Pokemon: I farm in Zhenxin Town

Chapter 267 Team Rocket Escapes

Sasaki Shinichi had to close his eyes and accept that he was going to be killed.

As a result, at this time, a slightly childish voice came.

This voice also contains some joking!

But Sasaki Shinichi felt that this voice was extremely pleasant, compared to the disgust he felt in his heart before.

Sasaki Shinichi felt that this was simply the most beautiful sound in the world!

Accompanied by this sound, there were water guns one after another, hitting the dagger in front of him and sending it flying, and knocking Ogata Otoha away from him!


Sasaki Shinichi secretly thought, feeling extremely lucky that this boy from Zhenxin Town is really powerful!

Is this still an eleven-year-old boy? Which youngster who has just debuted can be so outstanding?

Well, there really is!

For example, that young man from the Yulong family is currently number one in the Heavenly King rankings!

There are four Four Heavenly Kings from various places who were in their teenage years, which should be comparable!

But who are those people?

Those are all Four Heavenly Kings. Even if they are not, they are still candidates for the Four Heavenly Kings!

Could this young man in front of me also become the Four Heavenly Kings in the future?

As soon as this conjecture came out, Sasaki Shinichi was shocked in his heart!

He regretted a little in his heart. When he was in contact with Taiyi just now, he was too blunt and his tone was too strong.

If we had a good relationship before, we might be able to help in the future!

Taiyi didn't know that his performance made a child of a big family suddenly want to invest in him.

Even if he knew, he wouldn't care!

He has gone through the process of primitive accumulation and has no shortage of original capital or connections.

The support from the Joey family has allowed Taiyi to quickly get out of the initial predicament.

Commanded several elves to hold back these crazy elves.

To deal with these elves, the most important thing is not to defeat them.

Because they were injected with the elf virus, their strength was destined to explode to a level that they could not even imagine in a short period of time!

However, this is only temporary.

It's like a meteor that shines for a while. As long as they persist for a while, they will bury themselves!

This is actually a loophole in this elf virus strategy!

However, Team Rocket didn't use these elves to defeat anyone, they just wanted to drag the enemy away and leave!

For this purpose, Taiyi has no choice.

After Ogata Otoye was knocked away by Slowmon's water gun, he stood up and left decisively.

As expected of a member of the evil organization Team Rocket, his decisiveness cannot be compared to that of those gangsters.

As for the two trainers who were already unconscious, Ogata Otoha and others didn't even notice!

Their elves were all held back, and if they were taken back, they themselves might not be able to leave.

In this way, these people are considered a drag.

It's not that Taiyi doesn't want to keep these people, it's just that he can release Kuailong and defeat the opponent.

But it is not so easy to bypass these crazy elves and catch a few people in the past.

Moreover, Taiyi also has his own considerations.

Shinichi Sasaki is obviously not a member of Team Rocket. If Taichi has no way to silence him, he still has to hide some of his strength.

He is about to go to the secret realm discovered by Team Rocket. Taiyi is not sure if there is information about that secret realm in Team Rocket!

There is also the team that discovered the secret realm. If they meet Team Rocket again this time!

Then the hidden Kuailong is the guarantee of Taiyi's safety.

Therefore, Taiyi doesn’t want to expose too much.

Besides, these people have been operating here for so long, it’s hard to say that they don’t have other means.

For example, the previous self-destruction of the underground building in Cerulean City.

This is inside Golden City. Once there is an explosion here, who knows how many people and elves in the entire Golden City will be affected!

This is something Taiyi is unwilling to accept.

After the man left, Taiyi asked the elves to lure the crazy elves away.

Taichi himself came to Sasaki Shinichi and said: "How are you? Can you leave? These elves are too crazy and it is not suitable to stay here for a long time!"

Shinichi Sasaki struggled to get up, Taichi summoned a lucky egg and gave Shinichi Sasaki a simple treatment.

Then Taiyi said to Jilidan: "Jilidan, please help Bi Diao and the others to heal until the elves on the opposite side fall."

Geely Egg nodded: "lucky!" (Leave it to me!)

It’s not unreasonable that auspicious eggs are the best assistant elves.

Seeing the lucky eggs, Shinichi Sasaki's eyes twinkled.

There is no one in the elf world who doesn't want an auspicious egg as long as they know it.

It's a pity that the Geely Eggs are monopolized by the Joey family. This is something that the alliance recognizes and agrees with!

It is almost impossible for other families to own auspicious eggs!

Except for some lucky people, only those who are highly favored by the Joey family will own auspicious eggs!

But even for these trainers who are favored by the Joey family, after retirement or death, the auspicious eggs will be returned to the Joey family!

This is why it’s rare to see auspicious eggs outside!

Sasaki Shinji was only envious and had no other emotions.

Because Shinichi Sasaki felt that Taichi, like the previous trainers who owned auspicious eggs, would return the auspicious eggs after retirement.

Sasaki Shinichi didn't know that this was a deal between Taiyi and the Joey family, and it already belonged to Taiyi.

As long as you get the lucky incense, you can let the existing lucky eggs lay eggs and get new small lucky eggs.

This is a continuous route to cultivate auspicious eggs. Taiyi has planned it, but he has not yet found a prop like lucky incense!

He couldn't even find it on the alliance's exchange website. Taiyi guessed that this kind of thing should be monopolized by the Joey family.

After all, this is about the reproduction of auspicious eggs!

After waiting for a while, Sasaki Shinichi finally regained some strength. Taiyi helped him and walked out of the underground.

It was still very lively outside, and it seemed that the fighting below had not affected this place at all.

Taichi stood at the exit and said to Sasaki Shin: "Go and evacuate the crowd, and notify Junsha to come over and deal with the aftermath. I will hold off the elves here, and hurry up. I'm afraid something unexpected will happen!"

Sasaki Shinichi hesitated for a moment, and then nodded solemnly: "Okay, I will do it immediately!"

There is no way to hide this matter, and Taiyi will not agree without telling him.

Just the fact that there are members of Team Rocket in Silver Company, Shinichi Sasaki can't stand it!

Besides, why do you need a pocket?

The member of Team Rocket just now almost killed him.

So, why did he, Shinichi Sasaki, cover up for the Rockets?

Sasaki Shinichi went to do something, Taichi turned around and went underground again.

What happened this time was truly a disaster!

But when he saw the incubator in his hand, Taichi smiled and put away the Lazy Otter's elf egg.

There is still a battle to come, so it is safer to enter the world of the Book of Heaven.

Although I don’t know if my research on lazy otters will make any progress, they are all good elves!

For breeders, there are no elves that cannot be cultivated well, only breeders who are not capable enough!

Coupled with his status as a researcher, Taiyi is very confident.

But there is still a tough battle to fight next!

Taiyi looked solemn and had returned to the battle site.

Seeing that his own elf was suppressed, Taiyi quickly summoned all the other elfs.

At this time, Slowpoke and the others were already being suppressed and beaten by the crazy elves.

If it weren't for Geely Egg's superb healing ability, they might have lost.

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