Pokemon: I farm in Zhenxin Town

Chapter 264 Still have to take action

Naturally, the middle-aged section chief would not let such words spread, so this was simply indoors.

Taiyi was anxious before, so he followed the waiter to exchange the elf eggs!

This was not a mistake, but the section chief responded quickly and rushed over as soon as he received the news.

Therefore, the section chief and his men blocked Taiyi underground.

The middle-aged section chief said: "You can't say that. This is because a temporary worker hired by our company had a problem and put an elf egg on it that should not have appeared on the exchange list. In addition, the machine was also used by that person. The temporary worker tried to make a profit for himself! Who would have thought that you would be the one to do it, huh? Maybe you had an agreement with the temporary worker? "

The more the middle-aged head teacher spoke, the more he felt that he was right!

He looked at Taiyi with an increasingly sharp look: "Tell me, what is your relationship with that temporary worker?"

In fact, he knew that person was not a temporary worker. The purpose of tampering with the machine is entirely to please a person of high status.

But something has happened at this time, and these responsibilities must be thrown away!

Tai Yi was dumbfounded, the matter of temporary workers, no matter which world they are in, they are all played so smoothly!

Anyway, if something goes wrong, it must be a temporary worker!

Don’t the available units think about these issues when recruiting temporary workers?

This is completely shirking responsibility!

Moreover, by throwing the responsibility on yourself, you are preparing to use violence!

Taiyi sneered: "Silver Company is still as disgusting as ever! This is not the first time I have seen such an ugly face!"

Although his tone was cold, his expression was very calm, as if he was not worried about his safety at all.

Taiyi's performance made the middle-aged class principal a little uneasy. Could it be that he was also a noble person?

If so, he still has to take the responsibility for today's matter!


Thinking of what would happen to him if the truth of the matter was found out.

The middle-aged section chief's face darkened and he said: "I see that you have such a powerful elf at such a young age. Could it be someone from a big family? I advise you not to resist. We will take you down." , send it to the police station, and the truth will eventually be found out. Otherwise, our Silver Company is not a vegetarian."

Silver Company is naturally not a vegetarian. How could a large company that dominates two regions be a vegetarian?

I don’t know how many people in the alliance are involved with Silver Company.

Taiyi saw through the middle-aged section chief's plan, and he knew that the other party definitely wanted to take advantage of the chaos to deal with him.

As long as the matter is over, Silver Company will take over the matter no matter what.

If Taiyi's background is too big, it can't be bigger than Silver Company's background, right?

The boss of the company has a very high status. Senior officials within the alliance all have contacts with the boss!

Taiyi said: "Okay, it's time to stop talking nonsense. If you want me to catch you without mercy, it's definitely impossible. This is not the first time I've seen the ugly face of Silver Company. But I still advise you not to act rashly. . It is not a good idea to launch a hasty attack without knowing who your opponent is!"

That's where kindness ends. If the other party gives up, Taiyi won't make any further progress!

Anyway, he already had the elf egg, and there was no way he would let it go.

In fact, Taiyi didn't want to conflict with the other party, Taiyi suddenly remembered at this moment.

Isn't the Silver Company branch in Golden City the secret base of Team Rocket?

Team Rocket is really awesome. They dug out such a large area under Cerulean City as a base!

That is the dark-under-the-light strategy.

If it weren't for the street demolition in Hualan City, perhaps the underground structure would not have been exposed.

In Golden City, Silver's branch of the giant company has actually become the base of Team Rocket.

There is also Joban City, the gym is the base of Team Rocket.

In this elven world, the alliance is like a sieve, leaking air everywhere!

But the middle-aged section chief obviously didn't intend to stop peacefully.

"Gas bombs, poisonous smoke!"

"Abo snake, poisonous needle!"

"Fearless boy, rockfall!"

A series of elves were summoned and used moves.

Taiyi was also prepared for this. Casey's wall of light had been opened to protect Taiyi.

"Bi Diao, storm!"

This was something Bi Diao learned when he and Kuailong were learning the power of wind, and it was considered a side benefit.

Bi Diao is much more proficient in mastering the power of wind than before.

This is the benefit of having a famous teacher teach you!

As the saying goes, if you truly preach one sentence, you will falsely preach thousands of books!

Without the guidance of a famous teacher, I can only explore by myself. In the secret realm, I don't know how long I wasted. I can't go up the level, and my foundation is not solid!

After following Taiyi, my foundation was replenished, and with the guidance of a famous teacher, my combat effectiveness improved quickly!

Bird Pokémon: Bird Pokémon

Level: 60

Attributes: Normal/Flying

Features: Strong chest muscles

Qualification: Green

Gender: Male

Skills: Hot wind, impact, wind, sand splash, lightning flash, parrot, blow away, feather perch, air slash, whirlwind blade, high-speed movement, headbutt, guard, substitute, reflection wall, feather dance, divine speed, storm

The bird's wings flapped rapidly, creating a huge storm.

The elves and trainers on the opposite side were all blown around!

This was obviously beyond the expectations of the middle-aged class principal. He had no idea that this young elf was so powerful!

It’s not that he has no vision, but the middle-aged section chief feels that no matter how powerful the elf is, he is at the pinnacle of the professional level at most!

Such a young child is probably just a trainer who has just come out to travel. How powerful an elf can he be?

The alliance has regulations that when young people from big families come out and bring the elves of their elders with them, they can only passively defend and cannot actively attack!


Was I the one who attacked first?

The middle-aged head teacher suddenly thought, could this Bi Diao be a spirit protector given to this young man by his elders?

Unfortunately, what happened has already happened, and now, he has nothing to do.

Thinking of this, the middle-aged section chief took out his trump card.

"Double bomb gas, Abo monster, attack the opponent's eagle!"

At this time, the middle-aged section chief actually wanted to attack Taiyi.

Compared to trainers, elves' defense is too high.

If the trainer can be captured, the other party's elves must also be obedient.

Unfortunately, the alliance has laws and cannot directly attack the trainer!

The child's elf on the other side only attacked the trainer when Storm was attacking.

This is possible.

This is just because of the terrain here, the storm cannot be dispersed at all and can only be concentrated together, so when the attack is carried out, the trainer is also brought in.

Other trainers also quickly summoned more powerful elves.

"Zhan Wulang, the decision is yours!"

"Bibi Bird, attack the opponent's Beagle!"

"Spearhead, please!"

"Dream-inducing tapir, telekinesis!"

Tai is not worried at all about this.

The levels of these elves have improved a lot, but most of them are still professional level and are no match for Bi Diao.

There are a few elite level ones, but Bi Diao is already at the peak of the gym leader level at this time.

Moreover, after studying with Kuailong, Bi Diao made up for his own basic deficiencies, and his mastery of attributes and moves was greatly improved.

If it were in a wide place, Bi Diao would really not be a match for the opponent if it couldn't maneuver.

But in such a narrow place, Bi Diao was not afraid of the opponent at all.


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