Pokemon: I farm in Zhenxin Town

Chapter 236 The encrypted file was cracked

Taiyi is not sure about Bi Diao's situation.

At this time, his consciousness had entered the world of the Book of Heaven to see the situation of the Mimikyu Q.

This Mimikyu Q, as usual, was lying under the fruit tree, motionless.

Just by looking at it with the naked eye, you wouldn't know what she was doing.

This Mimikyu has very high qualifications, and Taiyi really hopes to conquer this elf.

Hidden in the shadows, no one else knows.

In this way, on the surface, it is Casey who is closely protecting him. But in fact, it was this Mimikyu Q.

This is the last guarantee, well, besides one's own strength.

It's a pity that this Mimikyu Q seems to be really incompetent.

After so many days, there is still no sign of softening.

Not to mention softening, every time he faces Taiyi, he will show strong aggression.

It is true that in the world of the Book of Heaven, Taiyi is immune to Mimikyu Q's attacks, and can also use his own privileges to immobilize Mimikyu Q.

But this is a big obstacle to the cultivation of feelings between both parties.

Unfortunately, this Mimikyu will eat the elf food that Taiyi feeds every day without hesitation.

Then, I still go my own way.

It's like, the enemy's sugar-coated cannonball, I eat the sugar-coating, but the cannonball still has to be shot back!

"He is an elf with character and perseverance!"

Taiyi sighed, he felt that he needed more time to tame this Mimikyu!

But Taichi suddenly thought: "What if Mimikyu really doesn't want to be subdued?"

This thought just passed through his mind, and Taiyi didn't think much about it at this time.

But this idea seems to have taken root, always popping up from time to time.

When they arrived at Joban City, Taiyi got off Bi Diao and put Bi Diao away.

Entering Joban City, he wanted to transfer to the aircraft and head to Golden City.

While waiting, Taiyi went to the Elf Center and met with Joy Xiang.

Good friends meet and both of them are very happy.

Unfortunately, Joey Xiang happened to be busy with something, so Taiyi didn't bother Joey Xiang.

I just said a few words and went to the aircraft square to wait.

Not long after, Taiyi's aircraft was ready to take off.

After Taiyi got on the aircraft, he did not sit idle, but continued to study in the world of the Book of Heaven.

He has already prepared everything he should prepare for the cultivator's exam.

There is no use in cramming again.

What Taiyi was studying at this time was the information he snatched from Team Rocket from the underground building in Cerulean City.

Not to mention, that researcher is really awesome and knowledgeable.

Although he is not as good as Dr. Ohki, he still has more experience than Dr. Ohki in terms of genetics.

It's not that the researcher is better than Dr. Ohki, but because Dr. Ohki doesn't have that many elves to experiment with.

Dr. Ohki couldn't bear it and was unwilling to adopt that model.

When the aircraft took off, Taiyi didn't pay much attention.

Halfway through the flight, there was a crisp sound of something breaking.

Taiyi was a little strange, thinking that the aircraft was attacked!

Shu Lao's chuckle sounded: "It's finally broken!"

Taiyi was stunned and quickly remembered that Shu Lao used the Heavenly Book to copy the information of the Rockets researcher.

But some of them are encrypted. During this period, Shu Lao often spent time cracking the encryption.

At this point, the encrypted file should be cracked.

Then, it was revealed in the heavenly book.

Shu Lao couldn't help but feel infected, and Taiyi quickly looked over.

Suddenly I understood why Shu Lao was sighing.

"Shu Lao, this is actually Team Rocket's secret document!"

Taiyi also sighed, there are a lot of secret files of Team Rocket in this.

There is one among them, a big red document!

"The feasibility of resurrecting the legendary elves!"

Taichi knew from the anime that Team Rocket had always wanted to artificially create a legendary elf.

But this is based on the genes of legendary elves!

Obviously, this is not the first time the Rockets have conducted such an experiment!

Taiyi was a little surprised, why do they have so many genes from legendary elves?

Could it be that, in addition to that dreamy eyelash, Team Rocket also has genes from other legendary elves?

Taiyi suddenly remembered that the Rockets were chasing their father and son that day.

Shu Lao's Tui Yun body was created because Tian Shu absorbed the genes of the legendary elf Tui Yun.

In other words, Team Rocket may not be here for the property or the crustacean that day.

Compared to quasi-god elves, the genes of legendary elves are obviously more worthy of Team Rocket’s snatching!

"Well, if you put it that way, as long as you have the genes of the legendary elves, can the Book of Heaven create more bodies of the legendary elves?"

It doesn't matter whether you have a soul or not.

Anyway, Shu Lao's soul can enter the body of the legendary elf.

Even if we can't come out to fight together, we can still have the opportunity to change bodies. In this way, our safety will be greater!

Taiyi was still imagining, but Shu Lao decisively interrupted the topic: "Don't think about it. The energy of the Heavenly Book has been completely consumed long ago. The ability to combine the legendary elves and create a body has disappeared. No more If you want this kind of ability, you have to wait for how many years of accumulation. For now, don’t even think about it!”

Taiyi rolled his eyes: "Just thinking about it. I don't expect that."

Despite what he said, there was still a feeling of loss in his heart.

Legendary elves, who doesn’t want them?

He also wants to have Arceus in his left hand and Mew in his right hand, and then summon some kind of Phoenix King, Divine Pillar King, etc.

If there was a legendary elf in the team, he would definitely not dislike it.

What a pity, there is only Diyun!

Shu Lao felt Taiyi's disgust and was speechless: "What's wrong with Di Diyun? Did Di Diyun eat your tree fruit?"

Taiyi chuckled: "It's okay. Just thinking about it. The height of the land cloud is not something ordinary elves can reach."

It’s better not to offend Shu Lao, lest you suffer a small loss again.

Continuing to look at the information, in addition to the feasibility report on resurrecting the legendary elves, there are also many secrets.

Taiyi sighed, these Rockets people really dare to think about anything.

There is also a hybrid experiment between elves from different egg groups. This is something that no one wants to see, but Team Rocket dares to experiment.

It can be said that for the sake of strength, there is nothing the Rockets dare not do.

There is also some knowledge copied by elves, which Taiyi has temporarily sealed.

He doesn't have time to study yet, and he doesn't want to try.

However, this kind of knowledge is not completely useless.

If you encounter a disabled elf, this knowledge should still be useful.

In the elf world, there are so many moves, but it will end if you are not really knocked unconscious.

Elves kill people, and being disabled is not a strange thing.

There are many such elves in Zhenxin Town, and the townspeople in Zhenxin Town are very honest and do not abandon these disabled elves!

But outside, there are countless trainers who will abandon these elves once they encounter disabled elves!

Every year, I don’t know how many tragedies like this happen!

Before the aircraft was about to arrive in Golden City, Taiyi saw the last document, which made Taiyi a little excited.

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