Pokemon: I farm in Zhenxin Town

Chapter 269 After all, leave Golden City

Of course, this battle can last until now, thanks to the milk from the big milk tank!

Big Milk Tank has a move called drinking milk, which can effectively restore physical strength and energy.

In addition to using this move on yourself, you can also use it on your companions.

Big Milk Tank: Cow Pokémon

Level: 36

Properties: General

Traits: Courage

Qualification: Qing

Gender: Female

Skills: Crash, scream, roll, round, healing ring, drink milk, act like a baby, self-motivation, act like a baby

The other four large milk cans were left behind by Taiyi in Zhenxin Town. After all, the elves who stayed behind also needed to replenish the moo milk in the large milk cans every day!

This is a necessary nutritional supplement for the growth of elves!

Elf food is not a panacea. Sometimes, breeders generally recommend that trainers provide some other nutrients!

Among them, the big milk can of Moo Milk is placed at the forefront!

Others include sweetness from Three Bees and juice from Huke. Of course, the goat milk from Mount Lamb is also an option.

However, these three options are either too rare or relatively rare in the Kanto region.

After a period of training, the level of Big Milk Tank improved quickly.

When you only need to accumulate energy in the early stage, and the qualification of the big milk tank is cyan, upgrading the level in the early stage is not a problem.

Soon, these crazy elves were strangers and reached the end of their elf life.

Taiyi turned around, moved his ears, and showed a familiar smile.

"These policemen always arrive last! This is true no matter which world they are in!"

While speaking, Taiyi put all the elves away.

This time, it was a near miss, and I also got a lazy otter's elf egg, which is not a loss!

At this time, Junsha had already arrived with someone, and he was obviously not surprised to see Taiyi here.

It seems that Sasaki Shinichi mentioned his existence.

"Mr. Taiyi?" Jun Sha said, with a suspicious look in his eyes: "It seems that Mr. Taiyi needs to go back to the police station with us and tell me what happened!"

Taiyi didn't refuse, this was Junsha's job.

Although Junsha came too slowly and waited until the matter was over.

If it were anyone else, they would probably have burped this time.

"Okay!" Taiyi nodded and agreed, and Junsha's face obviously improved a lot.

Naturally, Junsha was on hand to handle the scene, and Taiyi followed Junsha to the police station.

After some explanation, Taiyi told everything except the number of elves he had and the fact that he had a peak-level dragon to protect him.

Taiyi basically said everything else.

You can tell anyone anything, as long as it doesn't involve secrets.

He was not wrong in this matter.

Even Silver Company has nothing to say!

Junsha put away his pen, stood up, and stretched out his hand to Taiyi: "Thank you, Mr. Taiyi, for your cooperation. I already know what you said. We will continue to investigate. If it is confirmed that what you said is true, then I am afraid that this time It’s not that simple anymore!”

Junsha's expression was a little serious, which was why Junsha was not serious anymore.

If Taiyi's guess is correct, then there are traces of Team Rocket in Silver's Golden City branch!

Of course, Junsha didn't say anything in detail. Taiyi also guessed it and didn't say anything in tacit agreement.

When Taichi walked out of the recording room, he saw Shinichi Sasaki!

Taiyi saw a hint of uneasiness in the other person's eyes. This was because Sasaki Shinichi had not explained the details of his work at Silver Company to Junsha before, which led to Junsha's attitude towards Taichi being a little strange at first.

Of course, because of Taiyi's identity, Junsha did not take any wrong measures.

Sasaki Shinichi didn't know that Taichi had a good relationship with the Joey family, although he didn't have a direct relationship with Junsha.

But Taichi had previously rescued Junsha and a group of policemen in Cerulean City at Yuejian Mountain.

This makes Junsha have a different attitude towards Taiyi, even though Taiyi seems to be suspected of committing atrocities at Silver Company.

But Junsha still adopted a more conservative attitude.

Taichi walked over and faced Shin Sasaki: "So, Mr. Sasaki, between me and Silver Company?"

"There is no problem at all!" Sasaki Shinichi said decisively. The strength of Mr. Taichi is really shocking.

It's not a particularly powerful strength, but Taiyi's strength is too strong for his age.

He witnessed those crazy elves with his own eyes, and Taiyi solved the problem by himself before waiting for Junsha's help.

This can clearly show that Taiyi’s elves are very powerful!

Except for the elders, well, if there are really elves protected by the elders.

What shocked Shinichi Sasaki even more was the speculation that the powerful Bi Diao was actually Taichi's own elf!

This is not unprecedented, it was the same when Yulongdu first came out!

Many people looked down upon Yulongdu, but Yulongdu used his own strength to interrupt all those who looked down upon him.

In this case, after a moment of hesitation and making a wrong decision.

Sasaki Shinichi knew that he could not continue to pester.

Otherwise, the trouble at Silver Company has not yet come, and perhaps he and the Sasaki family will face a huge disaster!

Immediately, Sasaki Shinichi thanked Taichi: "I also want to thank Mr. Taichi for helping me and saving my life!"

Previously, Taichi's action stopped Ogata Otonoha's action. This was undoubtedly a life-saving grace for Sasaki Shinichi!

But even so, Sasaki Shinichi still hesitated for a while!

This caused Junsha to take a step slower. After Taiyi had dealt with the crazy elves, Junsha was late!

Taiyi naturally guessed this.

He showed a sarcastic smile, nodded, and said, "In that case, I'll take my leave. I don't want Silver Company to come after me for this matter again!"

This sentence carries a slight threat.

But Sasaki Shinichi had no choice but to smile bitterly: "No, it's just an elf egg. The Sasaki family can still afford it!"

In fact, in my heart, I don’t know how much blood I have shed.

Taichi didn't care about what happened to the Sasaki family. He walked out of the police station, found the right direction, and walked out of the city.

Within the city, no flying elves are allowed to fly freely.

This is the rule of the alliance. If someone violates it, the gym leader will tell you what the consequences will be.

Of course, if your strength exceeds that of the Gym Leader, there is nothing the Gym Leader can do to you.

But next, the Four Heavenly Kings will teach you a low-key truth!

In addition to performing missions, there are specific aircraft, and others are not allowed to fly at will.

Well, except for wild elves!

It's impossible for the Alliance to not allow flying elves like Bobo to fly in the city!

But manned flight is not possible!

Taiyi sensitively discovered that someone was staring at him.

"Are they from Team Rocket or from the Sasaki family?"

Taiyi sneered, if he was really from Team Rocket, he would definitely not let him go.

If it is the Sasaki family, then the Sasaki family is creating an enemy.

Taiyi would not make enemies casually, but he was never afraid of his enemies.

Shu Lao looked at Taiyi with a fake smile: "Are you sure? What is Team Rocket?"

Taiyi was too lazy to pay attention to the old guy who was causing trouble. He came outside the city and summoned Bi Diao: "The next step, Bi Diao, is up to you!"

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