"Is that so? Ogata Otoha?" Sasaki Shinichi looked at Ogata Otoha sternly and asked, if Taichi is right. So what happened this time seems very suspicious!

The other party did everything according to the rules, but why did Ogata Otoha lie?

What exactly is Ogata Otoha going to do? He doesn't seem simple!

Shinichi Sasaki was not completely unaware of his section chief. This person did not seem to be that simple. There was a lot of mystery behind him!

For example, the elf in Ogata Otoha's hand has been changed many times!

But every time the elves are changed, they are always of the same kind!

If it weren't for a chance, Shinichi Sasaki really wouldn't have known about this!

Based on what Taiyi just said, my junior is coming here today to get the Elf Egg from Lazy Otter!

As is the nature of a young man, he will definitely choose to play video games for a while!

So, what will be the result?

"By the way, you are Taichi Amuro!"

Before Ogata Otoha could answer, Sasaki Shinichi suddenly turned around and said with some shock.

He finally remembered why he felt a familiar feeling when seeing Taiyi.

In the cultivator examination held in Jinhuang City a few days ago, the youngest intermediate researcher got first place!

No wonder the other party is not afraid at all!

Silver Company is not a small company, it is a giant that dominates two regions!

It can be seen from the other party's elf that the other party is not a young man who doesn't understand anything!

So, why is the other party so calm when facing Silver Company?

Now everything is clear, the other party is Amuro Taichi! He is the youngest Zhongji researcher!

Although these are all important, they are not the most important.

The most important thing is the person behind the other person!

Dr. Oak!

This is a big shot that the entire alliance must be wary of!

Dr. Oki's research capabilities and connections are something that the entire Silver Company should be wary of.

Not to mention, many of Silver's products rely on Dr. Ohki's research and patents!

Once Dr. Ohki is angered, Silver Company will also be in trouble!

This is something the big boss would never want to see.

Then, the only ones who give in are the people below me!

The Sasaki family is not a small family, but compared to the Omu family, their influence is still slightly smaller.

Sasaki Shinichi flinched, he didn't want to make a big fuss.

At this time, there was only one thing Sasaki Shinichi wanted to do.

That is to send Taiyi away quickly!

Is this person a plague?

Every time there is anything to do with Silver Company, someone is going to be in trouble!

The former Junichiro Mori seems to be still in prison!

And Kenjiro Aoda is still in trouble.

In addition, there is a certain high-level person who was also involved in the previous Cerulean City incident.

These are all related to the young man in front of me!

Sure enough, this person is a plague, don't get infected easily.

Once it gets contaminated, bad things will happen!

Behind the scenes, Ogata Otoha was also keenly aware of Sasaki Shinichi's withdrawal, and he secretly thought it was not good!

If Sasaki Shinichi chickens out, then everything today will be in vain!

Moreover, the elf ball in his hand has been injected with the elf virus, and it is already in an irreversible state!

The elf ball in his hand began to shake. Ogata Otonoha knew that the arrow was on the string and he had to shoot it!

Taichi also noticed this. Looking at Shinichi Sasaki's expression, he knew that the other party was probably not a member of Team Rocket!

"Watch your back!" Taiyi shouted in time, and asked Bi Diao to continue attacking!

"Bi Diao, storm!"

At the same time, Taichi communicated with Casey and used telekinesis to snatch the elf ball from Ogata Otonoha's hand!

The elf ball flew up, making Ogata Otonha a little anxious!

"Action!" Ogata Otoha shouted, and the trainers behind seemed to be from Team Rocket.

Hearing Ogata Otonoha's voice, he immediately opened the Poké Balls.

Suddenly, several elves appeared in the underground warehouse!

Stylibee, Rata, Nidoking, Nidoqueen, and a Kingflower!

At this time, these elves were obviously in madness.

Without giving Shinichi Sasaki a chance to react, these elves began to attack violently as soon as they appeared.

Not only attacking those around them, but also attacking each other!

It can be seen that these elves have gone crazy!

And Taiyi has also seen the situation of the other elf.

Overlord Flower: Flower Pokémon (infected with the Elf Virus, going crazy)

Level: 43

Attribute: Grass/Poison

Features: Chlorophyll

Qualification: Green

Gender: Female

Skills: Fallen Flowers, Paralysis Powder, Sweet Smell, Growth, Moon Power, Hypnotic Powder, Petal Dance, Destruction of Light, Solar Beam

The display of the Heavenly Book has already let Taiyi know that the opponent must be Team Rocket!

Otherwise, where did it come from, the kind of elves that Sirona described in Zhenxin Town last time?

The elf balls that these people took out before were obviously specially made, and they contained the elf virus!

He put away the elf ball he had captured and kept shaking it in his hand. It looked like he was about to escape soon.

Taiyi took the elf ball into the world of the Book of Heaven and used the power of the Lord of the World to suppress the elf ball.

Under the tree, Mimikyu Q emerged from the shadows and looked curious when he saw the Poké Ball in front of him.

She reached out and wanted to touch this elf ball!

This elf ball reminded her of some past events, past events that she didn't want to recall!

But a thin film blocked her hand, and Mimikyu made an angry sound!

I have tried many times without any breakthrough!

In the end, Mimikyu had no choice but to sneak back into the shadows and stop paying attention to what was going on outside!

Ogata Otoha was actually in a show-off mood just now, and he wished that Taichi would snatch the elf ball away.

Elves who are injected with the elf virus will eventually go crazy.

Taiyi holds the elf ball in his hand. When the elf breaks out of the ball, Taiyi will be the first one to kill!

But things were different from what he thought. The Poké Ball in Taiyi's hand had gone somewhere.

That crazy elf didn't break the ball!

This greatly exceeded Ogata Otonoye's expectations!

But the few elves released by him immediately attacked the nearby team members!

This is where this Poké Ball is not perfect yet!

There is no distinction between friend and foe!

For the time being, within the Rockets, this is also used to break up the rear!

Ogata Otoha knew that he couldn't stay here any longer!

Glancing at Shinichi Sasaki who was lying on the ground, Ogata Otonoye felt malicious in his heart. He planned to kill Shinichi Sasaki!

If you can't win them over, then kill them.

He could still put the blame on Taichi. No matter what Taichi said, Shinichi Sasaki was going to die.

Then the Sasaki family will not give up!

fair enough!

Ogata Otoha thought!

Although Sasaki Shinichi fell to the ground, he actually did not lose consciousness. He watched the dagger in Ogata Otonoha's hand slowly approach him!

Sasaki Shinichi never expected that the result would be like this!

Is he going to die like this?

How can it be!

He is the manager of Silver Company. Although he is not a senior executive, he is already a quasi-senior executive!

He should be high-spirited like this.

Why didn't he bring all the elves with him?

Silver Company is not a safe place either!

His eyes widened, full of regret and unwillingness!

Then a water gun shot out!

"What? Are you preparing to escape?"

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