not have such an environment.

Through cultivation, it is undoubtedly possible to cultivate powerful elves.

But this kind of powerful spirit may only be in terms of energy.

Although energy cannot be said to not represent strength, it cannot reach the upper limit of strength that it should have reached.

Among them, practical ability and experience are very important!

The characteristics of the brothers Big Needle Bee and Bad Butterfly allow them to work together on the battlefield, achieving the effect of one plus one being greater than two.

It was already at the peak of the professional level, but after superimposition, it surpassed the professional level.

In this battle, their levels also unknowingly had a breakthrough!

Big Stitch: The Venomous Bee Pokémon

Level: 41

Attributes: Insect/Poison

Traits: Sniper/Brothers Together

Qualification: Blue

Gender: Male

Skills: Double needle, peck, anger, energy gathering, high-speed movement, poison needle, silk spinning, hardening, impact, insect bite, electric grid, sleep

Butterfly: Butterfly Pokémon

Level: 41

Attributes: Bug/Flying

Features: Compound Eyes/Brothers as One

Qualification: Blue

Gender: Male

Skills: silk spinning, impact, insect bite, electric grid, wind, poison powder, paralysis powder, hypnotic powder, ultrasound, telekinesis, sleep

Although the panel has not changed much, the level has only exceeded level 40 and has officially reached level 41!

But the difference at this level is the difference between professional level and elite level.

These two elves have suddenly reached the elite level.

And after that, because of their blue qualifications, their breakthrough speed will not be slow.

It is conceivable that these two elves will soon reach the peak of the elite level and then move towards the gym leader level!

Slowpoke's level has also improved a lot. He has already expressed to Taiyi that he can no longer suppress it and wants to evolve.

Slowpoke's evolution has two directions, for the time being.

Not counting the evolutionary direction in the Galileo region, Slowpoke temporarily has two evolutionary directions: Slowpoke and Slowking.

Slowpoke evolved from Slowpoke and Slowpoke. If Taiyi wants Slowpoke to evolve into Slowpoke, then he only needs to find a Slowpoke. Let Slowpoke's tail be bitten by Bigtongue, and you can evolve into Slowpoke together!

But in this case, Taiyi needs to find a highly qualified big-tongued clam.

In this way, Slowpoke's high qualifications will not be affected.

Although this speculation is not true, it has not yet been found that the qualifications of the giant-tongued clam will affect the qualifications of the evolved Slowshell.

But Taiyi believes that since they are co-evolving, the giant-tongued clam that joins the evolutionary process will definitely have an impact on the evolved Slut!

And compared to Slowpoke, Slowking, another evolutionary route, has a more powerful talent in terms of superpowers!

The current situation is that there is no communication equipment here.

Moreover, he also needs to bring another Slowpoke from home to establish communication.

Only in this way can Slowpoke evolve!

As for the King's Certificate, Taiyi has obtained many on the alliance website before.

And this will also be a new paper.

This will be a boost when Taiyi goes to Senior Researcher!

As for the PhD, it’s still too far away!

Several Bulbasaur were waving their vine whips, exuding fragrance from time to time.

This is the scent of grass brought by the grass field. They accepted the radiation of the earth cloud, and with the education of the old man, their grass field moves gradually gained the ability to heal and promote the growth of plants!

This can be regarded as proving Taiyi’s guess!

The radiation from the mythical beast is really very important!

And the moves in the green grass field must be radiated from the body of Di Yun in order to be learned!

This result made Taiyi relax a little, which was also a pity.

Unfortunately, this move may not be spread in the future.

This is a huge regret!

But this is actually a kind of protection for oneself, although this matter may attract other people's covetousness.

But that’s where your value lies, isn’t it?

Anyway, the Earth Cloud is here. If you want to radiate, then bring all the other elves into the Book of Heaven world and you can get the radiation.

Only then did Taichi realize that the previous Bulbasaur and Parasite had come into contact with the Earth Cloud, so their grass field moves had such strange abilities!

This is an ability that no other land cloud has in this elven world!

Because the basis of this ability is Shu Lao’s unique moves formed by gathering the elves’ world and Taoist skills from previous lives, Feng Feng!

Without this ability, other land clouds may also have the ability to fertile land!

But that's just Tu Tuyun himself having this ability, but he can't give this ability to other elves!

Shu Lao's Earth Cloud body can use his abilities to cultivate other elves through radiation!

This reminds Taichi of a word!


According to legend, God can cultivate his dependents, give them their own abilities, and spread the glory of God through their dependents!

Perhaps Shu Lao's ability and this ability are the same?

At least, the means and abilities are the same.

Bulbasaur: Seed Pokémon

Level: 39

Attribute: Grass/Poison

Features: Chlorophyll

Qualification: Green

Gender: Male

Skills: Impact, Vine Whip, Grass Field, Flying Leaf Knife, Rooting, Aromatherapy, Sleeping Powder, Parasitic Seed, Sleep

The growth of these Bulbasaur seeds is still impressive. Because of their experience, they have become more comfortable in cultivating them.

Casey had always wanted to protect Taiyi, so he joined the battle at this time.

With the addition of Casey, all the elves suddenly felt relaxed.

Casey focuses on guarding, so other elves only need to keep attacking and avoid.

In fact, this battle can best be described as a defensive counterattack.

"Use all your defensive moves!"

Taiyi suddenly shouted loudly. The crazy elves opposite who had been injected with the elf virus were at the end of their rope.

Their elf virus has reached its peak, and they are about to reach the point of death.

But this is also their most powerful moment!

Slowpoke and the others immediately followed Taiyi's orders, stepped back, and then released defensive moves.

Slowpoke: the silly Pokémon

Level: 40

Attributes: Water/Superpower

Features: Regeneration

Qualification: Green

Gender: Male

Skills: water gun, scream, impact, telekinesis, teleportation, telekinesis, sleeping, snoring, light wall

Slowpoke's wall of light was combined with Casey's wall of light, along with the walls of iron dumbbells and starfish, to form a protective wall for everyone!

The giant needle wasp's twin needles shine, protecting the other elves all around!

Bad Butterfly and Bulbasaur are releasing hypnotic powder, trying to hypnotize the crazy elves so that they cannot release their final move!

And the most powerful thing is actually Bi Diao's reflecting wall!

They are all waiting for the last moment, no matter what, they must hold on!

Taiyi's hand has been holding Kuailong's elf ball, ready at any time to ask Kuailong to come out to save the situation if his elf can no longer be defended.

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