Pokemon: I farm in Zhenxin Town

Chapter 265 Shinichi Sasaki

Taiyi was not worried about the employees of Silver Company in front of him.

A group of people who are not elite trainers, the elves in their hands are elite level at best!

Within this narrow range, it is impossible to pose any great threat to yourself.

You can completely suppress the opponent by using Diao. This is a level of suppression.

Even if there are some omissions, Casey's protection is enough to protect Taiyi!

But Taichi still didn't feel reassured. This was one of the eight major cities in the Kanto region!

It is impossible for Silver Company to send only some professional-level trainers here. There will be no shortage of elite-level trainers and even gym master-level trainers!

Taiyi doesn't think that the alliance only has eight established gyms in each region.

So how difficult is the Gym Leader level?

Not to mention anything else, Taiyi himself has a gym leader-level elf!

Well, there’s more than one, and there’s also the salty goldfish king!

However, there is no water environment here. Even if the Goldfish King is a gym leader-level elf, even if he comes out, he may not be able to exert much fighting power!

This is the sadness of the fish elves!

Similar to Kuailong, it has great combat effectiveness whether in water, land or sky!

This is a high-quality elf!

Similarly, when the elves on land go to the sea, their combat effectiveness also drops drastically!

Even complete loss of combat effectiveness is not impossible!

What worries Taichi even more is that many of the elves used by these people are commonly used by Team Rocket!

Although saying this, it does not necessarily mean that these people are from Team Rocket!

But, this at least represents a certain possibility!

And this is originally the base of the Rockets, so the possibility of these people belonging to the Rockets greatly increases!

Taiyi is not worried about his own safety. He has Dr. Omu's Kuailong to protect him, and he has the Book of Heaven to escape at any time.

Therefore, Taiyi is not worried about his own safety.

Taiyi is worried that once the Rockets are offended, they will start attacking the surrounding citizens regardless!

An evil organization like Team Rocket is not impossible!

Across the way, sweat was pouring out from the forehead of the middle-aged section chief.

He was a little worried. Five million was not something he could afford to compensate.

The kid opposite looked like he had a complicated background. He was a little unsure about what to do!

"Boss, we can't hold it anymore!" a trainer shouted.

The section chief's face suddenly turned ugly, and he had no time to think about it!

He didn't expect that the child opposite had such a powerful elf!

They have a lot of elves on the field, dozens of them!

Unfortunately, the space here is too narrow to expand!

This is why one elf on the opposite side can block all these dozens of elves!

What if it's in an open place?

There is nothing you can do. If someone is outside and someone has Bi Diao, they will just run away.

The section principal gritted his teeth and could no longer sit still and wait for death!

He was not the one who handled today's matter, but he also knew that in fact, today's matter was originally done by them deliberately to drag that person into the water.

Although he was not the one who handled it, he still knew about it!

He gritted his teeth and took out a Poke Ball from his back.

The middle-aged class principal seemed to have made up his mind: "You guys should take it out too!"

Taiyi was stunned. From the expression of the person opposite, Taiyi saw something.

"No way! So unlucky?"

Taiyi couldn't help but think of Sirona's arrival in Zhenxin Town after the New Year!

The opponent is really Team Rocket. What kind of potion are they going to use?

At this moment, Taichi saw the middle-aged section chief pressing a button on the Poké Ball!

That's not the button that releases the genie!

Moreover, Taichi noticed that this Poké Ball was specially made, although it still looked like a red and white ball!

But there is an extra button on the outside. If you don’t look carefully, you can’t see it!

But now, Taiyi knows that it should be a device infused with the spiritual virus!

A very angry, angry emotion filled Taiyi's head!


Taiyi was really angry, these people simply didn’t regard elves as their lives!

In this way, these people will naturally not regard other people as human beings!

That's too much. It's indeed the Rockets!

Tai took out Dr. Ohki's dragon's elf ball in one hand, and he knew that he had no choice.

If he didn't use Kuailong, he would have no way to deal with the opponent.

As for using teleportation to escape, that was the last resort.

These elves have been injected with the elven virus. Once released, it would be unimaginable.

These elves will attack everything crazily before they fall!

But at this moment, a majestic voice came!

"What happened to you? Why are everyone missing? Where have they gone?"

As the sound came, a majestic middle-aged man walked down from above and quickly noticed the situation here!

"Ogata Otoha, what's going on?" When Shinichi Sasaki drank, why did this situation feel so strange? Someone actually dared to come to Silver Company to rob?

And the one who robbed was a child?

"Manager Sasaki, you came just in time. The robbers who came from nowhere actually broke into our company's safe warehouse and snatched away the Lazy Otter's elf egg!"

At this time, Lazy Otter's elf egg was still in Taichi's hand, and Shinichi Sasaki saw it at a glance.

Suddenly, Sasaki Shinichi's eyes became sharp.

He applied for that elf egg, and it was originally prepared for one of his juniors.

"Who are you? I advise you to put down that elf egg quickly. This is Silver Company, you can't escape!" Shinichi Sasaki drank, but he was also a little worried because he saw Casey on Taichi's shoulder.

Um? Why does this person look so familiar?

Sasaki Shinichi felt a little strange!

Taiyi suddenly laughed out loud: "Silver Company is really fun! This section chief is even more funny. Do you know what this is?"

Taiyi raised a redemption list in his hand, which he got at the front desk before coming down.

It was to prevent being slandered, and it was originally just a precaution.

That vague feeling always reminded him of some danger.

Sure enough, there is no good one in Silver Company.

Every time I meet Silver Company, something seems to happen!

Sasaki Shinichi frowned. He didn't know what was written on it, but he knew that it was the redemption list for the Silver Company's video game room!

There is no doubt about it, no need to doubt it!

Shinichi Sasaki comes into contact with this every day, he is so familiar!

"What is that?" Sasaki Shinichi asked.

Taiyi sneered: "The section chief told me just now that the employees hired by your company, oh, they were temporary workers, had tampered with the slot machine. It was originally meant for some big shot to win the prize. Who knew I would beat him to it? Get there first. So, the slot machine exploded, and the game coins given to me were to be taken back by Silver Company! Then, this elf egg was mistakenly placed on the redemption list by a temporary worker. But I want to say, I spent I bought the game currency with money, played the game normally, got the game currency, and exchanged this elf egg normally. Now the exchange has ended, well, you can ask the sister at the front desk about this. In this way, Xi and I The contact with Erfo Company has ended, and this elf egg already belongs to me! So do you still want to use force to rob me?"

Taichi looked at Shinichi Sasaki on the ground with some amusement!

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